Gaotai "Pearl Beach" wolfberry red has smiled at farmers

Author:Zhangye Daily Time:2022.07.08

On July 7, 2022, at the 1,300 acres of organic wolfberry planting bases in Pearl Beach, Heiquan Town, Gaotai County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, the picking season ushered in the picking season. Hundreds of villagers grabbed the weather to be fineSaying at the time, we can pick, clean and dry, dry and dry.

It is reported that the pearl beaches of Heiquan Town, Gaotai County in the past are saline -alkali and Gobi Beach. Hequan Town introduced and cultivated leading enterprises.The production and operation mode of the company+base+farmer "guides the villagers to work nearby. The villagers can achieve" earning money to earn money and wolfberry to pick up, clean and dry wolfberry workers at their doorsteps.(Reporter Wang Wang Xingping, Guo Xiaoyun Tian Ruifeng)

[Editor in charge: Dong Xingping]

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