Moutai enters ice cream, will young people fall in love with liquor?

Author:China News Weekly Time:2022.07.14

Youngization is becoming an important development direction of the wine market

Moutai entered ice cream across the border.

In May of this year, Moutai, Guizhou, launched ice cream for the first time. A price of less than 80g ranging from 59 yuan to 66 yuan, and even 99 yuan of current ice cream. Although the price is expensive, because of the "faint Moutai wine", Maotai ice cream hangs the appetite of many people, and even attracts the purchasing of ox, the price is double the original price.

At present, Moutai Ice Cream has entered 9 cities and will enter more cities in the future.

In the hot summer, ice cream is loved by young consumers. When "liquor+ice cream", will young people buy it?

Moutai enters ice cream

On July 9th, the Moutai Ice Cream flagship store in Changsha Dayue City officially opened.

A consumer at the scene told China News Weekly that although the ice cream was not officially launched at 10 am that day, many people at the scene began to line up. It is worth noting that among the teams waiting for the purchase, there are many middle -aged people besides young people.

At 11 am, ice cream was officially launched. Like many "net celebrities", consumers have to hold ice cream after buying ice cream, and expose the Maotai logo, and take a photo with Maotai ice cream card characters Mao Xiaoling.

It is reported that this time with Changsha Moutai Ice Cream flagship store, there are four Maotai ice cream shops in Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, and Guangzhou. Coupled with the previous four stores in Moutai International Hotel, Guiyang Vientiane Hui, and Nanjing and Xi'an, the offline channels of Moutai ice cream have been expanded to 9 stores.

It is understood that Moutai Ice Cream is a new product developed by professional manufacturers such as Moutai Technology Team and Mengniu, as well as scientific research institutes such as Jiangnan University. It is the first "liquor+ice cream" product launched by Moutai Group. Moutai "non -alcoholic food products.

At present, the pre -packaged Moutai ice cream, including green plums (78g), classic original flavor (75g) and vanilla flavors (75g), three Moutai ice cream. The prices are 59 yuan, 66 yuan and 66 yuan, respectively.

In addition to the pre -packaged models, there are also ice cream and related ice cream desserts. Among them, the current price of ice cream ranges from 39 yuan to 99 yuan, and the price of ice cream dessert ranges from 32 yuan to 378 yuan. It is reported that the ice cream sold in the store is made by the proportion of 50g of 53 -degree flying Moutai mixed with 50g of milk per 1kg of milk.

Since its launch on May 19 this year, Moutai ice cream sales have continued to be hot. According to the data released by "I Moutai", Moutai ice cream daily sales exceeded one million yuan. Taking the sales data on June 29 as an example, Moutai ice cream sold more than 1.7 million yuan on the same day, and a total of more than 27,000 cups of pre -packaged ice cream were sold. On the same day, the two provinces of Shaanxi and Jiangsu, which only launched I Moutai,, including the two flagship stores of Xi'an and Nanjing, sold a total of 1.28 million yuan online and offline, and sold more than 20,000 cups.

The popularity of Moutai ice cream also breeds "ox" purchasing. China News Weekly observed that multiple online stores have sold Moutai ice cream on e -commerce platforms. In one store, the price of 3 cups of Moutai ice cream is 373 yuan, the price of 6 cups is 725 yuan, and the price of 12 cups is as high as 1275 yuan. The three flavors of green plum boiled wine, classic original flavor and vanilla can be purchased. Compared with the selling price of the Moutai official app, the purchase price of oxen has exceeded nearly doubled. As of press time, the monthly sales of this store have reached 1000+.

However, Guizhou Maotai is also helpless. According to media reports, a customer service staff in Moutai, Guizhou said that the company has no way to solve the company for this kind of buying and re -sale.

Behind the cross -border of wine companies

Before Moutai, many wine companies had launched ice cream or ice cream cross -border.

In 2019, Luzhou Laojiao and Zhong Xuegao launched the "Broken Broken Broken Cream", with a pre -sale price of 132 yuan (10 pieces), which was sold out in 30 minutes. In cooperation, the price is about five times that of ordinary "casual" ice cream; in 2021, the rice wine brand Gu Yue Longshan and Zhong Xuegao launched the joint model of the joint model series of rice wine flavor ice cream.

Cross -border wine companies, why are the cold drink industries such as ice cream and ice cream?

In the opinion of Dairy experts Song Liang, objectively speaking, the entry threshold for ice cream and ice cream has a low threshold, coupled with the high growth of this industry in recent years, and the high gross profit margin of the industry itself, it has indeed attracted some brands to enter the border.

According to data from Foresight Industry Research Institute, the size of the Chinese ice cream/ice cream market in 2020 reached 147 billion yuan, and it is expected to exceed 160 billion yuan in 2021. The market size ranks first in the world. In addition, compared with the per capita consumption of Western European countries, the average annual consumption of Chinese people is about 3.5 liters, and there is still much room for increase.

"But more importantly, wine companies can reach young consumers through ice cream and ice cream." Song Liang further analyzed that there is a big difference in the traditional sales channels of liquor and consumer channels that young people prefer. The form of specialty stores to achieve channel expansion, and prepare for the launch of products such as low wine, fruit wine, color wine and other products in the next step.

Consumer product marketing expert Xiao Zhuqing also holds a similar point of view. He said that the emergence of Moutai ice cream is an important measure for Guizhou Moutai brand. Ice cream is a consumer product that young people like very much. Moutai can increase the consumer scenario of interactive communication with young people through ice cream, allowing more young people to come into contact with the Moutai brand. At present, the Moutai ice cream flagship store opened in various cities in Moutai has become a punch place for young local consumers. On the Internet, the volume of Moutai ice cream is quite considerable. In the Xiaohongshu, there are nearly 10,000 notes in Moutai ice cream, with nearly 1.3 million topic views; the number of topics related to Douyin platform has reached 140 million times.

Behind Moutai's cross -border ice cream, youthfulness is becoming an important development direction of the wine market.

According to CBNData Consumption Big Data, the "2020 Young People Water Consumption Insight Report" shows that from the perspective of the number of consumers and per capita consumption, the post -90s and post -95s are growing, and young people are gradually becoming the main market consumer army. However, the post -90s and post -95s young people do not prefer domestic white wine, rice wine, health wine and other traditional wine drinks, and also prefer fruit wine, wine and beer.

According to the consulting agency Roland Berg data, among the alcohol consumption of consumers under 30 years of age, white wine accounts for only 8%, far lower than beer, wine, pre -wine and other low drinks.

How to be younger for liquor

How to expand consumer groups, especially how to attract young consumers, is becoming a major issue in the liquor industry.

Some people in the industry pointed out that there is a natural gap between the use of liquor products and young consumers, which has also caused some liquor brands to be younger.

In January of this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology sought an opinion on the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of the Modern Light Industry System (Draft for Opinions)". The opinion draft proposes that the development of young consumer groups and foreign consumer groups has developed diverse, fashionable, personalized, and low -degree liquor products.

"Baijiu often appears on formal drinking occasions such as entertainment and business, and often appears with the culture of wine tables. At present, young people have a strong negative emotion on the concept of wine table culture." Jiujiu analyst Cai Xuefei said that young consumption said by young consumption. The vulgar table culture with liquor is not rejected by liquor, but a vulgar table culture with liquor as the carrier.

China News Weekly has launched a related survey of#中国 多 中国 中国 中国 中国#. Within two days, a total of 627,000 people participated in the voting, of which 85%said that they were "extreme."

Cai Xuefei believes that the younger liquor should pay more attention to the creation of fashion trend culture, as well as the quality innovation of the product, such as the liposity and health.

In addition, the purchasing power of young people also limits liquor to young people. Xiao Zhuqing pointed out that liquor is not just a wine product. It has more social attributes. Giving gifts and invitations, human relationships, and the value of wine is very important. "The purchasing power of young people is limited, and young liquor cannot carry this social attribute."

So, will ice cream a good way?

Cai Xuefei believes that Moutai's entry of ice cream is a good breakthrough in the integration of young consumer groups, which is conducive to future brand development. And in the peak season of cold drinks, ice cream has high attention, and has a huge taste of new crowds. There are many target consumers, which can effectively support Moutai's new marketing attempts.

Song Liang said that Moutai Ice Cream follows a high -end/ultra -high -end route. At present, young people consume more because of the "early adopter" psychology. Coupled with the short shelf life of ice cream, it is destined that it is difficult to have attributes such as Feitian Moutai "Finance" and "Collection".

However, he still affirmed the latest initiative in Moutai in Guizhou. "It can be seen that after entering a new field in Guizhou Maotai, it looks very cautious. On the one hand, it chooses to cooperate with enterprises in the industry, and on the other hand, it is step by step when layout."

In fact, in addition to the "I Moutai" and Moutai ice cream, in recent years, Guizhou Maotai has been exploring a lot of action in the young consumer market. In 2019, Guizhou Moutai launched UMEET blueberry crafts and entered the low -end wine track, hoping to attract young consumers; in 2020, Guizhou Moutai and Da Da Journey to the West to reach the national style brand strategic partner agreement. Carrier; in 2021, Moutai, Guizhou, released the rap song "OH It's Moutai", introducing the brand in a way that young consumer groups like.

Author: Yu Yuan ([email protected])

Edit: Li Zhiquan

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