"Popularization of Financial Knowledge Wanli" series of publicity activities

Author:China Economic Times Rural Fin Time:2022.07.07

"Popularization of Financial Knowledge Wanli" series of publicity activities

On June 23, the Agricultural Issuance Yungang District Sub -branch took the opportunity to "popularize financial knowledge" activities as an opportunity to conduct a series of publicity activities such as popularizing financial knowledge, preventing telecommunications fraud and anti -money laundering through the "entering enterprise"."Points" increased publicity coverage.

At the event site, through suspension of publicity banners, distributed propaganda materials and publicity materials, explained to the employees and past people on the spot, publicized typical means of online fraud crimes and response measures, anti -money laundering hazards, and personal financial information precautions.A total of 200 propaganda materials were distributed in this event, with more than 200 people in the audience. Through a series of publicity activities, it further enhanced consumer financial literacy and enhanced the public's awareness of fraud.(Yan Yongqiang Yang Siyuan)

Responsible editor: Zhang Wei Guo Jinhui

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