Changji Prefecture's multi -measures to improve the quality and efficiency of investment promotion. In May of the first May

Author:Changji Daily Time:2022.07.04

Changji Daily News (All Media Reporter Heyan Ma Khan) Since this year, Changji Prefecture has adhered to high promotion and precise planning to implement policies, and established a "big investment promotion" working pattern, focusing on innovation methods and methods, continuous optimization of the business environment, and improved, and improved the improvement of the business environment. The quality and efficiency of China Merchants, and insisted on the project as the starting point, a solid foundation for the high -quality development of Changji Prefecture.

Since the beginning of this year, Changji Prefecture has formulated the "Great China Merchants" Work Plan for Autonomous Prefecture in 2022 ", established the leading group of Changji State Investment Promotion Investment Works, established a special class of investment promotion in the two levels of the state and counties, and Guangzhou has set up five residents investment promotion teams to establish and improve the performance assessment mechanism for the target task task of the Changji state investment promotion, and layer a detailed decomposition task to promote the implementation of the work. From January to May, Changji Prefecture implemented 446 investment promotion projects, and the implementation of 38.718 billion yuan was implemented, an increase of 18%year -on -year, and 38.7%of the annual target tasks were completed. Among them, 308 new projects were built, with 24.133 billion yuan in capital; 138 continued construction projects, 14.585 billion yuan in capital.

In order to do a good job of preparations for the investment promotion project, Changji Prefecture focuses on the main functional area planning, focusing on the "15+4" industrial system and 23 key development industrial clusters, establishing and improving the "Changji State Investment Promotion Project Library", planning to build an industrial project 1000 This can undertake investment of 1258.997 billion yuan. At the same time, Changji Prefecture explored and carried out "Internet+Investment Promotion", improved Changji Digital Merchants Big Data Platform, compiled a panoramic map of the investment promotion industry chain and the industrial investment map, and enhanced the accuracy and timeliness of the promotion and progress management of investment promotion projects. Essence

Changji Prefecture also promoted the quality and efficiency of investment promotion work in "going global" and "please come in". The main leaders of the Changji Prefecture Party Committee personally led the team to the investment promotion and held the Changji Prefecture (Xiamen) investment promotion meeting and project signing ceremony. Go to Shandong, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places to China Merchants and reach 16 investment intentions; counties and parks 44 times to go out, 247 docking and negotiating projects, 162 contracting projects, the signing amount of 225.567 billion yuan, and expected funds in place 323.26 100 million yuan. At the same time, Changji Prefecture also gives full play to the role of the two -level investment promotion team of the two levels of the county and county, visiting 328 business associations and enterprises, docking and negotiating 195 investment promotion projects. Essence From January to May, there were 271 out -of -investment projects in Changji Prefecture's Executive Zone, and the funds in place were 27.141 billion yuan. The total amount of funds outside the district ranked third in Xinjiang.

In order to continue to optimize the business environment and help the enterprise rescue, Changji Prefecture issued a series of supporting policies and measures such as the "Twenty Measures of the Changji Prefecture Optimization of the Business Environment" and "Optimization Plan for the Optimization Plan for the Optimization of the Changji State Business Environment Evaluation Results", and continued to carry out " Three -level linkage "hook the company to help enterprises, which has accumulated nearly 200 companies' difficulties.

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