How did Makale become "net red milk"?Last year spent more than 9 million to do live broadcast

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.01

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 1st (Yan Shuxin Niuchao Pavilion) On the evening of the 30th, McWell issued an announcement saying that the company has been removed and sealed on related issues, and the local regulatory authorities have also settled in the company. Sample testing.

Due to the detection of low -toxic additives of meterol in pure milk, on the 30th, the news of Macrity's pure milk was once on Weibo to search for the first, and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange also sent a letter to it. In the secondary market, after the company's stock price fell on the 30th, it opened a low and closed down 0.38%on the first day.

In the past two years, McWell has frequently appeared in major live broadcast rooms, and has been evaluated by netizens' "shocking milk" because of "delicious". It is worth mentioning that McWell is not a new brand. Behind it is a dairy company that has been established for 20 years. So how does it become "net red milk"?

Last year spent more than 9 million to do live broadcast

Maiquer has become a "net red milk", which is related to the increase in Xinjiang milk heat in the past two years.

In the past two years, Xinjiang's milk heat has increased significantly, and the products of major brands have frequently appeared in the evaluation and grass planting articles in major social media. Since 2021, some head anchors have also opened a special show for Xinjiang Public Welfare Live. Many Xinjiang milk brands such as Makale, Tianrun, and Western Central Chun have gradually been known by more consumers through the live broadcast room.

Tmall supermarket data shows that in the first three quarters of 2021, Xinjiang milk sales increased by nearly 200%year -on -year.

"The rapid development of online live broadcast has made some old -fashioned dairy companies see a new development opportunity, and they have also begun to promote product sales with the help of this form." Dairy analyst Song Liang said to Zhongxin Jingwei.

Maiquer obviously seized the opportunity. On the one hand, the company cooperates with the head anchor, and on the other hand, it also opened a flagship store on the live broadcast platforms such as Douyin, claiming that "the establishment of a factory in 1988" and "the high -quality milk source of the Tianshan Ranch in Xinjiang" and so on.

In May 2021, Melqu also mentioned in answering investors' questions, "The company intends to find online celebrities with high network traffic to live broadcast and bring goods."

Zhongxin Jingwei noticed that in 2021, Macquett's sales fee reached 123 million yuan, an increase of 19.59%over the same period last year, of which the new e -commerce live broadcast cost was 9.062 million yuan. About 7%.

The investment in the live broadcast also made Mc omise taste the sweetness. According to media reports, on the list of Tmall dairy products in Double 11 in 2020, McWell ranked ninth; 2021 Tmall Double Eleven, McMail has appeared in TOP5 in the milk beverage brand. Among the 618 promotion just passed, McWell was ranked first in TOP10 in TOP10.

The annual report data shows that in 2021, dairy products achieved revenue of 733 million yuan, an increase of 57.75%year -on -year, and the proportion of operating income also increased from 37.92%in 2019 to 63.94%.

Threatened to create "the best milk in China"

According to public information, McWell was formerly known as Xinjiang Meloir Dairy Co., Ltd. It was established in December 2002. In December 2009, it was changed to Meloel Group Co., Ltd. in December 2009. It was listed in A shares in January 2014.

Maiquer was a childhood memory of many Xinjiang consumers. "I remember when I was in elementary school in a few years, I often wrote homework in Makale's stores." Li Wei (a pseudonym) of Karamay, Xinjiang told Zhongxin Jingwei.

Photo confession of Maiqul store interviewees

In Li Wei's impression, McWell's offline stores are more like a dessert shop, which sells more than selling milk, but also ice cream, cakes, etc. When the New Year's Eve, you will sell dumplings and moon cakes. "I rarely drink Matur's milk, but I will go to their stores to buy desserts." Li Wei said.

"The ice cream in Mc omise Store is really delicious. I ate from 3 yuan to 12 yuan each. Unfortunately, from around 2014, ice cream was withdrawn from Maiquel Store." Gulinur (a pseudonym (a pseudonym ) Also mentioned.

Gulinule told Zhongxin Jingwei that McWell's milk was sold more expensive in Xinjiang. In Karamay, a box of most common Macquett pure milk (200ml) is about 4 yuan, while other local brands such as gold and green, Tianrun and other local brands, many pure milk of the same specifications is less than 3 yuan.

Photo confession of McMIC product interviewees

Zhongxin Jingwei noticed that in the 2021 annual report, McWell also mentioned his "mid -to -high -end" positioning many times, and said that after years of development, the company has a certain market position and brand influence in the industry. In Xinjiang, the high -end liquid dairy product segment is in the leading position of the industry.

In addition, McWell also emphasized that the company is located in the northern slope of the Xinjiang Tianshan Northern Poor Economic Belt. It is 16 hours a long sunlight. It is a veritable golden pasture and has a good foundation for dairy breeding.

Just get rid of the risk of delisting

It is worth mentioning that, as a regional dairy company, the size of Meloel is not large.

According to Wind data, in 2021, McWell's revenue ranked 12th among 18 listed dairy companies in A shares, only 1.146 billion yuan. Enterprise Tianrun Dairy.

Not only that, in 2018 and 2019, McWell has been warned by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for two consecutive years of losses, and the stock abbreviation is changed to "*ST Maiqu".

In 2020, McWell turned losses into profits to achieve a net profit of 51.8552 million yuan in mother; in 2021, although the company's net profit attributable to the mother fell sharply by 65.01%, it also made a profit of 18.457 million yuan. In March 2021, McElr applied to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for a "remove hat". After that, the company's shares were revoked to the delisting risk warning from December 20, 2021. Song Liang told Zhongxin Jingwei that in the past two years, the online live broadcast promoted Xinjiang milk, and the performance of related companies has also improved significantly.

However, for Meloel, the food safety incident may become a major uncertain factor in its 2022 performance. Zhongxin Jingwei has noticed that at present, McWell has been removed and sealed on related issues. On the e -commerce platforms such as and Tmall, the pure milk series products in the official flagship store of McMell have also been removed.

In the letter of follow issued on June 30, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange also required Mc omise to explain whether the company's daily production and operation will have significant impacts on the company's daily production and operation.

"In the past two years, the epidemic has had a certain impact on all walks of life. For dairy companies, there may be problems such as inadequate raw material distribution and delay in commodity circulation, so that there is a certain food safety risk. In a special period, the more related companies need to strengthen the management of personnel and strengthen the management of food safety. At any time, the string of food safety cannot be relaxed. "Song Liang said. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

(The views in the article are for reference only, do not constitute investment suggestions, have risks in investment, and need to be cautious to enter the market.)

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Editor in charge: Li Zhongyuan

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