The rhythm of summer grain wheat harvest is faster than last year, and the cost of wheat costs rose

Author:21st Century Economic report Time:2022.06.13

21st Century Business Herald reporter Li Sha Beijing report

The transmission of wheat machines released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on June 12 shows that the area of ​​wheat has been harvested in 239 million mu, and the harvest progress has been 78.5%, which is about 1.2 percentage points faster than last year.

At present, Henan Mai Harvest has basically ended. Jiangsu entered the stage of sweeping. It was nearly 80 % in Shaanxi, 70 % in Shandong, 30 % in Shanxi, and nearly 20 % in Hebei.

In an interview with the media, Wang Xiaohui, chief analyst of the National Grain and Oil Information Center, believes that this year's wheat producing production is significantly better than last year. The quality is the best in recent years.

Together with wheat alone, this year's wheat acquisition price is also increasing. At the same time, the rise in agricultural capital prices this year has also increased the cost of wheat planting and machine recovery. In order to promote farmers' increase in yield and income, multiple departments have launched multiple measures such as timely issuing the second batch of 10 billion yuan of agricultural capital subsidies, and timely initiative in the market situation to better ensure the benefits of farmers breeding farmers.

"Sanxia" harvest progress is faster than last year

Compared with last year, the rhythm of rations this year is faster.

In this regard, Hu glacier, director and researcher of the Agricultural Product Trade and Policy Research Office of the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the 21st Century Business Herald that the harvest progress of summer grain was mainly related to the maturity of wheat. Due to the preliminary weather and policy protection this year, the harvesting of wheat is relatively smooth.

Zhao Xia, deputy dean of Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, believes that epidemic prevention and control and recent extreme weather frequency are also a factor that affects the process of harvest this summer.

Zhao Xia told reporters from the 21st Century Business Herald that due to the prevention and control of the epidemic, there are fewer opportunities for migrant workers to enter the city this year and more returnees. According to the current prevention and control regulations of the epidemic, migrant workers have successively entered the city to find job opportunities. It happened that during the summer harvesting period, the staff of the city entered the city worked as soon as possible to avoid the second return farmer, and they would harvest as soon as possible during the harvesting period. In addition, the frequent occurrence of extreme weather also forced farmers to grab harvest.

Zhao Xia reminded that in the context of extreme weather frequency, it is necessary to pay attention to the problems of machine collection and drying facilities to keep up with the problem to avoid losses in the harvest and drying links.

In the national summer grain production, Henan has certain representative significance. From the perspective of the production situation of the summer grain last year, according to the data of the Henan Investigation Corps of the National Bureau of Statistics, the total output of Henan summer grains in 2021 was 76.064 billion kg, of which the total wheat output was 760.56 billion kg, accounting for 28.3%of the country's total wheat output. Wheat area, production, and total output continue to maintain the number one in the country.

Li Baoshen, a farmer in Huo County, Henan, has 20 acres of wheat at home, and has been completed. Due to the good weather this year, the production of wheat per mu is more than 1,300 kilograms. "We are getting more and more harvested by the weather here. If it rains every day, it will not harvest." Li Baoshen explained to the 21st Century Business Herald reporter.

Henan wheat production is not an example this year. According to the "Henan Daily" news, Henan frequently spreads wheat increase in production. For example, the city of Datian, the city of Zhoukou, increased by nearly 40 kg compared with last year, reaching about 540 kg.

Wang Xiaohui believes that, thanks to many efforts, this year's wheat gantry is significantly better than last year. The quality is the best in recent years.

Hu Glacier said that the production of food this year is higher than in previous years.

Affected by the continuous rainy weather last fall, winter wheat was broadcast, and the sowing area was basically stable. Last year, the northern Winter Wheat District was the best year in recent years. It can effectively increase the heat capacity of the soil, improve the cold anti -freezing ability of wheat, and lay the foundation for the harvest of summer food. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs continued to pay attention to and guide the production of winter wheat in various places. Relevant departments in various places also actively deployed relevant work to grasp the initiative of the summer grain harvest.

Zhao Xia believes that the food output this year has increased compared with last year, mainly because the state has paid close attention to the implementation of financial support policies, and timely allocate various policy funds such as food and oil production, and to stabilize food production and create good food production. environment of.

Zhao Xia pointed out that due to the situation of the international grain market situation, grain and farmers have actively expected food prices this year, stimulating the investment in grain planting, and providing a good material foundation for increasing food production.

Wheat costs and prices have doubled

Li Bao Shen's wheat was sold immediately after harvesting, but was stored first. According to Li Baoshen's understanding, the purchase price of the new wheat this year was about 1.55 yuan/catties, an increase of about 0.3 yuan/jin last year.

According to data from the State Food and Material Reserve Bureau, the average price of wheat acquisitions across the country on May 30 was 3062 yuan/ton. On May 31 last year, the price was 2497 yuan/ton.

According to the "Economic Daily" reported on June 13, the current purchase price of wheat is generally around 1.5 yuan per catty, which is much higher than the minimum purchase price of 1.15 yuan. The purchase price of wheat in North China is 3,000 yuan to 3100 yuan/ton, and the purchase price is higher than 600 yuan/ton in the same period last year.

Zhao Xia said that the current global food shortage is spreading. The global food price index has reached the highest level since 1990. The surge in the global food price index has driven the price of imported agricultural products, and domestic food prices have also risen.

Hu Glacier believes that the rise in wheat prices is mainly related to the multi -acquisition subject and the future market expectations. In addition to the influence of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, the rise in international agricultural products to the domestic price of wheat, and the current game of various factors has also increased to a certain extent.

Will the rise of wheat prices be transmitted to downstream, affecting flour and related food prices? Hu Glacier believes that on the one hand, the current price of wheat purchase prices will increase the cost of downstream powder and corresponding food manufacturers to a certain extent; on the other hand, the price of the products of the flour market depends mainly on consumer consumption power and overall market consumption of the market. The situation is also facing the competitive pressure of other agricultural raw materials such as rice and meat, so the impact of rising wheat prices on downstream product prices may be limited. On the other hand, compared with the increase in the price of wheat production and the price of wheat, the high agricultural capital price this year has also significantly raised the planting costs and machine recovery costs of farmers breeding farmers.

Taking compound fertilizer and diesel as an example, according to the data of the State Bureau of Statistics, the prices of compound fertilizer (potassium sulfate compound fertilizer, 45%nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content) and diesel (0#national VI) prices were 3991.7 yuan/ton and 8675.6 yuan, respectively. /Ton, an increase of 59%and 36%over the same period last year.

Affected by the rise in oil prices, Li Baoshen introduced that the price of wheat machines in the village this year was 60 yuan/mu, an increase of 10 yuan/mu over last year.

According to the "Sanxia" "Sanxia" crop mechanization operation service price and cost change trend survey report released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, in terms of median, the price of wheat machines is expected to be 60 yuan/ during the "San Xia" production period this year The acre increased by about 8 yuan last year, an increase of 15%year -on -year. The main reason for the rise is the increase in fuel costs and the cost of employment of machines. In addition, the increase in the purchase and maintenance costs of machinery and spare parts, and the epidemic conditions have also affected the price of wheat machine.

In order to better cope with rising agricultural price prices and ensure the income of farmers of grain planting, the state has issued a "crowd" support policy, covering grain planting subsidies, grain insurance, increasing rewards for grain production counties, and so on.

In the near future, the "Policy and Measures for the Economy" issued on May 31 states that it is clear that the second batch of 10 billion yuan of agricultural capital subsidies should be issued on the basis of the early period of 20 billion yuan in agricultural funding subsidies. Make up for the decline in grain income brought by rising costs. Actively do the import of potassium fertilizer. Improve the minimum purchase price implementation plan, implement the policy requirements for the minimum purchase price level of rice and wheat in 2022, and timely start acquisitions in accordance with the market situation, protect farmers' enthusiasm for grain planting, and so on.

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