New Era of Endering New Year ourselves | Modern technology guarantees Rizhao Summer Food and gets a bumper harvest again

Author:Live broadcast Rizhao Time:2022.07.06

Live broadcast on July 6th. The reporter learned from the Municipal Agriculture Bureau that not long ago, all 791,000 mu of wheat of Rizhao City were harvested, and summer food was harvested again. Since launching the harvesting of wheat, our city has given full play to the role of modern agricultural machinery in the summer harvest. By robbing agriculture, increasing efficiency, and winning harvests, the summer harvest is successfully completed.

Xia Fa is inseparable from the help of agricultural mechanization from "harvest in hopes" to "harvesting". "This year, wheat machine collection and loss loss technology is more efficient. During the wheat harvest, the city was launched with a total of 1443 units and 1,443 units of harvesting machines, and 141 united harvesters were introduced in foreign countries (inside the province). 15 green channels, 243 agricultural machinery parking sites and 48 agricultural machinery maintenance points. "

Since the launch of the "Sanxia" production, the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau has established 6 gang supervision teams to go to the front line of Maiyu to carry out tour supervision services; guide all districts and counties to prepare a joint harvesting machine to make a mature piece. The income rate reaches more than 99%. While improving the efficiency of wheat collection operations, the loss reduction control is controlled at about 2%. In addition, in recent years, it has vigorously promoted the construction of high -standard farmland, the promotion of excellent varieties, large -scale planting, and the development of agricultural machinery cooperatives, so that the output of wheat summer grain has been steadily increased, and the income has been further increased. The municipal agricultural and rural departments will also seize the current favorable opportunity for the current situation, complete the summer sowing tasks, implement the guidance of field management technical guidance in water, fertilizer, medicine and other fields, strengthen the monitoring and control of pests and insect pests, cooperate with disaster prevention and mitigation work, ensure the protection Food harvest throughout the year. (Correspondent report)

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