In the post -epidemic era, North American cross -border e -commerce "breaks" guide | Xiaguang Cross -border

Author:Xiaguang Society Time:2022.07.15

With the gradual stability of the global epidemic and the opening of the country in various countries, the prices of sea and air transportation have fallen sharply, and the cross -border e -commerce industry ushered in the "post -epidemic era." In many markets, due to the good economic foundation, strong user consumption capacity, and the rapid improvement of e -commerce penetration, the North American market has always been an ideal destination for Chinese cross -border sellers.

In the past two years, a large number of cross -border sellers have poured into North America, and the market has begun to become crowded -traffic dividends have gradually faded and competition has become increasingly fierce. Bring new uncertainty and opportunities.

In the post -epidemic era, how can cross -border sellers adjust the pace? What new trends will North America's cross -border e -commerce companies usher in? From the localization team, marketing to the logistics system, what pits need to be avoided by new cross -border sellers?

Summary of Salon Questions and Answers in this issue:

Guest: IMILE Mexico head -He Jiansheng

01. How did IMILE choose Mexico in the North American market?

IMILE can be said to be a logistics service provider focusing on the Middle East market. From last year, it has been on the road of globalization. Mexico is the first stop of the global road. There are three reasons for choosing Mexico:

First, in the North American market, the US market is a global market highland, but logistics services are currently competitive. However, the Latin American market is currently a very good blue ocean market, which is at the beginning of the start. However, the penetration rate of e -commerce in some countries is less than 10%. The entire e -commerce company is developing at high speed.

Second, in the Latin America market, its competition and service levels still have space compared to the relatively mature head markets in North America and the United States, especially in the field of cross -border logistics. The seller's demand has a relatively large space. We believe that there is a lot of potential in meeting demand to dig.

Third, due to the catalysis of the epidemic, the amount of cross -border e -commerce in the Latin American region is surging, and it is a very good entry point for logistics. At the same time, the business environment in the Mexican market is more friendly.

02. What are the differences between North American buyers compared with the Camp of IMILE?

From the perspective of three parts, the first is the payment habit. At present, the payment habits of e -commerce in the Middle East are still mainly "goods and payment", accounting for 70%. However, in Latin America, the model of "prepaid" is mainly accounted for more than 90 %. The reason for this difference is that the local public security environment is not particularly good in most Latin American countries.

Second, the unit price of the Middle East is very high, about $ 40-100. The unit price range in Latin America will be relatively low. The unit price of the customer is mainly at a range of 2.5-50 US dollars, which is much lower than the Middle East.

Third, from the perspective of consumer behavior, in the Latin American market, pet products are more popular, but pet products have almost no market in the Middle East. Many countries in the Middle East prohibit pets. There is also a typical difference in tourism. Because the Middle East Qi Hou is very hot, outdoor tourism products are very limited. But it is very popular in Latin America, especially the post -epidemic era. This year, these countries have gradually liberalized the control of the epidemic, and the category of tourism has risen very quickly. On the whole, we can see that in the Middle East market, there are many taboos due to religious reasons. However, in Latin America, the market is relatively high, and the available category range will be wider.

03. What are the experiences when IMILE did localization in Mexico?

In Mexico, our team currently has more than 400 employees, only 3 Chinese. How to integrate with the local team and build a local team, you must find someone who knows very well in the local market. Then give full trust authorization and related incentives.

Another problem is cultural integration. In fact, in the process of communication between Chinese teams and local teams, a large number of cultural conflicts will also occur, and we will encounter this problem in the early days. I think as a manager, we must look at cultural conflicts with an open and equal attitude. During daily communication, the Chinese generally speak very direct. Such a way of communication may be difficult to accept for local teams. He will think you are very rude. But if you are cold first and start talking about the business, the locals will be easier to accept.

04. Recently, the price of cross -border logistics has begun to fall. What impact does this round of price fluctuations have on cross -border e -commerce?

At present, whether it is sea transportation or air transportation, it has begun to fall, which is undoubtedly a good good for cross -border e -commerce. On the one hand, the reason behind is the relief of the epidemic. On the other hand, we see that the peak consumption during the epidemic has gradually returned to reason, leading to differentiation of cross -border e -commerce. Many categories of sales have declined.

During the epidemic, due to the rapid increase in e -commerce penetration, many friends who do cross -border e -commerce do not need to make too much efforts in operations, and they can also make a lot of money. However, if you have not accumulated product competitiveness and operating experience, after truly returning to normalization, you will face cruel competition.

I suggest that the cost of logistics can decline, and make more attempts in the operation mode and channels. Air transport prices have decreased. Sellers can quickly test the market response through the air transport test, and feel the temperature of the market through small -scale air transport tests to find explosive products. On the whole, market changes are getting faster and faster. After a month of sale of the explosive products, other sellers will keep up, resulting in the shorter and shorter time window of the explosion. This requirement can have a more sensitive sense of smell in the post -epidemic era, and has a more agile grasp of the market temperature. Guest: North American Business Ecological Consulting CEO -CHRIS

01. What are the obvious differences between the North American consumer market and other regions?

First, an increasingly strong trend is that consumers value the brand very much. The brand itself represents trust. There are many choices in North American consumers, and global products can be tentative. If you want to go to North America when you go to the sea, you must pay attention to the brand. Don't just look at the price. Stay away from the price war and play your own space through quality or service. Especially consumers in the United States and Canada may not be prioritized.

In addition to brands, I think consumers in North America also pay attention to social responsibility. For example, whether it is cooperating with local charity and taking the pet industry as an example, the profit of 1%of local North American brands will be assigned to charity to help homeless puppies.

In terms of consumption habits, because I have been in China for 15 years, Chinese e -commerce companies are more developed than North America, but in North America may not need to pay too much attention to the cutting -edge of sales channels. North America's consumption habits are still very traditional.

02. What are the advantages of Chinese companies going to sea? What difficulties are facing?

There are many advantages. For more than 40 years of reform and opening up, the price advantage of Chinese products has been great in the past, but now China's product quality is gradually improving. Moreover, Chinese companies are often bold and decisive, which is why I like Shenzhen and have strong execution.

The question I often ask is that there are better overseas Chinese brands, and I will tell my customers that the Chinese brands who have done a good job in sea often do not know it is a Chinese brand because the local brand is the same.

But localization is difficult to do. I think we must find local experts and marketing cooperation. What's more important is to make decision -making power to the local team and learn to decentralize. The problem I often see is that American designers have made a design, but the Chinese headquarters feels that this solution is not good, and it is changed to Chinese design.

03. How to do brand marketing and promotion in North America?

First of all, personal opinions are not important, and data is important. Making products must be believed in data. Some companies are very successful in China. Managers have two or 30 years of experience in China, but your intuition, your business mind, will use these experiences to go overseas, but will take a detour, because your intuition only comes from the Chinese market Essence

I shared two cases, one is "rice ball takeaway", a takeaway brand of Vancouver, and two Chinese students start a business after graduating. Their success is that the system optimization is well done. Especially in English customer service and marketing, they are often reported by English media.

Another good example is "Master West". They opened the first store in Toronto, Canada last year. The shop is very interesting. It feels like Western -style fast restaurants in the store. From my own feelings, it is a familiar environment. The session of ordering is also very important. If I do n’t understand Chinese to the ordinary Chinese restaurant, that menu is a bit scary, and there are too many choices that I do n’t understand. But Master West made a menu with pictures. Because this is a more familiar way for locals.

Introduction of the "Xiaguang Cross -border" column:

"Xiaguang Cross -border" is a cross -border e -commerce industry exchange column focusing on D2C, cross -border marketing, brand going to sea. It was sponsored by 100 million eurt.

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