Xuanhan County, Dazhou City, Multi -measure and fully support the development of individual industrial and commercial households

Author:Municipal Supervision Observat Time:2022.07.07

In July 2021, the State Administration of Market Supervision determined that Xuanhan County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, to support the development of the development of individual industrial and commercial households in the country. Over the past year, the Xuanhan County Market Supervision Bureau has taken the initiative to act and actively actively take the active department at the county level, and take multiple measures to vigorously promote the high -quality development of individual industrial and commercial households in the county.

Improve services, help development, and find "good maiden" for individual industrial and commercial households

Build a "home". Improve the service system. Founded the development service center of individual industrial and commercial households, effectively guaranteed the role of the contact point, provided systemic services for individual industrial and commercial households, and fully exerted its efforts in the fields of finance, employment, women's federation, and new levels.

Create a "circle of friends". Establish a "circle of friends" and "ecological circle" of individual industrial and commercial households, establish a service alliance with integrating departments, scientific research institutes, and social forces, to fully understand the hope of individual industrial and commercial households, accurately apply policies, and build a good industrial ecological environment.

Build a "closed loop". Focusing on the construction of the connection point service work, the mechanism system is gradually raised, and the "closed loop" of request collection, centralized delivery, and regular return visits will be formed.

Optical price, with a point with a point, win the "good reputation" for individual industrial and commercial households

"Anatomy" finds the crux. Organize the zero -residence market entity, the heads of townships in the area, and the head of the district, and the first -tier law enforcement personnel to find "stubble" on the price supervision work. There are 43 specific issues such as the price and regulations of the price and fee policy.

"Target" formulate countermeasures. Combining the industry and local reality, innovate and formulate the "Bayshan Grand Canyon Scenic Area Hotel Industry Code of Prices", "Bashan Grand Canyon Scenic Area Catering Industry Catering Specifications", guide operators to regulate the production of catering price meters (order menu), catering accommodation service venue All goods and service charges are all realized.

"Nanny" service supervision. Uniformly produced the special price labeling of the Bashan Grand Canyon Scenic Area, and distributed it for free to the operators of the scenic spot to achieve the "uniform dress" of the scenic spot price. At present, 10 "clear price demonstration sites" have been standardized.

The first violation is not punished, cautious tolerance, and create a "good environment" for individual industrial and commercial households

Flexible law enforcement reduces "burden". In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Administrative Penalty Law, tolerance and prudent regulatory methods are adopted, and 35 eligible cases involving individual industrial and commercial households are used to reduce or exempt administrative penalties in accordance with the law.

Persuade education to do "demonstration". In the process of the administrative law enforcement process of individual industrial and commercial households, the principles of combining penalties and education are widely used. The legal propaganda pays attention to it, and it will take good care of the individual industrial and commercial households, and carry out more than 10,000 households.

Remote supervision is free of "disturbance". Actively use non -on -site supervision methods for mobile supervision and early warning prevention and control, further integrate and cancel on -site inspection matters, reduce on -site inspections, and make individual industrial and commercial households "rest".

The department cooperates and works together to support the "one umbrella" for individual industrial and commercial households

Increase preferential tax policies for individual industrial and commercial households, and ensure the implementation of preferential tax and fees policies, so that it should be enjoyed. As of now, there are 7,418 households with tax registered individual industrial and commercial households, 1,657 tax households, and tax income of 14.1817 million yuan, and tax exemption is 64.8037 million yuan.

Increase the publicity of financial support policies for individual industrial and commercial households, and accumulate a total of more than 20 special financing docking meetings of individual industrial and commercial households to achieve significantly improved financing docking efficiency of both sides of fund supply and demand. As of now, the balance of business loans of individual industrial and commercial households was 2.434 billion yuan, a year -on -year growth rate of 28.8 %.

Strengthen the support of individual industrial and commercial households in difficult disabled, encourage and guide them to strengthen self -reliance, actively participate in production labor, and support 53 individual industrial and commercial households of disabled people to develop and produce. The method of funding supports 11 people, with a standard of 300 yuan/person; a flexible employment subsidy for the individual industrial and commercial households of 32 people with difficult disabilities, the standard is 500 yuan/person.

Increase the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of individual industrial and commercial households, with legal aid 3 games and benefit more than 50 households. The legal aid of the individual industrial and commercial households of the disabled persons has been established. The individual industrial and commercial households of the disabled apply for legal aid on the day of acceptance of the day of acceptance. At present, three legal aids are accepted to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of individual industrial and commercial households of the disabled are guaranteed.

Increase the entrepreneurial and skill training of individual industrial and commercial households, issue a entrepreneurial guarantee loan of 3.2 million yuan for the 16 individual industrial and commercial households that meet the conditions; Gives a one -time entrepreneurial subsidy for 10,000 yuan per household; starting entrepreneurial and skill training for more than 100 individual industrial and commercial households in the county, covering catering, construction, specialized institutions (breeding farmers), seed pesticide operations, etc. Households solve the practical problems of enterprise development, develop and develop thinking, and improve the county's private enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship capabilities and management level. (Feng Guiyan)

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