Zhang Cuixia: The lenient shock in Shenzhen and Shanghai is still difficult to say that this round of market is over

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.06

Zhongxin Jingwei July 6th.

Author Zhang Cuixia Jufeng Investment Chief Investment Consultant

On July 6, the stock index of Shenzhen -Shanghai two cities created a total scale of not less than 200 billion yuan in Anhui, "Several measures to accelerate the cultivation of the cultivation of Hongmeng Ora ecosystems (draft for comments)" and "Chengdu The city's "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Comprehensive Transportation and Logistics Industry Development Plan "was issued, and the northern direction of funds exceeded 1.3 billion yuan, and the majority of the industry segment index reproduced the impact and resonance of" general falls+rapid falls+plunge ". Gives the interval vibration line that grows stronger than cycles, volatility or tentative gap support, or maintains the box vibration, or interpret the rising trend, which is the unfinished characteristic of the three wave attack structure that meets the expected three waves.

From the perspective of the Shanghai Index, the low -low and low -level reduction adjustment adjusts to the bottom of the shade plate to near the gap at 3322 points. The attack on the end of the set is 3350 points. It is a strong support for the 250 -day stress of the 250 -day stress. ; The GEM index shrinks the pole yin shock line. In order to break through the repeated confirmation of the mid -term moving average pressure, it is also the demand for the pressure of the 2900 -point regional neckline. Will not reverse the judgment view of the poly head structure.

On the news, the People's Bank of China and the Hong Kong Financial Administration signed a stand -up exchange agreement to upgrade the currency swap arrangement established by the two parties from 2009 to a standing for exchange arrangement. The agreement is effective for a long time. The RMB/590 billion Hong Kong dollars expanded to 800 billion yuan/940 billion Hong Kong dollars to further deepen Mainland and Hong Kong financial cooperation, better support the construction of the Hong Kong international financial center, and promote the steady development of the Hong Kong offshore RMB market. The National Development and Reform Commission emphasized that for infrastructure stock projects with relevant conditions, real estate investment trust funds, government and social capital cooperation (PPP) can be adopted in the infrastructure field. Five departments such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Digital Action Plan" Three Products "Action Plan for the Consumer Products Industry" to promote digital green and collaborative expansion of the supply of green consumer goods, promote the integration of green design and manufacturing of products, and encourage the development and application of key technologies and green low -carbon products. Deepen the digital application of product R & D design and manufacturing process, and improve the level of green manufacturing and operation and maintenance services in the industry. Combined with the implementation of the implementation of small and medium -sized enterprises such as the National Medical Insurance Bureau and other four departments, the implementation of the employee's medical insurance unit's payment, and the State and Rural Revitalization Bureau solidly promoted the implementation of the "Rural Construction Action Plan" to implement the combination of the implementation, the continuous research and optimization of the interconnection mechanism arrangement of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The stock index of the Shenzhen -Shanghai stock index with a wide range of shocks, or the inertia of inertia caused by multiple short differences, but it cannot be simply considered that the attack in this round of the trend is over.

The author believes that from January to May 2022, China's contract foreign investment of more than $ 100 million or more to foreign capital was 47.68 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 40.3%year-on-year; Internet and related service companies above designated size to complete the Internet business revenue of 585 billion yuan, year-on-year, year-on-year-on-year The data situation of 1.8%, the expected series of stable growth and combination fist promotes the high -quality development of the economy, and the Shenzhen -Shanghai stock indexes that are beneficial to the rise and rise will continue to test high points.

In view of this, continue the trend of new energy vehicles, MCU chips, semiconductors, optical carvings, new materials, meta -cosmic electronics, east countless, hydrogen energy, 5G new infrastructure, data centers, data centers, data centers, data centers, data centers, data centers, etc. Poor performance, risk of delisting, or higher varieties to avoid local non -systematic killing risks.

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