The first private bank's half -year report was released: Liaoning's revitalization bank's assets shrink, net profit increased by 176.52% year -on -year

Author:WEMONEY Research Room Time:2022.07.06

Produced | WEMONEY Research Room

Wen | Liu Shuangxia

The first semi -annual report of private banks was released. On July 5th, Liaoning Zhenxing Bank disclosed to the half -year report of 2022. The report shows that the bank's operating income in the first half of the year was 424 million yuan, and the net profit was 41.23 million yuan, close to the annual level of 2021.

Specifically, as of the end of June 2022, Liaoning Zhenxing Bank achieved operating income of 424 million yuan, an increase of 7.47%year -on -year; net profit was 41.23 million yuan, an increase of 176.52%year -on -year, and the net profit was nearly 2021. As of the end of June, the bank's allocation rate reached 155.64%, an increase of 10.76 percentage points, and the capital adequacy ratio was 12.87%, an increase of 0.48 percentage points year -on -year.

However, the WEMONEY Research Office paid attention to that the total assets of the Liaoning Royal Bank continued to shrink in the first half of the year. By the end of the first half of 2022, the total assets of the revitalization bank of Liaoning were 25.648 billion yuan, a decrease of 1.9%from 26.152 billion yuan at the end of the first half of 2021; and a 4.16%decrease from 26.715 billion yuan in the end of 2021.

In fact, from the annual data of 2021, of the 19 private banks, only Fujian Huatong Bank and Liaoning Zhenxing Bank have two total assets.

Liaoning Revitalizing Bank is the first private bank in Liaoning Province. It is headquartered in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, with a registered capital of 2 billion yuan. On the 24th, it was officially opened for business.

Liaoning Revitalizing Bank has been profitable since the second year of opening. The financial report shows that in 2018 and 2019, the bank's operating income and net profit were 207 million yuan and 717 million yuan, respectively; In 2020, the loss was 165 million yuan, and the adverse rate rose to 2.1%. In 2021, the operating income of Liaoning Zhenxing Bank was 753 million yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 8.06%; net profit was 46 million yuan, a year -on -year increase of 211 million yuan.

Earlier, the bank's deposit business has collaborated on Internet channels such as Jingdong Finance, 360 Your Fortune, Star Finance and other Internet channels to achieve significant growth. As Internet deposits are stopped, its business will inevitably be affected. At the same time, the Internet loan business has also been strictly supervised.

Recently, there are media reports that Liaoning revitalizes banks using "assistance coupons" to take high interest rates. According to reports, the bank launched the "United Partner Support Plan" activity. Users can use the "assistance vouchers" issued to purchase deposit products to increase deposit returns. After using the "Assistance Coupon", the interest rate of the deposit products purchased by the user can rise by 0.8-2.35 percentage points to help the income distribute with the product interest at the time of the product. After using the "Assistance Coupon", the interest rates of 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and 5 years of the Liaoning Revitalization Bank APP rose to 4.1%, 4.4%, 4.45%, and 4.8%respectively, and the amount of deposit rose to rise. To 100 yuan. In addition, although the regulatory authorities have banned banks from issuing foreign deposits through various channels, when foreign users have made deposits, they are prompted by the banking system to restrict the area, and they only need to transfer 1 yuan to the account to lift the restrictions.

In this regard, the WEMONEY Research Office called Liaoning's Customer Service, and customer service stated that it did not launch a "assistance voucher". In response to the restrictions of different places, customer service said that the user position will be located.

In addition, at the business level, after relying on external traffic in the early stage, private banks are returning to self -employment channels and self -operated scenarios.

In 2020, the bank's new generation of intelligent loan systems and the first online self -operated personal consumer loan products (Xingyi Loan) were launched. The first online self -operated small and micro loan product "Tax E loan" was officially launched.

In terms of self -operated business, the bank mainly provides services for small merchants, new citizens and truck drivers. As of the end of June 2022, the balance of self -employed loans from Liaoning Bank increased by 4.070 billion yuan compared with the same period last year, with a growth rate of 4460%.

According to disclosure, through the layout of the self -operated business, relying on self -operated products to cut into mature ecological scenarios, it is one of the main development directions of the Liaoning Revitalization Bank in the future.

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