Jiangsu Zhenjiang: This year, wheat production increases and increases farmers' grain planting more enthusiastic

Author:Su Zongli Time:2022.07.04

Recently, the Zhenjiang Development and Reform Commission's survey on the cost of planting costs of nine farmers in Danyang area showed that compared with the same period last year, the purchase price of wheat in Zhenjiang City this year rose nearly 20%. In addition, the increase in output increased significantly.


According to the relevant person in charge of Zhenjiang Agricultural and Rural Bureau, this year's growth mainly reflects three aspects, one is the increase in yield per mu. The survey shows that the rainwater light is coordinated during the growth of wheat this year, the diseased and insect pests are in a timely manner, and there is no falling situation during harvest. The wheat quality is good and the output is high. The average yield of nine farmers' wheat was 387.5 kg, an increase of 7.5%year -on -year. Second, the sales price rose nearly 20%. This year, the overall quality of the wheat is good, the level is high, the price is 141.97 yuan/50kg, the year -on -year increase is 19%. The minimum purchase price of 50kg national wheat. The third is increased planting income. The survey showed that this year's fertilizer, pesticides, and fuel prices rose, and the average cash cost of small planting per mu was 704.6 yuan, an increase of 9.9%year -on -year. Due to the double increase of wheat prices and sales, the average output value of wheat per mu this year was 1117 yuan, an increase of 27.4%year -on -year, and the average cash income of the acre was 399 yuan, an increase of 163.7 yuan/mu, an increase of 69.6%. Fourth, the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain has increased.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Price Department of the Zhenjiang Development and Reform Commission, since the severe losses in food income in the past few years, since last year, the state has continuously expanded and deepened the breadth and intensity of the policy measures of farmers to support agricultural production, increased farmers' income, and achieved significant results. With the increasing income of grain planting, farmers' enthusiasm for grain planting has further increased. (Jiang Xinyu)

Editor in charge: Zhang Pengyun

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