Ansha Society: The growth of Italian family income cannot keep up with inflation.

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.07.08

China Well -off Network, July 6th, ISTAT, the Italian Statistical Bureau of Malaysia, said on Tuesday that Italian household income in the first quarter of this year increased by 2.6%compared with the previous quarter.However, due to the crisis of living costs, the purchasing power increased by only 0.3%.

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According to Ansha Society in Italy, according to preliminary data released by the Italian Bureau of Statistics on Friday, Italy's annual inflation rate rose to 8% in June, the highest level since January 1986.

The annual inflation rate in May was 6.8%.The National Bureau of Statistics said that energy is the driving factor of soaring prices, which rose 48.7%year -on -year in June to 42.6%in May.

The agency stated that the shopping cart index that reflects food and family supplies such as food and family supplies increased by 8.6%year -on -year, once again the highest level since January 1986.

ISTAT said that in the first quarter of this year, the family savings tended to be 12.6%, an increase of 1.1 percentage points from the previous quarter.

According to statistical agencies, family expenditure increased by 1.4%.

But disposable income increased by only 2.6%.

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