Agricultural distribution of Nanyang Branch implementation system to strengthen credit risk management and control

Author:Focusing point Time:2022.07.09

In order to consolidate the foundation of credit management, since this year, the Nanyang Branch has further improved customer and credit management measures. The focus is on actively organizing employees to study the "Measures for the Unified Credit Management Management Management Measures for Customer Customer Customer (2022)" and actively cooperate with cooperation The higher -level bank has done a good job in the unified credit management of the group's customers, and effectively controlled the total credit risk of the group's customers. It was well received.

The bank requires actions at all levels to use the organizer to adhere to the correct performance of the main duties. Actively cooperate with superiors to do a good job of identification and identification of group customers. Organize and coordinate all parties to report relevant information or initiate relevant processes within the prescribed time limit. Cooperate with the management bank to do a good job of approval and approval of the annual unified credit limit of the group's customers. Actively respond to the work request of the association, and report the coordination and resolution of the management bank in a timely manner for the difficulty of organizing the coordination of the organization. At the same time, under the guidance of the superiors, we are responsible for the overall management of the customer's unified credit limit for the customer. Take the lead in formulating the group client duration management plan, take the lead in do a good job of the relevant work related to the duration of the group's customers and member companies, lead the group's customer risk identification, monitoring, early warning, and resolution. The group customer duration of the joint inspection information reported the management bank.

For the approval and approval of the unified credit limit, the bank will further strengthen the uniform credit limit of the group's customer or member enterprise in accordance with the requirements and the declaration and recommendation of the credit business of the group. Carefully carry out investigations and evaluations, make overall arrangements in accordance with the annual approval work, and cooperate with the credit approval department to do the approval and promote related work. Take the lead in doing overall monitoring, statistical analysis and early warning of the group's customer credit risk, and urge the front platform business department to organize and carry out the relevant work related to the duration of group customers to ensure the effectiveness of credit risk management and control. (Correspondent Liang Dongkang)

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