Have you enjoyed a policy of stabilizing the economy?

Author:State Administration of Taxati Time:2022.06.14

33 measures in six aspects

A solid and stable package policy

Recently, the State Council issued a solid package policy, and proposed 33 measures in six aspects, including increasing the efforts of the VAT tax refund policy, expanding the implementation of social premiums, and encouraging the delay of loans to small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Pay interest, reduce the cost of market entities, and use water and power network costs.

Premier Li Keqiang pointed out at the TV conference on the economic market to stabilize the economic market that it is necessary to use the method of "decentralizing the management" reform to optimize the policy implementation process and follow the implementation of the implementation. It should be perfectly improved to ensure that the policy benefit subject does People clearly understand and enjoy.

In order to understand the implementation of relevant policies and measures, the Chinese government network opened a special solicitation suggestion. Welcome to the majority of enterprises to participate in the questionnaire survey to reflect your situation and suggestions and suggestions.

The policy of stabilizing the economy's package "should know what to know and enjoy" questionnaire


Do you know about policies and measures?


Have you enjoyed these policies?


To what extent do these policies help you?


What are the reasons for the policy?


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Talk about your situation and suggestions

Your feedback helps track and understand the implementation of the policy

Click to read the original text at the end of the text

View a package of policies and measures more information

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