Kunming introduced the existing industry project cross -regional circulation management service measures

Author:Kunming released Time:2022.07.06

Recently, the office of the Kunming Municipal People's Government issued the "Notice of Cross -Regional Circulation Management Service (Trial) of the Kunming's existing industry project" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"). The "Measures" clearly states that cross -regional flow transfer industry projects are divided into policy circulation projects, autonomous autonomous transfer projects, registered land unchanged projects, only relocated headquarters or changing registered land transfer projects, and taxes on different types of circulation projects. The income ratio is agreed.

"Cross -region" refers to the scope of cross -county (city) and development (vacation) districts in Kunming, and "the place of relocation and the place of movement" refers to the county (city) district and development (vacation) district. The "Measures" is mainly for efficient services and regulating the orderly circulation of cross -regional existing industrial projects, promote the reasonable allocation of factor resources, and promote the high -quality development of the industry. The "Measures" applies to the relocation and circulation of the functional positioning or development (vacation) area of ​​the county (city) district, the industrial positioning of the industrial park, and the existing industry projects in the city where enterprises independently relocated and transferred according to market factors.

The "Measures" clearly states that no matter what type of circulation projects, the place of movement and the place of movement must do a good job of factor resource guarantee and management services for enterprise needs. For enterprises that do not meet the industrial positioning of the area and take the initiative to relocate and transfer, relevant municipal departments shall provide policy support from the aspects of construction land, infrastructure facilities, and production facilities construction, and take the initiative to do a good job of service guarantee.

The "Measures" clearly encourages enterprises to merge and reorganize the same type and upstream and downstream enterprises in the orderly circulation, realize strong union and industrial chain reorganization, and increase the aggregation of the industrial chain. Accelerate the industrial field of "steaming birds" and promoting the withdrawal of backward production capacity. Through policy support and funding subsidies, promote the orderly relocation of enterprises around the urban residential area of ​​Kunming City and the rest of the counties (cities) districts, which are not suitable for continuing production and operation.

The "Measures" clearly states that in principle, it is not allowed to enjoy municipal preferential support policies for projects that do not meet functional positioning or industrial positioning. If there is a controversy with the nature of the project's circulation, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission (the comprehensive coordination group of the leading group of the coordinated development of regional industries) can be reported to the people's government (management committee) of the people's government (management committee) in the place of place or in the local area. At present, the "Measures" has been formally implemented.

Category implementation project circulation

● Policy circulation project

According to relevant policies and regulations such as urban and rural planning, ecological environmental protection, safety production, and other relevant policies and regulations, relocated and changed the project registered and tax registration projects in different places. Relieve out the place with 3: 7, share it at 2: 8 in 5 years, and will not share the place where the movement is moved out in 10 years.

● Enterprise autonomy transfer project

The enterprise independently decided to relocate different places and change the project registration place and tax registration. The tax revenue (county -level part of the county level) and industrial enterprise output value indicators above the scale of the transfer will be shared After 10 years, the place to move out will not be shared.

● The place of registration is unchanged and more circulated projects

The enterprise independently decided to relocate the production and operating location but does not change the project registration location and tax registration place. The tax income of the circulation project (partially reserved by the county level) and the output value index of industrial enterprises above designated size are shared from 4: 6.

● Only relocated headquarters or changing the registered land transfer project

Enterprises' autonomous decision to relocate the headquarters to other places or the place of registration of the enterprise, and the project of tax registration to a different place, but do not relocate the production and operation site, and the place of relocation and the place of relocation to do a good job of factor resource guarantee and management services according to the needs of the enterprise. Taxation income of circulation projects (some county -level reserved) and industrial enterprise output value indicators above designated size are shared from 6: 4.

Another Note: The ratio and period of the 4 -type flow project sharing can be adjusted from the place of movement and the place of relocation. (Kunming Daily Chief Reporter Liao Xingyang)

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