Draw the "oat gene password chart" for the "China core" Sichuan Agricultural University scientific research team

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.19

Cover Journalist He Fangdi Intern Wu Yanli

"Wind blowing wheat and waves of oats", every summer, this scene carries the expectations of farmers' harvest. Oats are not only a high -quality forage, but also can be processed into oatmeal for human consumption. As a kind of coarse grain, it can help the human body to lose weight, hair care, and cholesterol. In order to better cultivate oatmeal varieties and meet people's demand for nutrition and healthy foods, scientists have recently deciphered the genome of six times the naked oats, and thoroughly studied the origin and the evolution of the origin of six times oats. "Gene password chart", the study will accelerate the genetic improvement of oats and molecular design breeding.

Decoding Oat "China Core"

Oats are widely distributed in 42 countries in five continents. The cultivation species of countries around the world are mainly skin oats, while my country mainly grows naked oats. The processing process of naked oats is simpler, with higher protein and crude fat content, and amino acid composition is more balanced and highly research value.

On July 18th, Professor Peng Yuanying's research team of Sichuan Agricultural University Institute of Wheat Institute of Sichuan University of Agriculture University, "Based on the Reference Genome Dowry the Origin and Evolution of Six Bex Eats", published online on the international well -known academic journal "Nature Genetics" (Nature Genetics). This study first decippped the genome of six times the naked oats, and thoroughly studied the origin and the evolution of the origin of six times the oats and the sub -submissions, and drawn the "gene password chart" of oats.

The result of this time is based on the "three -pointers" of the nude oatmeal variety in the center of the naked oatmeal origin. Through the study of "three -pointers", the molecular diagram of the 21,000 protein coding genes was drawn up to draw the molecular diagram of the 21,000 protein coding genes.

"As the origin and main planting center of naked oats in six times, we need to further dig out the genetic resources represented by naked granules in the genome information of my country's unique naked oats." Professor Peng Yuanying, Sichuan Agricultural Driven Institute, said: "With the genome map, the breeding and genetic research of my country's naked oats will enter the fast lane. Just like the genetic password of the other crops, we will be able to directed the cultivation according to genetic information in the future. Bare oats with specific traits and functions, such as improving varieties of disease resistance; controlling the size of the seeds and increasing yield; or to allow the β-polysaccharides to be higher, helping the consumers control cholesterol and diabetes by intake of dietary fiber. "

"This study was completed by the Chinese by themselves. In -depth study of Chinese -unique oat quality resources is to hold the quality resources firmly in our own hands, and let the oat varieties install more 'Chinese cores'." Peng Yuanying said Essence

"Late" 20 years of naked oats reference genome

At the beginning of the new century, scientists locked the target of genomic sequencing to crops. As early as 2002, the Genome of rice was published. Since then, the genome sequences of many major crops such as corn, potatoes, soybeans, wheat and other major crops have been completed one after another. After a lapse of 20 years, the results of the genome of oats have been long overdue because it is extremely difficult to research.

The existing cultivation of the natural hybridization and double the process of the long evolution of the oatum is doubled from the twice the four -fold body to six times the body containing three genomes of A, C and D. The foundation composition, distributed in 21 pairs of chromosomes in the nucleus 3 sub -genomic group. Its genome is huge and complicated, with a volume of about 40 times the rice genome, and about 87%of genomic DNAs are repeated sequences, which makes it difficult for its genome test assembly research. The six -fold oats reference genome is one of the most complicated genomes of all species sequensed by scientists so far.

Peng Yuanying told reporters: "In response to the problems that the six -fold oatya genome composition and its high repeated sequence content, it may be encountered in genomic assembly, and we have designed an ultra -long sequencing technology that can be used for longer DNA fragments high accuracy sequencing sequencing. , And accumulated the research experience of oatmeal species in the past 20 years, selected the most likely four -fold and duplex ancestors for cultivating oats, combined with HIC, second -generation sequencing, full -length transcription group sequencing, and transcription group sequencing. Finally, the chromosomal assembly, mounting and annotations of the Chinese naked oats were completed, and the high -quality reference genome of naked oats was obtained. "

"As a six -fold crop, oats have significant advantages in terms of bi quantity, vitality, and adaptability to environmental changes. They can play their unique role in responding to grain safety challenges." Peng Yuanying said.

Peng Yuanying's thinking is long -term: The construction of oats reference genome, as the first step in the era of the genome, will make the whole genome of oats a possible selection of breeding and precise breeding. "We can now consider how to use modern breeding strategies, such as genome editing, to further improve and develop specific oats to meet the global demand for this healthy food and high -quality forage." Peng Yuanying said.

The cultivation of oats that people eat were born 500,000 years ago

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