From January to May, Taiyuan has issued 260 million yuan to the 798 households' market entities

Author:Taiyuan Daily Time:2022.06.15

Zhao Wei, a member of the Party Group of the Taiyuan Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, introduced that as of now, it has issued 260 million yuan to 798 market entities, focusing on solving the problem of "financing difficulties" for the development of individual industrial and commercial households.

At present, the Taiyuan Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has jointly established a "new platform" for individual industrial and commercial households with China Postal Savings Bank Taiyuan Branch.It is expected that from 2022 to 2025, it will strive to achieve 4 billion yuan in loans of individual industrial and commercial households, and the urban and rural coverage rate will reach 100%.

In 2022, the "new platform" plans to loan 800 million yuan from individual industrial and commercial households.As of the end of May, the 798 households have issued 260 million yuan to the 798 households, which has focused on solving the problem of "financing difficulties" for the development of individual industrial and commercial households.Reporter Zhang Yong Taiyuan Evening News

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