Wuping: I received a thank you letter from the retired soldiers outside the province

Author:Red Culture Weekly Time:2022.07.02

Wuping: I received a thank you letter from the retired soldiers outside the province

"Thanks to the motherland for not forgetting me. For a month, the preferential treatment was successful. I received it today. I am too happy ..." Xiao Lan, a retired soldier in Wuping County, who lives in Taihe Town, Taihe Town, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province. When he was sent to him at the Wuping County Retired Military Service Center, he was happy.

On April 28, the telephone ring of the Wuding County Retired Military Service Center rang, "Hello! Is it the Wuping County Retired Military Service Center? I want to consult the preferential treatment. I am Xiaolan's wife. Xiaolan is in Qingyuan City When a public security bureau is working, the household registration is in Pingchuan Street, Wuping County. I heard that you are more strictly reviewing. You also need to provide the enlistment and retirement registration form. However, the current outbreak has begun to upgrade again. Lan's wife Xiao Li consulting staff said something.

The staff patiently responded to Xiao Li: A variety of channels such as the treatment of the preferential treatment and the entrustment of the entrustment on the spot, as long as the information is complete, it can be handled.

A few days later, Xiao Li took the relevant information as required, and sent it to the center staff through email encryption. After downloading the staff, the staff deleted the email as soon as possible to ensure that the personal information was not leaked. Immediately after the information was organized, the "National Retired Military Comprehensive Service Platform" was set up and set up a file and a preferential certificate. On May 15th, the photo was returned due to the unqualified photo, and the next day was uploaded again. On June 15, the preferential card system was successfully issued to the Wuping County Retired Military Service Center. On June 18, Xiao Lan successfully received the preferential certificate.

To this end, Xiao Lan wrote a letter of thanks to express her gratitude. This thank you letter is the affirmation of the "efficient", "convenient", "passion", and "thoughtful" service of all staff members of the Wuping County Retired Military Service Center in handling work!

▲ The circle of friends of Xiao Lan's wife Xiao Li Fa

Since the management of the preferential certificate is launched, the Wuping County Retired Military Service Center has selected two retired soldiers and party members to be responsible for it, in terms of network technology support, business processing training, electronic archives classification, office equipment equipment, professional options, processing progress, etc. A reasonable scheduling and accurate options were carried out. As of now, the Wuping County Excellent Certificate has entered the normal operation stage. The county's 17 townships and county retired soldiers service centers can provide high -quality and fast -moving soldiers for retired soldiers in the county. At the same time, a number of units and enterprises such as three banks, county hospitals, China Petroleum Wuding Company, Liang Yeshan Scenic Area, Education Base, etc., so that more retired soldiers can enjoy better services and preferential preferential treatment for more retired soldiers. Activities continue to improve the sense of honor and happiness.

Supply: Wuping County Retired Military Affairs Bureau

Source: Longyan Retired Military Affairs Bureau

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