4 home -cooked dishes suitable for summer, refreshing, greasy and appetizing, easy to do, stable summer

Author:Nanning Food Time:2022.07.05

As soon as Lixia passed, the temperature rose every day. Without the air conditioning, even if we did nothing, we would sweat, let alone eat some hot vegetables, and it became hot and greasy after eating.

Therefore, many people do not have appetite as soon as they get a meal, and at this time they need to adjust their diet again.

Today, I will share with you 4 appetizers and cooked food. It is simple and not time -consuming, delicious and nutritious. Let's take a look.

1. Cold potato chips

Step 1: First make a sauce, cut the garlic and pepper into a broken end, put it in a bowl, and then add onion, pepper, white sesame, pepper, and stir well.

Subsequently splash hot oil, plus raw soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, white sugar, edible salt, oyster sauce and other condiments. Stir well.

Step 2: After peeling the potatoes, cut into thin slices, soak in the water for 10 minutes, remove the starch on the surface of the potato, and it will be more crispy.

Then add a lot of water to the pot. After the water is boiled, put the potatoes into the pot for 2 minutes. It is best to heat or fire during the whole process when you simmer, which can make the potatoes cooked faster.

Step 3: Cook the cooked potato chips, then take a look at the cold water. After the water on the surface of the potatoes becomes less, drizzle the sauce that is just adjusted, and then sprinkle with a little green onion. You can also add some chili oil to taste more delicious.

2. Hot and sour sashimi slices

Step 1: After peeling the pumpkin, cut into thin slices, then cut the tomatoes into small pieces for later use, and then prepare some garlic slices and red pepper shreds.

Step 2: Pour the appropriate amount of edible oil in the pot, put the flavor of the onion and garlic, then pour the tomatoes. After the tomatoes are fried, the red pepper and pumpkin slices are added. Finally, stir fry the high heat.

Step 3: When the ingredients are ready, add a little raw soy sauce, white vinegar, edible salt, sugar, pepper powder, and prepare for the pot, add a little onion segment, you can eat it.

3. Cold -mixed hand torn eggplant

Step 1: After the eggplant is cleaned, remove the head of the eggplant, and then put it in the pot. It is best to use chopsticks to easily penetrate.

Step 2: After steaming, take it out and let it cool, and then add an appropriate amount of minced garlic, sugar, raw soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, and salt in the bowl, and mix a bowl of sauce.

The amount of condiments can be adjusted according to personal taste. If you like spicy food, you can also put minced rice pepper or chili oil.

Step 3: After adjusting the sauce, put on gloves to tear the eggplant into small strips, then pour it into the sauce that is just adjusted, stir well, and sprinkle with a little green onion to eat it.

4. Oyster sauce lettuce

Step 1: After the lettuce is picked down, put it in the water to clean it, then remove the water control, put it aside for later use, and then prepare a little minced garlic.

Step 2: Put the appropriate amount of salt, oyster sauce, sesame oil, and chicken essence in the bowl in a bowl, and put it on the side for later use.

Step 3: Add a lot of water to the pot, pour some edible oil and edible salt into the pot. Edible salt can keep lettuce green green. Edible oil can form a protective film outside the lettuce to avoid loss of lettuce water. Eat to eat. Eat. It's more delicious.

After the water is boiled, pour the lettuce into the pot, and quickly simmer for 30 seconds. Do not simmer for too long, otherwise the lettuce is easy to collapse and it will not be so delicious. Essence

Step 4: Pour out the water in the pot, then add a little oil to the pan. Put the minced garlic after the oil is hot, stir -fry the aroma, and pour a little water along the pot.

Then pour the ingredients that have just been adjusted into the pot. After the fire is boiled, add a little water starch. When the sauce becomes very thick, it will be completed on the lettuce.

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