"June 6th, new wheat buns boil mutton", what day is June 6?Why eat ravioli and mutton

Author:Small talk Time:2022.06.24

No matter which step people go, they have to find some fun and think about it. Yes, food is the joy I find, think of ways! Talk to the food with you seriously with you!


When I went back to my hometown a few days ago, I asked my grandma, what dietary customs in the lunar calendar in May and June. She told me that except for the Dragon Boat Festival, there was only June 6th. Sixth, I was very curious. What do you say on the sixth day of June of the lunar calendar? Grandma said that the previous days were more poor, her generation was basically hungry. When she encountered famine, she didn't even eat the bark in the wild, but it was not like now. So I basically forgot to the old tradition.

From the words of grandma, I know what day is June 6. The living conditions of the older generation are difficult. Only in June 6 can they taste some timing dishes, or they eat a good meal, because June 6th is equivalent to the beginning of the second half of the year. , In the second half of the year, we will not be hungry.

"June 6th, new wheat buns boil mutton", what day is June 6? Why eat ravioli and mutton. June 6 belongs to the traditional festival of the people. There are different claims in different places, but in the diet, many places are the same. One is to eat pasta, and the other is to eat mutton.

As for how to eat pasta and lamb, there are two sayings.

Said 1: In the past, people's lives were relatively poor, and they usually didn't eat much. The sixth day of June of the lunar calendar was equivalent to a small year, also known as "half a year". The younger year was the beginning of the second half of the year. Essence

Said 2: At this time, the crops and vegetables and vegetables sowed at this time are mature. We have the saying "taste new" in the local area, and "taste new" will naturally not miss pasta. Tang, do not work hard to prescribe medicine ", has since eaten pasta and lamb, which has become the two kinds of response foods that must be eaten on the sixth day of June.

In fact, eating lamb to eat lamb is to replenish physical strength, but also to do itself. It is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that the lamb "warm and nourish in the middle, nourish qi, appetizers and health, and nourish kidney qi". Eating mutton in summer can play a role in removing moisture, avoiding the cold, warming the stomach, and protecting the gastrointestinal and intestines. Pasta is easy to digest. Eating can not only replenish physical strength, but also reduce heat.

The ravioli and mutton are a very classic combination. By June, you can make a lamb bubble at home.

The required ingredients: mutton, alkali noodles, fans, dried fungus, fennel, pepper, pepper, salt, pepper

Specific method: Put the lamb in cold water for soaking. After soaking it, put it in a large pot and simmer for about 2 minutes. Put the lamb in the casserole for about 3 hours. Find a large bowl. Put it in the alkali cake with a hand with a hand with a hand, then put it in the cooked fans, fungus, put it in the cut lamb, and let's take a little bit. Sheep soup, add some salt and pepper, just like to eat chili.

This approach is a very lazy approach. It is more important to boil a large pot of sheep soup in advance. When the sheep soup is boiled, soak it first, then simmer the water, and then stew. This can ensure that the soup compares. If you drink it, you rarely appear.

【Food Speaking】

June 6th is a traditional festival of the people. The diet of this day is mainly pasta and lamb, and the mutton bubbles combine the two well, and they also eat very nutritious.

[This article was originally created by "small talk", which was first issued in the Baijia number: "Small talk", not to delete, stolen it without permission, infringement must be investigated]

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