Digital economy is a strong driving force for recovery and continuous growth

Author:Chinese Women's Network Time:2022.07.15

■ Langwen

"In the era of uncertainty, there is a very large certainty, that is, recovery and long -term growth, and the digital economy will definitely play a very important role." At the 2022 Caixin Summer Summit held recently, the member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Chinese Administrative Society of Administrative Management Society The Yangtze River Xiaojuan stated in the speech that the epidemic bringing the public's adaptability to digital applications will not disappear with the end of the epidemic. Many online production, consumption, and social habits will continue. The economy will become a strong driving force for recovery and continuous growth after epidemic.

5G+epidemic promotes the application of digital technology more widespread in -depth

Jiang Xiaojuan said that the extensiveness of digital scenes replaced offline scenes was difficult to imagine before, and in the three years of the epidemic, new digital forms such as digital learning, digital medical care, digital culture, and takeaway have developed very quickly. Consumers have accepted or Habits, online and offline fusion production and consumption are likely to become the norm.

While the epidemic forced the public to move from offline to online, technology is also developing rapidly. "We hope that online and offline can have the same quality and the same effect, which can continue. Due to the progress of technology, some new one billion -level, tens of billions, and 100 billion -level new digital consumption appears after the epidemic. And digital production is a chance to look forward to. "

Jiang Xiaojuan took online teaching as an example. She introduced that during the epidemic, the national smart education platform launched all the courses of all compulsory education stages. Essence She believes: "With our adaptation to the online model, with the rapid progress of technology in the past two years, online is not just equivalent to homogeneity. It is a consumption model of quality improvement and efficiency in many fields. It will definitely continue to develop quickly after the epidemic. "

Subsequently, she also listed examples of online movie viewing, Jay Chou's online performance, e -commerce live broadcast, and remote surgery. Jiang Xiaojuan believes that the three -year technology+epidemic has made Volkswagen's online consumption daily. The 5G+epidemic has brought digital technology that is very real with online homogeneity and even better effects, and online and offline Adding is very real.

China's digital economy has very favorable conditions

Jiang Xiaojuan pointed out that China's development of the digital economy has very favorable conditions.

First of all, China's digital consumer market is large. "Digital consumption time is the first in the world, the number of monthly activities is 1.183 billion, and the daily duration of the national line is almost 8 billion hours. Such a long online duration provides us with a very broad market for us to continue to innovate online services. Any A economy is not comparable to us. "Jiang Xiaojuan said.

Secondly, digital infrastructure is well -developed. "The opening of the 5G base station in my country, the coverage of 5G users accounts for 60%to 70%of the world's. In recent years, the progress of digital infrastructure is very fast. The massive connection established between human -machines and things has allowed our digital economy to move from the consumer platform to the production platform quickly. Good infrastructure is a very important condition. "

Third, the digital space of the manufacturing industry is very large. China's manufacturing industry is the first in the world, and the industrial digitalization of production will bring many opportunities.

Fourth, the industry chain is very complete, and multiple links can be appreciated. "Our industrial chain is relatively complete. A new consumption form appears in any consumer endpoint. Going back, we can walk to the consumer platform, can extend to all chains from Tom to the manufacturing industry. Finally, we can return to us. In terms of research and development, our chain is relatively long, and there is no innovation of a consumer model. Behind it is the industry of other countries, and our chain is almost complete. "Jiang Xiaojuan pointed out that the R & D side launched a new model that can move forward forward. Extension to landing; the consumer side has a new model that can extend back to the full -chain of the industrial chain, which is a particularly big advantage in China.

Fifth, there are a group of strong competitive companies. Jiang Xiaojuan pointed out that in addition to large consumer platforms (Tencent, Ali, Tiktok, Baidu, etc.), digital companies in my country's industry are also very competitive. The World Economic Forum and Boston Information jointly selected the Lighthouse Factory of the 4.0 era of Industry. 90 were selected around the world. There were 31 China, half of which were transnational companies in China, and half of our local enterprises. Jiang Xiaojuan believes that in the era of Industry 4.0, China will definitely appear head enterprises in digital worlds, bringing a good industrial Internet. This is a good foundation for my country.

Sixth, the "double carbon" goal brings a large digital space in the energy field. Jiang Xiaojuan takes the goal of dual carbon energy saving as an example. The distribution requirements of energy are very high. On the basis of no reduction or improvement, how to match the sources of various energy sources best to ensure the supply of energy and stabilize it without problems. Jiang Xiaojuan showed the video of the Xiong'an high -speed rail station. She introduced that after the establishment of the Xiong'an high -speed rail station, the ability to digitize the digital transformation can be added directly and can be reduced by more than 25%. Iteraton and learning can do this.

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