Xinhua Pharmaceutical: Mr. Du Duping resigned as a director and general manager of the company

Author:Daily Economic News Time:2022.07.01

Every time AI News, Xinhua Pharmaceutical (SZ 000756, closing price: 26.38 yuan) issued an announcement on the evening of July 1st, saying that the board of directors of Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ("Company") received the company's directors on July 1, 2022, The written resignation report submitted by the general manager Mr. Du Duping. Mr. Du Duping applied for a resignation of the company's directors, general manager, and all professional committees of the company and the company's subsidiaries due to work changes. After resignation, no longer hold any position in the company. As of the disclosure of this announcement, Mr. Dudping held about 180,000 A shares in the company.

From January to December 2021, Xinhua Pharmaceutical's operating income composition: 41.78%of the original chemical drug manufacturing industry, 39.81%of chemical drug preparation manufacturing, and 18.41%of pharmaceutical intermediates and other proportion.

As of press time, the market value of Xinhua Pharmaceutical was 17.7 billion yuan.

Daeda1997 "Single Stock Trends" reminder:

1. Xinhua Pharmaceuticals' shareholding in northern direction in the past 30 days decreased by 3.8869 million shares, accounting for 0.89%of the proportion of circulation shares;

2. In the past 30 days, there was no restoration to investigate Xinhua Pharmaceutical.

For more stock trend information, please search for the WeChat public account "Daida", reply "Query", and receive free query permissions!

Every headline (nbdtoutiao) -D digging people "bidding"! This industry is staged a "grabbing" war

(Reporter Chen Pengcheng)

Disclaimer: The content and data of this article are for reference only, do not constitute investment suggestions, and verify before use. Based on this, the risk is on its own.

Daily Economic News

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