Doing agriculture has money to earn and get affordable

Author:People's Daily Time:2022.07.05

The wheat particles return to the warehouse, the summer pipes are pushed, and the vast field is busy.

The more you face risks and challenges, the more you need to stabilize the agriculture, and the more you need to ensure the safety of food and important non -staple food. At present, what difficulties and expectations of the agricultural market subjects under the prevention and control of the epidemic and agricultural production, and how to accurately make policies? The reporter interviewed in many places.

West a channel

Guarantee the continuous line of farm work

The car's wheat field, the five joint harvesting machine roared forward, the rotation of the grasses turned, the wheat mang was flying, and the golden wheat grains poured down. "It was collected in more than 1200 acres of land in three or four days. The wheat entered the warehouse, and my heart was in my stomach." Wang Jianmin, the person in charge of the person in charge of the "Family Farm Farm" in Mawan Village, Laohekou City, Hubei Province, the wheat granules entered the warehouse Thanks to the old friend -Guo Weidong, a agricultural machinery man from Zhumadian City, Henan Province, harvested this summer.

In Laohekou City, every year, thousands of agricultural machines are harvested across regions and grabbing harvesting bones. Are they all the way? "At the service station of the agricultural machinery of the old Hekou agricultural machinery at Fuyin Expressway, check the health code, register information and itinerary, and measure the acid, and quickly release it." Guo Weidong said that the staff also gave a small gift package with a mask, soap, towels, and towels inside. Disinfection, very intimate.

"We set up a green channel to check the driver of agricultural machinery hand and agricultural machinery, and to implement free traffic for vehicles holding across the zone of agricultural machinery, implement the cross -regional agricultural machinery handheld with a health code and green code. 'Management. "Zhao Wu, deputy director of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Laohekou City. At present, the Hubei Wheat Summer Harvest has ended, and a total of 102,000 wheat combined harvesters have been invested. There are more than 10,000 cross -regional harvesters from Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and other places, and more than 400 open green channels. More than 5,600.

Policies are for the solution to the mainstay of the grain market. The agricultural and rural departments also set up work classes with hygiene and health, transportation and other departments to open up the cards that affect wheat harvest to ensure that summer collectors and machinery are unimpeded. During the "Sanxia" wheat harvest this year, the joint harvesting machine and related transportation vehicles were free of charge for free 450,000 vehicles, and the cumulative pass fee was 109 million yuan.

Planting strong assistance

Protect the enthusiasm of grain

"This year's wheat yield is about 1,000 pounds, and the harvest is good. The purchase price is 1.5 yuan per catty, more than last year's three -four cents, and good grains are sold in a good price." Zhang Yufu said, "Last year, the wheat was broadcast late, and the spring wheat seedlings were weak, and the price of agricultural capital was rising. At that time, there was no bottom in my heart."

A package of policies were promptly introduced, and the fields of the fields, field management, and weeding were helped. "The agricultural technicians go to the field to guide the weakness and turn the strength. The county organizes the unified spray of drones in the county to prevent diseases and insect pests. The canals pass to the field and return to Qingshui in a timely manner." Zhang Yufu said.

"This year's fertilizer, diesel, and pesticide prices have risen, which is 30 % more than previous years. Thanks to the" red envelope ", let me dare to invest." Zhang Yufu calculated, "the county implemented a national subsidy policy, and sent it to the growers twice to the growers. One -time grain planting subsidy, 30.61 yuan per mu. I also enjoyed the land subsidy of cultivated land, 95.41 yuan per mu. There are also discounts for buying agricultural machinery. Last year, there were about 30%of the fixed subsidy. "

On the basis of issuing a one -time subsidy of the farmers of the actual grain planting farmers, the central government has recently reached 10 billion yuan of one -time one -time agricultural capital subsidy. The investment and application subsidy investment of agricultural machinery purchase and application subsidies reached 2.2 billion yuan over the previous year. This year, the state continued to implement the minimum purchase price policy of wheat and rice in some main producing areas. The minimum price level of wheat, Pakatana rice, mid -night rice, and japonica rice was comprehensively improved.

As of now, the main crop varieties in my country have basically achieved full coverage, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of crop farming has exceeded 72%. By the end of this year, it will ensure that a total of 1 billion acres of drought and flood protection, high -yield and stable high -standard farmland will be built across the country to ensure that the grain production capacity is more than 1 trillion kg.

Investment in various localities, make up for the shortcomings of agricultural production, and improve the comprehensive production capacity. "Driven by the agricultural machinery purchase and application subsidy policy, 550 new agricultural interruption machines are purchased in the city's agricultural machinery households. Among them, 17 agricultural machinery reserves for mortar cultivation technology, which can complete nearly 10,000 acres of rice insertion operations." Li Min, director of the Agricultural Machinery Industry Development Office of Panjin City, Liaoning Province, introduced that the mechanization level of Panjin rice seedlings this year is expected to reach more than 97.7 %.

The transplanting machine drove across the paddy field, and the green seedlings were under the ground. "This year, more than 1,000 acres of rice fields adopted rice bowl seedlings for the first time. Plane seedlings were replaced with plastic seedling plates with bowl holes, and mighty seedlings were transplanted with seedlings with soil." General Manager Kang Fusheng introduced.

The seedlings are half of the grasses. As soon as the seedling technology changes, it adds to the harvest. "Porching does not hurt the roots, reducing the artificial replenishment in the later period, and can also be sorted. The rice can be increased by 5%-10%per acre of rice." Kang Fusheng said.

Stable chain

Extend the characteristic industry chain

In order to increase the income, in the lower reaches of the industrial chain, the grain acquisition and processing enterprises are full of horsepower.

In Shandong Province's Xiajin County Developed Flour Group Co., Ltd., the trucks with high -quality wheat are full. "It was when the acquisition of new food, we acquired tens of thousands of pounds a day, and the acquisition price was around 1.6 yuan." Dong Jinlu, the company's security director, said that good policy allows money and other grains. The company can open the "belly" to collect food. Enjoy various preferential policies, increase liquid funds, and win the initiative for the acquisition of wheat. To help, we must strengthen internal force. In the production workshop, 11 powder production lines are equipped with wisdom "brain". "Flour processing rates increased from 75%to 79%, and produced 184,000 tons of flour in a year." Dong Jinlu introduced that at present, the annual processing capacity of corporate wheat is about 2.3 million tons.

"From the field to the workshop, sort out the weak links of the industrial chain, focus on rising production and operation costs, stabilize the industrial chain supply chain, smooth logistics and freight, etc., accurately formulate measures, and stabilize the agricultural market entities in all aspects." The Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Researcher Li Guoxiang said.

From large granary to the kitchen, farming enterprises are cultivated in various places, extending the industrial chain, and continuously optimizing the supply of agricultural products.

Tofu and firewood, a green grass in the deep mountains of Ping'an Township, Fengjie County, Chongqing City, embarked on a supermarket shelf.

"The villagers squeezed the leaves and filtered the leaves to make a cold, clearing the heat to relieve heat. The unique rural snacks have been circulating for a century." Yang Xingcai, the person in charge of Chongqing Xiongsen Industrial Co., Ltd., said.

A production line brings out an industrial chain. Circulation of land, purchase processing equipment, research and development products, and the industrial chain of tofu and firewood are continuously extended. "The leaves and fans we produce are popular in the market." Yang Xingcai introduced.

Affected by the recent epidemic, orders from restaurants have decreased by 60%. The test was presented in front of Yang Xingcai. "If the scale of production is reduced, not only the revenue of the fellows decreases, but also affects subsequent development. money."

"At the critical time, the good policy gave me the bottom." Yang Xingcai said that under the guidance of the local tax department, the enterprise applied for nearly 400,000 yuan to retain the tax refund. "We bought 3 filling equipment, paid the land transfer deposit of more than 150 farmers, and settled 20,000 seedlings." Today, a box of boxes of leaf ice powder are selling to major merchants.

"New agricultural business entities have some shortcomings in funds, technology, and talents. The assistance policy must keep up and make their strength stronger." Li Guoxiang believes.

The head geese piloted, and the geese flew together. All localities encourage leading enterprises to standardize production and branding. Henan Province proposes to cultivate 100 "chain owners" enterprises focusing on national and provincial agricultural industrialization enterprises. Shanxi Province proposed that this year, with 45 national key leading enterprises and 649 provincial leading enterprises as the main force, we will strive to exceed 300 billion yuan in sales revenue for the agricultural product processing industry throughout the year. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has arranged the construction of 50 national modern agricultural industrial parks, 40 superior characteristic industrial clusters, and 200 strong agricultural industry towns.

■ Message board

I raised 9,000 ducks, affected by the epidemic, and the feed was not worried, and I was very worried. After I left a message on the "Leadership Board" of the People's Daily Online, Caozhuang Town Baocun cadres contacted me and tried to pick up a batch of feed from Handan to solve my urgent urgency.

——The farmers of Limachang Village, Caozhuang Town, Caozhuang Town, Handan City, Hebei Province

Dozens of acres of cabbage are planted at home, and there are hundreds of thousands of trees. Affected by the epidemic, seeing that cabbage has reached the mature period, but no one came to buy. As the temperature rises, the dishes will be worse in the ground, and I am very anxious. After I left a message, the township government contacted us to understand the causes and product situation of the slow sales, and help us contact us for export channels and acquire vehicles. Now the vegetables are sold, and the hard work is not busy for a while.

——Fonchi, Jiazhuang Village, Huaiyang District, Huaiyang District, Zhoukou City, Henan Province

(Yang Xiaona sorted)

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