French media: The price of Bitcoin sold by vicious global markets fell below the $ 23,000 mark

Author:Poster news Time:2022.06.14

Reference News Network reported on June 14. According to Agence France -Presse, London, the price of Bitcoin plunged to less than $ 23,000 on the 13th local time, a new low in 18 months.After the virtual currency sector soared to a historical high 7 months, investors avoided risk assets in the face of vicious global markets.

Bitcoin tokens (issued by Xinhua News Agency)

It is reported that in the afternoon transactions reached in London, this digital currency plummeted by more than 16%and fell to $ 22603.Since November last year reached the historical peak of $ 68991.85, Bitcoin has now fallen 66%.Data gathers the company's coin tiger website on the 13th that the market value of global cryptocurrencies is currently less than $ 1 trillion.

The report pointed out that the raging inflation has triggered a more tightening monetary policy globally and promoted the decline in the industry.(Compiled/Ji Qinwei)

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