let's go!The yellow skin in this village of Zengcheng, Guangzhou is familiar →

Author:Zengcheng District Rong Media Time:2022.07.04

At about 6 am on July 2nd, the sky was on, and the entrance and exit gate of the yellow peel planting base in Shidan Town scared at the Gang Village, as if the market in the township, the voices of the fruit merchants and the sound of farmers' screams.

The yellow skin is very good, and the quality is good

Entering the yellow peel planting base of scareing the Gang Village, a low -yellow yellow skin tree is densely covered on the farmland. The clusters of golden fruits are covered with branches. The rural bumper harvesting is unfolding slowly.

The villager Li Ronggen had a satisfying smile on his face: "This year, the yellow skin is very good, the result is high, and the quality is excellent, which has attracted countless fruit merchants to come to buy. See, I am rushing to harvest yellow skin to the fruit merchant. Woolen cloth."

Zengcheng's largest yellow skin planting professional village -scared village

According to reports, the Huangpi planting industry in the Gang Village began in the 1980s, and the initial planting area was less than 10 acres. In recent years, the scale of yellow peel in the village has continued to expand. The households in the village have grown yellow skin, as many as ten acres and less than three or four acres.

Nowadays, the scale of yellow peel planting in Gangchen Village has reached more than 800 acres, becoming the largest yellow skin planting professional village and yellow -skinned science popularization demonstration base in Zengcheng.

Among them, chicken heart yellow skin, beef heart yellow peel, rock sugar yellow skin and other varieties are mainly planted, and the annual sales volume is tens of millions of pounds, which has become the pillar industry of scared villages.

Li Dawen, secretary of the Party Branch of Scaring Gang Village, said: "This year, the output of Huangpi acre reached 2,500 catties, and the purchase price per catty was 5-6 yuan. At least 10,000 yuan in villagers planted for each household, and many of them could even reach 4 - 50,000 yuan income. "

Continuous improvement and improvement of yellow skin quality

In order to bring better economic benefits to the villagers, in 2011, the "two committees" team of the Gang Village took the lead in organizing the establishment of Zengcheng and Fenghuangpi Professional Cooperative to regularly organize farmers' technical training courses. For training lectures, the introduction of new technologies and new varieties and new technologies and branches, scientific fertilization, and pest control of pests in farmers continuously improve and improve the quality of yellow skin.

Taste Huangpi Fruit and promote villagers to increase their income

In recent years, scare the village to take the opportunity to promote the revitalization of the countryside, and formulate a plan to scare the infrastructure construction and environmental improvement and improvement action plan of scaring the village park. Upgrade and transform the roads, pipe networks, and water conservancy facilities in the village, beautify the appearance of village villages and villages, and provide protection for yellow skin planting, picking, transportation and sales, attract tourists to play, taste yellow skin, and promote villagers to increase their income Essence

According to reports, the picking period of the yellow peel in the Gangchen Village will continue until the end of July. Interested neighborhoods may wish to personally pick up yellow peels and yellow skin, or purchase and deliver the goods at home online, and meet the taste of Zengcheng in the midsummer.

Source: Rong Media Center, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou

Text Reporter: Zhu Liting Photography Reporter: Xiong Weidang

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