Help enterprise Suiwei WeChat payment to help issue more anti -epidemic funds

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.07.07

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, in order to drive residents' consumption, promote resumption of work, realize economic recovery, the payment industry represented by Tenpay is actively cooperating with government departments, and the issuance of various anti -epidemic funds such as living subsidies and consumer vouchers and other types of anti -epidemic funds will be issued. Provide free payment service channels. Recently, the China Payment and Clearance Association posted on its official public account, "Tenpay assists the government to issue anti -epidemic funds, helping enterprises with high accuracy, fast speed, and good results" A summary of the positive role and contribution.

It is reported that in the process of resisting the anti -epidemic capital, Tenpay has advantages based on WeChat payment user groups and diverse merchants. The local Spring Festival left -behind local living expenses subsidies and other types of anti -epidemic funds are issued, and a total of more than 1 billion yuan in anti -epidemic subsidy funds will help local government departments.

Under the impact of the epidemic in 2020, financial support policies such as car purchase subsidies and home appliance consumption subsidies have been released in various places. The new model of WeChat with online declaration, background approval, system allocation, and WeChat accounting has effectively avoided crowd contact and became many places in many places. Government subsidy distribution channel selection. For example, the Foshan Finance Bureau and WeChat payment in the country's first consumer subsidy "second newspaper, second batch, second payment" model, that is, the "one step in place" issued by subsidy funds. During the Spring Festival in 2021, in order to effectively avoid the spread of the epidemic in the Spring Festival, it is generally adopted to encourage foreign personnel to spend the New Year on the spot by left -behind subsidies in various places. The online advantage of WeChat ecology, quickly organizes the release of subsidy policies, declaration, review and fund allocation with WeChat user big data analysis.

In March of this year, the epidemic counterattacked Shenzhen. In order to coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, further reduce the burden on market entities, and help market entities through difficulties, the Shenzhen Municipal Government has released a series of bailout for residents, individual industrial and commercial households, and small and medium -sized enterprises for urban villages. policy. In order to help the Shenzhen government relieve the dilemma of residents and individual industrial and commercial households at the fastest speed, it provides a solution to the resistance of the anti -epidemic funds to the user's WeChat change. The problem of inefficient efficiency can also digitize the application, verification, and distribution of the entire process and ensure the safe and quickly issued subsidy funds. Finally, the whole process "zero materials, zero -run legs, and zero contact". In addition to the fast completion of online, the policy dividends are also directly reached to subsidy objects. In addition, WeChat Pay also provides a variety of communication channels such as promotion and subsidy promotional materials for friends, helping to support the accurate reach of policies.

In addition, with the announcement of the third batch of digital RMB, a new round of digital renminbi red envelopes have also become an important way to help the economic recovery under the epidemic. It is understood that Tenpay has developed the WeChat Mini Program of the "Digital RMB Red Packet Assistant", which has successively helped Shenzhen and Hangzhou successfully issue 17 million digital RMB. Earlier, WeChat has also opened up the use of digital RMB to all pilot areas.

According to the article by the China Payment and Clearance Association, Tenpay conscientiously implemented the relevant requirements of the five departments such as the People's Bank of China on further strengthening financial support to prevent and control new coronary virus infection with pneumonia "and other related requirements, and for economic recovery, stimulating consumption, re -production and resumption of work The financial technology empowerment of mobile payment is provided, and a positive demonstration has also been made for the payment industry. Next, I also look forward to more representatives of the payment industry actively practicing social responsibilities and showing more vigorous industry energy in promoting epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

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