5G empowerment, Shanxi Coal Mine opens a new era of "digital intelligence" transformation

Author:Shanxi Economic Daily Time:2022.07.11

Shanxi Economic Daily reporter Wang Lei

In the coal mines of tens of meters or even hundreds of meters underground, how should emergency contact with the ground?

In the inherent cognition, miners can only use a fixed phone. If you are behind, you need to transfer the ground machine; if you are more advanced, you can directly dial, connect with the mine ground, interconnect between the miners, and you can directly dial the market, mobile phones, etc. And these undercutors can only be installed in the working place, and cannot be moved under the well.

In fact, thanks to the development of 5G technology, mobile phones can be used under coal mines. Recently, the reporter saw that through the "Gaohe Energy") in Jianan Chemical Gaoshe Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Gaohe Energy"), through the use of the "Smart Mining" system, mining operators can not only perform voice and videos with other people under the well with other people under the well. Calls can also be used to schedule the call scheduling with the schedules of the well with the scheduling room with the scheduling room of the well, which can make up for the shortcomings of the traditional fixed -line scene movement.

In Xinyan Coal Mine in Luliang City, a miner was conducting 5G calls under the well. Wei Liang Photo

Gel 5G ecology to meet the just under the well

At 9:50, a picture was passed from the working surface of the tape from the underground of Gaomai Energy. It turned out that this was a high -definition picture taken from the front line of explosion -proof mobile phones from the team. The staff quickly searched according to the picture. At 10:29, the other picture was passed from the ground to the underground. After confirmation, the size model of the parts on the picture is the same as the original, which meets the installation requirements. The scheduling is immediately arranged to put the parts to the underground work under the well. noodle. At 13:10, the equipment after replacement has returned to normal operation.

This is the real thing that happened on May 3 this year. Earlier, if there are similar faults under the well, because it is necessary to solve the problems such as component matching, communication, and long -distance transportation, it will take at least 10 hours to complete.

The reporter learned that the original intention of the construction of the "Smart Mining" product system was based on solving communication problems in the coal mine. This system jointly created by China Mobile Communications Group Shanxi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanxi Mobile") and Xunan Chemical Group, through 1 5G network, 1 Smart Mineral APP, 1 ecological application circle, and multiple industries The construction of the terminal, allowing smart coal mines to realize deep interconnection, high sharing, intelligent services and intuitive display, and also opened a standard system for large -scale promotion and application for the transformation of "digital intelligence" for coal mines in our province.

Promote industrial integration and promote transformation and upgrading

In recent years, the demand for energy structure transformation and the proposal of the "double carbon" goal have prompted my country's coal industry to gradually transform to cleaning and intelligent transformation. Our province has continued to accelerate the pace of the integration and development of intelligent technology and coal industry with big data and 5G technology. Earlier, the province had built the nation's first 5G special network under the country, and the nation's first 5G coal mines.

"Intelligence is not only the need for the development of the coal industry itself, but also an inevitable choice for the coal industry to achieve high -quality development." Miao Li, deputy director of the Provincial Energy Bureau, said in an interview with reporters that as of now, 453 intelligentization has been built in our province. The excavation working surface accounts for more than 40%of the country, and the intelligent construction of coal mines is in the country's first echelon.

At the same time, 21 intelligent coal mines have been built in our province, with 23 coal mines to achieve 5G in the well. The intelligent excavation working surface has a total of 1,350 people, and the reduction ratio of 32.1%is 32.1%. "The mining efficiency has increased significantly, the intensity of workers' labor intensity is significantly reduced, and the effectiveness of intelligent construction has gradually emerged." Miao also said.

In the process of promoting the development of 5G digital economy, Shanxi Mobile took the lead in carrying out key technology research and product research and development of 5G smart mines nationwide, and has created more than 30 cases of 5G+smart mine projects to effectively solve the problem of high industry risks, low efficiency, high cost and so on. Essence

Intelligent office application, improve management level

"As the application of 5G in coal mines is becoming more and more extensive, the 5G network is simply not able to meet the needs of the mines to the communication network." Fan Ruilan, general manager of Shanxi Mobile DICT and Cloud Property Center, said that it is not difficult to see after trial operation. It is not difficult to see it. "Smart Mineral" is currently a new method that has just been realized in the well.

According to reports, in addition to real -time communication, the inner network of the system can also converge the coal mine production office data, and provide instant communication, daily office, production scheduling, application management and other coal mines such as coal mines through the mobile phone "Smart Mine" APP Office application.

The blessing of 5G has made the "old" coal mine rejuvenating a new and vitality. The reporter learned that "Smart Mining" effectively promoted the integration of 5G technology and the coal industry chain, empowering the safety production and smart management of coal mines, and promoted the movement of mines to digitalization and intelligence. Wei Chunhui, chairman of Shanxi Mobile, said that the next step will accelerate the construction of a new type of information service system in the "connection+computing power+ability" in the mine field, continue to upgrade the supply of digital intelligence, and help the industry to achieve a deeper number of intellectual transformation.

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