2 pieces of chicken breasts are delicious, fragrant, spicy, and crispy, and snacks are also delicious

Author:Thai Yang's mother's family Time:2022.06.26

The sun is roasted like a fireball. The wind in the air is hot. It is really too hot in Hebei for nearly two days. The highest temperature has reached 40 degrees. Between a burst of sweltering.

There are more beer, watermelon and ice cream in the refrigerator. Because the weather is too hot, it is completely interested in eating. The mung bean soup, sour plum soup, and lemonade have become necessary in summer.

In summer, people are prone to heat stroke, and they are prone to malnutrition. The hot weather leads to poor appetite, and the body cannot obtain sufficient nutrients, which will affect the health of the body. In such hot weather in summer, we can prepare some of the non -greasy dishes that are not greasy, and try to prepare some different ingredients, so that the nutrition is more balanced. Today, I will share with you a delicious appetizer. I can make it with 2 pieces of chicken breasts. It is fragrant, spicy and crispy. It is very enjoyable. It is also delicious when eating snacks.

Chicken breasts are very suitable for eating in summer, and its cost performance is relatively high, the price is not expensive, and it is rich in protein and phospholipids. Frequent eating can enhance physical strength and make the body stronger. When buying chicken breasts, we must learn to choose, we can observe from the following three aspects.

1. See if the chicken breast is elastic, press it with your hand. If the elasticity represents is fresh, if you click it, you cannot rebound, and the proof of softness is not fresh.

2. Look at the color of chicken breasts. Normal chicken breasts are pink and shiny on the surface. If the color is dark and red, it means that it is not fresh. There are also those white chicken breasts. Don't buy this.

3. Do not buy chicken breasts that are sticky together. The chicken breasts we bought are generally frozen. The reason why the adhesion is because during transportation, the chicken breasts are turned off, and when it arrives at the destination, it will be sticky together.

The weather is so hot now. Most of my situations are shopping online and can be delivered the next day. There are ice packs protection and will not be turned off. It is very convenient.

Let ’s take a look at the practice of drinking and vegetables together!

1. After the chicken breast thaw, clean it. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, put onion, ginger slices, fragrant leaves, star anise, cinnamon, cooking wine, chicken breast, boil on high heat for about 10 minutes.

2. Rinse the cooked chicken breasts with cold water and tear it into shreds. The texture of the flesh when it is torn, try to be as thin as possible, be careful not to scal the hands.

3. After the chicken breast is torn, put an appropriate amount of raw soy sauce, old soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, salt, cooking wine, white pepper, grab and marinate for 15 minutes.

4. Put a sufficient amount of oil in the pan. After heating, put the chicken breasts in, and fry the medium and small heat to the surface into golden yellow. Try to fry as much as possible.

5. Leave a little base oil in the pan, put the appropriate amount of dried chili, pepper, ginger, garlic, stir -fry the aroma, put the fried chicken shreds in, and stir -fry evenly.

It is fragrant, spicy and crispy, open a bottle of beer, cool.

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