15 cases of new crowns!Two entry flights were fused

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.07

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 7th. On the 7th, the website of the Civil Aviation Administration reported on the 7th. On July 6, the Civil Aviation Administration issued a melting instruction to implement flights on Hainan Airlines HU7992 (Rome to Chongqing) and Oriental Airlines Flight MU208 (Toronto to Hangzhou).Breaking measures.

Specifically, Hainan Airlines, Hainan Airlines, who entered on June 24th (Rome to Chongqing), was diagnosed with 5 cases of new crown pneumonia. From July 11, the flight was suspended.

Eastern Airlines, who entered on June 26, was diagnosed with 10 cases of new crown pneumonia passengers. From August 8th, the flight was suspended from August 8th.The volume of the above -mentioned melting flights shall not be used for other routes.

The Civil Aviation Administration requires that the above two airlines must do a good job of follow -up flight passenger comfort and air ticket return.(Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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