Qin Yinglin donated 1 billion yuan to his alma mater Henan Agricultural University: Building a world -class agricultural university only competes for day and night

Author:Mengye News Time:2022.07.06

Elephant News reporter Zhang Jing

Hundreds of agriculture, Hongnong and educating people. On July 6, 2022, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of Henan Agricultural University, Qin Yinglin, 1985 alumni of Henan Agricultural University and Chairman of Muyuan Co., Ltd. donated 1 billion yuan to his alma mater to build a joint research institute of Henan Muyuan Animal Husbandry Industry to enhance pig farming. The development level of the industry chain, promote the development of upstream and downstream information, artificial intelligence and industrial Internet of the pork industry chain, promote Henan Agricultural University to create a world -class agricultural university, consolidate the foundation of Henan agricultural, support the development of the industry, and promote the development of Henan's economic development.

Makiyuan Group has focused on pig farming for 30 years, and has always adhered to the beautiful vision of "let people eat rest assured pork", technology empowers the pig industry, and is committed to production safety, delicious, healthy, and environmentally friendly high -quality pork, allowing people to enjoy a rich life. Nowadays, the pig farming business layout of 215 counties (districts) of 102 cities in 24 provinces (districts) nationwide, 40.26 million pigs in the world in 2021, the world's first. From January to June 2022, 3128 million heads were released.

As an outstanding alumni representative of Henan Agricultural University, Qin Yinglin spoke at the 120th anniversary of the celebration: "Thanks to the cultivation of alma mater, we have the ability to develop to create and serve the motherland. It is not upset of the sages. "At the same time, he expressed his wish to help Henan Agricultural University to create a world -class university:" The Dutch Wagingen Agricultural University, which ranks first in the world, was established for 146 years, and we were 26 years earlier. The year of the struggle, building Henan Agricultural University into a world -class agricultural university, only competing for the day and night. "This is not only his personal wish, but also the expectations of Muyuan people and countless agricultural students.

"A century -long change, China's rise, will be born in many world -class universities in China." Qin Yinglin said at the meeting: "China is a large agricultural country and a consumer country. China's agricultural industry needs world -class technology support. Agricultural University, there is a long way to go, the future is expected! "

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