Naixue virtual stock game is offline, and the leverage is questioned

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.18

Jimu Journalist Kang Xuyang

Intern Wang Jiawen Xiang Lihua

Recently, the "virtual stock game" launched by Naixue's tea is offline, and the game just launched half a month ago. The official announcement stated that the event was offline because of the user experience.

Earlier, the gameplay of virtual stock games caused controversy in netizens. Players can choose 2, 5 times, and 10 times leverage to borrow Naixue coins to buy virtual stocks. Costs, big returns "," want to significantly increase virtual stock income, you can add leverage borrowing to play. "

Event offline notice

Naixue launched virtual stocks

On June 30, Naixue's tea was listed on the first anniversary of the listing of Hong Kong stocks. It launched the Naixue virtual stock game in the official applet, and issued a post on the official Weibo and public account invited users to do virtual shareholders.

In order to attract users to participate in virtual stocks, Naixue officially launched a virtual stock event when the game was launched. From June 30th to July 2nd, users drank Naixue to pay 30 yuan to get 30 virtual stocks.

The gameplay of virtual stocks is linked to the real stock price of Naixue, that is, virtual stocks and Naixue Hong Kong stocks rose together. Different from real stocks, the assets of virtual stocks are Naixuecoin, which is the former tea member points of Naixue. And Naixuecoin can be obtained by placing orders, signing in, etc. Every day, members can get 1 Na Xue coin in the applet. Show the membership code in the Naixue store or use the small program to order for 1 yuan per consumption. Naixuecoin.

According to the rules of virtual stock activity released by Naixue's tea, the virtual stock price is calculated according to Naixue's "Hong Kong Stock Exchange Time Closing price*Hong Kong dollar exchange rate" as the benchmark. Essence If the user wants to increase the virtual stock income, and there are too few Naixue coins in the account, the official also launched a leveraged borrowing coin gameplay. The user can choose 2 times, 5 times, and 10 times the leverage.


How to play leverage? For example, assuming that the virtual stock price is 1 yuan/share, users use 50 Na Xue coins as the principal, plus 2 times leveraged to buy 100 virtual stocks, and the total assets are 100 Na Xue coins. Borrow currency. Assuming that when the stock price rises to 2 yuan/share, the user will sell 100 shares, get 200 Naixue coins, and return 50 borrowing currency, the remaining 150 Naixue coins, except for the principal, earn 100 Naixue coins, Essence

Naixue official release gameplay

The higher the risk, the greater the risk. Nai Xue's tea specially reminded in the official applet: After using lever borrowing coins to buy virtual stocks, virtual stocks have the risk of being cleared in the game. When selling virtual stocks, you need to return leverage to borrowing leverage according to the "selling share share". If the value of Naixue coins corresponding to the total number of stocks is less than the current leverage borrowing, the system will automatically liquidate. When liquidation occurs, the system will automatically sell users' total positions, replaced with Naixue coins to return leveraged borrowing coins, and the number of stocks after closing positions will be zero.

The game has been offline

Although Naixuecoin made through virtual stocks cannot be exchanged for cash, and can only be exchanged for coupons and gifts in the Naixue Coin Store, this gameplay has caused controversy in netizens, and many people question that they are challenging supervision.

Is the virtual stock game compliant? Jimu Journalists tried to interview phone calls. Naixue's tea passenger uniform only informed the event that the event was offline. The system was under the update.

The reporter noticed that on July 14, Naixue's tea announced that considering the user experience, Naixue Virtual Stocks' Council Campaign officially went offline after completing the game settlement at 16:00 on the day. At the same time, it will automatically exchange user virtual stocks to Naixue coins with 1 virtual stock exchange of 6 Naixuecoin. The game borrowing will be automatically returned to the platform when redeeming.

The day before the event was removed, the reporter entered the Naixue Minor Program "Naixue Paradise" page and tried to buy virtual stocks with 30 Naixue coins. Not enough to borrow. " Later, the reporter chose to add 2 times leverage and entrust the purchase of virtual stocks. At about 8 pm on July 14, the game was settled offline. The account showed that all virtual stocks were sold, and the income was 66.96 Nauxue coins. After returning 30 leverage borrowing coins, the remaining 36.96 Na Xue coins were returned. The activity page has been launched on the line. "Buy" and "sell" and other transaction options. You can only see the number of Naixuecoin and the trading details.

The reporter again checked the Naixue public account and found that the relevant content released on June 30 has been deleted.

Experts say that the legal red line has not been touched yet

Is the virtual stock game compliant?

Xia Hailong, a lawyer of Shanghai Shenlun Law Firm, analyzed that Naixuecoin is essentially common consumer points. The gameplay of virtual stocks also has similar applications in other platforms. There is no legal risk. In the model of Naixue's virtual stock trading, we must first ensure that the channel for users to obtain Naixuecoin comes from real and reasonable personal consumption. Secondly, the use scenario of Naixuecoin should also be limited to the reasonable range of user incentives. Naixuecoin can be used to exchange beverage vouchers with reasonable amounts. However, if users are allowed to be resale and accumulate Naixuecoin to exchange high -value goods or direct withdrawals, there will be greater risks, or suspected of opening casinos or illegal operations.

Yu Jialing, Executive Director of the Yuan Cosmic Industry Committee of the China Mobile Communications Federation, analyzed that Naixuecoin comes from consumption rather than storage value, so it can be classified as the category of network points. However, such network points are easily violated during the actual operation period. In Naixue's virtual stock gameplay, Naixuecoin did not exchange two -way exchange with the RMB, nor did it make a profit through the method of replacing the points. For activities such as exchanges, users actually did not generate actual benefits through virtual stocks, so they did not touch the red line of law. "Naixuecoin is currently not violated based on actual consumption scenarios, but it is also prone to some controversy. For example, whether the model of Naixuecoin encourages users to consume unreasonable consumption and whether it can be strictly prohibited on off -site transactions. Be careful to touch the legal red line. "Will this virtual stock game affect the actual stock price? Yu Jianing said that at present, Nai Xue's virtual stock gameplay is only a mechanism for gameplay in the platform for network points. Under the premise of no two -way exchange, consumers cannot achieve through the virtual stocks of Naixue to achieve the virtual stocks of Naixue. Enjoying corporate dividend income and value -added income, the impact of it is the stimulus of marketing activities on stock prices, but will not affect any real stock transaction.

Jimu reporters noticed that some netizens had previously exposed the Naixuecoin store that could spend 200,000 Na Xue coins to exchange a MacBook Air (Apple computer), and the computer market was selling at about 8,000 yuan; 50,000 can also be used. Naixue coin plus 100 yuan, exchanged for an essential oil fragrance. After the virtual stock game is offline, the Naixue Coin Store has also removed the above high -amount exchanges. At present, it can only be exchanged for Naixue's tea self -operated products, such as tea dessert vouchers and discount coupons. The 30 yuan voucher costs 2,700 Neisha coins to be exchanged.

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