The CRO sector has weakened again, and the transaction of 340 million yuan in one hour of medical ETF (512170) is significantly measured

Author:Capital state Time:2022.07.07

In the early morning of the 7th, the medical sector was adjusted sharply at the beginning of the article. The sector fell exceeded 3%. The CRO concept stocks fell collectively. Ming Kant and others fell more than 4%.

As of press time, the medical ETF (512170) fell 2.5%, and the opening of 1 hour of opening exceeded 340 million yuan, a significant amount of volume. As of yesterday, the latest scale of medical ETF (512170) exceeded 15 billion yuan, and the net purchase funds for the recent 10 trading days were 530 million yuan!

The July strategy of Soochow Securities stated that excess returns in the second half of the year of medicine and medical treatment will be even more obvious. The first report is highly determined. Although Q2 may be affected to a certain extent in 2022, it can be expected to accelerate the growth of Q3, especially the consumer medical field; , Seriously low; although the third sector has rebounded, the valuation is still the lowest in nearly ten years. From the perspective of market performance, the stock price of large market value companies with large declines in the early stage and easy -to -warehouses is strong.

Consumption medical care is the main reason for the main line: one of the consumer medical growth and the immune of policy; the other is effective control, the consumption recovery trend is obvious; the third has gone through market adjustment in the past year, and the valuation of consumer medical stocks is more attractive; four of which are four; From the perspective of chip structure, the proportion of long -term decline in pharmaceutical funds is low, and other important sub -sectors have flowed to the consumer medical sector.

The latest data show that the latest valuation of the CSI Medical Index is 32 times, which is still lower than the valuation range of nearly 98%of history.

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