V viewing financial report | Two or 100 billion market value lithium industry giants!The suspected insider trading was established, and the shareholders of 200,000 shareholders were affected

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.03

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 3rd, the lithium industry giants with a market value of more than 200 billion were performed.

On the evening of the 3rd, Ganfeng Lithium announced that on July 1st, the China Securities Regulatory Commission's "Notice of Filing Case" (number: CSRC Case 0252022001) was suspected For relevant laws and regulations, the China Securities Regulatory Commission decided to file a case on the company on January 24, 2022.

Source: Ganfeng Lithium Announcement

Ganfeng Lithium said that the above matters will not affect the company's normal production and operation activities. The company will continue to pay attention to the progress of the above matters, actively cooperate with the relevant work of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and strictly follow the supervision requirements to fulfill the information disclosure obligations.

According to the official website, Ganfeng Lithium Industry runs through all aspects of lithium resource development, midstream lithium salt processing, metal lithium smelting, downstream lithium battery manufacturing, and comprehensive recycling of waste batteries. Chemicals and pharmaceutical areas. Enterprise lithium ore resources are spread across many countries and regions around the world, and they also have "brine lithium", "lithium lithium" and "recycling lithium" industrialization technology; they have battery manufacturing and recycling capabilities, which are electric vehicles, batteries, electronic equipment, etc. Manufacturers provide raw material supply, battery customization, waste battery cycle utilization solution, etc.

According to the data, Ganfeng Lithium was established in March 2000. It is a private enterprise with a registered address in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province. The legal representative is Li Liangbin. The largest shareholder is Hong Kong Central Clearing (Agent) Co., Ltd. As of the closing of last Friday (July 1), the total market value of Ganfeng Lithium industry was 244.1 billion yuan.

Ganfeng Lithium did not mention the specific insider transactions in the announcement.

However, a few days ago, Ganfeng Lithium also received a regulatory letter issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

On June 8th, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange pointed out in the regulatory letter that the "Announcement on the Company's 2021 Annual Report Inquiry Letter of the Company's 2021 Annual Report Inquiry Letter" disclosed on May 17, 2022 shows that in February 2022 , The company and Shanghai Jujin -Gui Enterprise Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) jointly invested in the establishment of Xinyu Ganfeng Mining Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ganfeng Mining"). After 10.13%of the audited net assets in 2020, Ganfeng Lithium did not timely perform information disclosure obligations on the above investment matters.

In addition, the "Announcement on the acquisition of 100%property share involving mining rights investment" disclosed by Ganfeng Lithium on March 9, 2021 shows that the company intends to acquire Yili Hongdaye's equity investment partnerships for 1.470 billion yuan ( Limited partnership) 100%property share. The "2021 Annual Report" disclosed by Ganfeng Lithium on March 31, 2022 shows that the above acquisitions have been completed on December 3, 2021, and the company has not disclosed relevant delivery or transfer issues in time.

The above behavior of Ganfeng Lithium violated Article 6.1.2 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's "Stock Listing Rules (Amendment of 2022)" and Article 7.6 of the "Stock Listing Rules (Amendment of 2020)". The Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires Ganfeng Lithium to fully attach great importance to the above issues, learn lessons, rectify in time, and prevent the above problems.

In terms of financial data, the first quarterly report showed that during the period of Ganfeng's lithium, operating income was 5.365 billion yuan, an increase of 233.91%year -on -year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 3.525 billion yuan, an increase of 640.41%year -on -year. In 2021, Ganfeng Lithium Industry achieved operating income of 11.162 billion yuan, an increase of 102.07%year -on -year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 5.228 billion yuan, an increase of 410.26%year -on -year.

In terms of shareholders, as of the end of the first half of the year, Ganfeng Lithium Industry A shares have a total of 20,2684 households. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

Pay attention to the official WeChat public account of JWVIEW (JWVIEW) to get more elite financial information.

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