When virtual human rendering only takes a few minutes, the era of industrialization of the universe is coming?

Author:Luo Chao Time:2022.07.21

The biggest air outlet in the science and technology circle in 2021 is the "Yuan Universe". In 2022, the wind of the Yuan universe continued to blow, but the industry had some more rational, and attached more attention to the implementation of the meaning of the Yuan universe to the actual application scenario. When it comes to the landing of the Yuan universe, it is inseparable from the virtual person.

Virtual person is the cornerstone of the Yuan universe

The Yuan universe has 8 major characteristics: identity, friend, immersion, low latency, diversification, anytime, anywhere, economic system and civilization, and all these foundations are virtual identity images (Avatar), that is, virtual digital people, just like the mobile Internet, as the mobile Internet of the Internet The foundation is the same as the account ID.

The concept of virtual human beings first appeared in the 1980s in the 1980s. The first virtual idol was popular. In 1984, the world's first virtual idol "Lin Mingmei" was born in Japan. Since then, the "Hatsune Miku" fire. In 2001, the first virtual idol "Qing Na" was born in China. In 2012, the virtual singer "Luo Tianyi" made his debut. In 2018, China had 30+ virtual idols/groups. The VUP, which appeared in station B, is the virtual anchor group.

The cost of making virtual idols is very high. In 2018, the production of a virtual idol is about 10 million yuan. High cost and long cycle makes it difficult for virtual idols to be large -scale commercialization. A few years ago, with the maturity of machine vision, VR/AR, facial capture and other technologies, virtual people sank from "idols" to "amateur" and were applied to bank customer service, e -commerce shopping guide, mobile search and other occasions. The virtuality of these virtual human beings is more like the 3D image in cartoons, and the realism, fineness, and interaction are very low.

In 2021, a new generation of virtual human human began to appear and usher in fertility. The virtual women's group A-SOUL has accumulated millions of fans and Douyin Beauty Makeup Digital Persons Liu Yexi for six months. In addition, Feng Xiaishu, the meteorological anchor of the Winter Olympic Games, Cui Xiaowan, Vanke's virtual employee, Tsinghua Virtual Female Scholarship Hua Zhibing, and virtual idol Teresa Teng who returned from New Year's Eve activities, and other virtual discussions have caused the entire network.

The common characteristics of the new generation of virtual human beings are more refined, interactive and realistic. For example, a typical change is that the hair is no longer just a color of a color, but a fine to each hair silk is accurately portrayed. Like the characters in "Avatar".

In addition to "well -known virtual human", there are many "virtual ordinary people" appear in the media, entertainment, government affairs, medical, education, education, finance, pension and other industries, and assume their duties such as professional services, life companionship, consulting customer service, and smart assistant. "Virtual people" are becoming more and more common, which also reflects the position of virtual human beings in the Yuan universe: the Yuan universe is the process rather than the result, and it reflects the deep blending of the real world and the digital world. Virtual people are used as their key media, which are traveling through In various scenes.

The new generation of virtual human be born in the Yuan universe era and is being applied to different industrial scenarios in different industrial scenarios, which has made the industrialized production of virtual humanization a increasingly important topic.

The virtual person in the virtual idol phase is a 2D or 3D "paper man". It does not have realism, high accuracy, interaction, memory, and learning ability. It is essentially an animation image. Like the apes and the primitive people, this type of virtual person can only be regarded as "prehistoric virtual human"; the other is a virtual idol that requires huge sums of money, but the huge team has spent tens of millions of years of production model. Adapt to the needs of virtual humanization, and this kind of virtual person is good at similar to stage performances. It cannot achieve multiple scene interactions. It is not social and difficult to learn.

The virtual human production of the Yuan universe requires new solutions.

How to break the problem of virtual human production?

The new generation of virtual human beings entered from 2D to ultra -high -quality, super high -precision, and interactive development, and the production threshold has increased a lot. The virtual person in the Yuan universe is increasingly prominent by the contradiction between large -scale production and virtual human production.

Based on the current production method and tools, the new generation of virtual human production is difficult:

First, modeling is difficult. The new generation of virtual human high -precision and super realistic, its facial, limbs, hair, fabrics, eyes, oral cavity, etc. require a variety of software to refine and adjust the model scanned by the camera, and form a unified model. There are many different software in the middle, and the production format between software is often inconsistent. Many problems will be encountered during the adjustment format and format compatibility process;

Second, it is difficult to interact in real time. The new generation of virtual human beings has interaction, sociality, and memory. When making traditional means to make realistic virtual human beings, the action design and content output requires offline rendering to obtain high -definition picture quality. It is still the idea of ​​making animation content. It can support " Watch "" but does not support real -time interaction;

Third, the collaboration is difficult. The new generation of virtual human production often requires cross -team multiplayer distributed collaboration, and many applications require multiple virtual human creation to involve more complex collaborations. The current production process is generally "serial", that is, the assembly line operation, there is a dependent relationship between different links. The downstream links must wait for the upstream link to deliver, which directly extend the virtual human production cycle.

Take the Douyin Beauty Bloger "Liu Yexi" as an example. Its production company founded that Liu Yexi had prepared for more than half a year before "debut" to create a large amount of funds in the early stage of IP. There are more than 150 large and middle -Taiwan teams behind Liu Yexi, and the number of small front desk teams is less than 10. Liang Zikang, the co -founder and CEO of Chuangyi Technology, revealed to the media that due to the long production cycle, the "Liu Yexi" account will maintain the frequency of half a month of update, which will increase production capacity in the future. "". If there is a more efficient parallel collaboration process, Liu Yexi can improve the frequency of content update, and at the same time reduce production costs, and Chuangyi can make more virtual IP "group" debut.

Fourth, computing power is difficult to carry. The computing power demand of the new generation of virtual human production process has increased. Behind virtual human super fine, super realistic, strong interaction is a larger -scale data rendering demand. If it involves multiple virtual human production, cross -team distributed collaboration, it requires huge amounts of computing power support. Traditional local workstations and even PCs The tools cannot be carried at all. And virtual human production involves many links such as collection, rendering, simulation, and modeling. Different processes need chips with different architectures and need to be compatible with diversified computing power platforms of different types of chips.

In fact, it is not just the above difficulties in the production of virtual human beings. The landing of the Yuan universe is to carry out 3D modeling, digital twin and real designs of different scenes of the real world. To apply large -scale application, it is necessary to refine, comprehensively, and realistic real -world scenes. This process is facing the same as virtual human production. The difficulty is more difficult.

The improvement of infrastructure has become the urgent need of virtual human popularity and the emergence of the Yuan universe. In response to this, the wave of information and Nvidia, as the head players of the Yuan universe, recently held hands to explore the provision of a new generation of production tool platforms for the Yuan universe and virtual human beings.

In this solution called "Inspur Metangine-Nvidia OVX", the Inspur information provides MetaEngine of the Yuan universe server, and Nvidia provides analog and collaboration platform Omniverse Enterprise. Multi -software formats, support multi -person distributed collaboration, support real -time driving and real -time light tracking rendering, and avoid the shortcomings of traditional production tools. From the results, it can make the production efficiency of virtual content significantly improved, and to promote the production of complex virtual content is more real and faster.

Both Inspur Information and Nvidia are bound to the Yuan Cosmic Zhi.

The Inspur Information is good at providing overall computing power solutions. Based on the leading server and AI servers, new computing scenarios such as the Yuan universe are released. This is not a physical "server", but the computing power infrastructure with powerful computing power and software and hardware.

Metangine combines high -performance graphics, AI computing with high -speed storage access, low -delayed network and accurate timing to provide the computing power support required to provide AI, rendering, simulation, and modeling such as AI, rendering, simulation, and modeling. , Highly complex, highly realistic digital scenes, meet the different types of computing power requirements of the "collaborative creation, real -time rendering, high -precision simulation, and intelligent interaction" required for the creation and operation of the Yuan universe.

In addition to the powerful computing power suitable for the construction and operation of the Yuan universe, Metangine also has good support for the inherent distributed collaboration requirements of the Yuan universe. According to official information, the single element universe server MetaEngine can support 256 -bit The coordinated creation of the Yuan universe architecture, AIGC 2000 digital scenes per second, 1,000 VR/AR users share the smooth experience of 10K ultra -high -definition 3D digital world, and can be expanded to large -scale computing power on demand through high -speed, non -blocking network channels Cluster, such distributed collaboration support capabilities are urgent needed.

Omniversenterprise was officially released after one year of testing at the GPU Technolog Conference last year, and Nvidia officially introduced the platform to "connecting the platform as a physical precise 3D virtual world". Huang Renxun introduced at the conference that through Omniverse, "We now have the technology of creating a new 3D world or simulating our physical world." Omniverse has different branches, such as a transaction -based interconnection AI virtual human Omniverse Avatar.

Compared with the traditional simulation collaboration platform, Omniverse can better support remote distributed collaboration, compatible with different software tools, mobilize huge computing power, realize real -time 3D design collaboration and advanced digital twins, fundamentally change complex 3D 3D Design workflow.

Now, the wave Metangine and Nvida Omniverse hold hands and show their strengths to overcome the difficulty of the new generation of virtual human production.

At the hardware level, Metangine is a super computing power platform. It uses the flagship system of heterogeneous acceleration service device, which can be compatible with different chip modules. It integrates the Nvidia A40 professional GPU, CX6 DX high -speed network card and other hardware. Data storage capabilities, supporting powerful rendering and AI computing capabilities, forming a strong basis for the strong computing power of virtual digital people, Yuan cosmic modeling and other scenarios. In addition, this solution also integrates Tensor Core/RT Core computing power, combined with rendering, real time, and AI noise reduction SDKS, which allows developers to easily obtain science fiction blockbuster light and shadow effect. Nvidia Omniverse platform is a software that is dedicated to the true portrayal of the physical world. It can be compatible with different software. The ultimate calling high -performance GPU acceleration calculation, graphic processing and AI computing, as well as high -speed storage access, low latency networks, accurate timing and other capabilities. Support large -scale distributed collaboration globally, multi -person editing virtual human models online in real time changes the traditional virtual serial production process to parallel, greatly improving the efficiency of virtual human production, shortening virtual human production cycle, reducing virtual human production costs Essence

Metangine is a powerful computing power infrastructure. Omniverse is the top simulation collaboration platform. The two combine the "good horses with good saddle" to provide a strong basic tool platform support for virtual human production. In addition, this solution also provides software such as Audio2Face and Machine, allowing developers to easily drive virtual digital people with AI algorithms, which can realize real -time video audio -driven facial expressions and physical movements.

The programmer builds the digital world through code, and it is inseparable from basic development kits such as Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Android Studio; designers make pictures and animations cannot be separated from Photoshop, Afterffects, Premire and other image processing software. However, it is not necessary to deny that powerful software must run on the appropriate computing device to exert its power. Programmers will choose high -profile PCs, and designers tend to use high -profile IMAC because the low -equipped device is "running at all" running at all "running Professional software, such as using Photoshop software to render video durations on low -equipped MacBook. The significance of co -production of virtual human production with Nviders.

The landing of the universe must be based on the foundation

The new generation of virtual human beings usher in fertility, and the industry behind it also shows an outbreak. In 2021, there were 2,843 virtual human -related enterprises, with a financing amount of 254 billion yuan.而《虚拟数字人深度产业报告》则显示,虚拟人市场规模已超2000亿元,到2030年我国虚拟数字人整体市场规模将达到2700亿元,其中,“身份型虚拟人”(虚拟偶像、 The market size of virtual IP) is expected to reach 175 billion yuan, accounting for the dominant position, and the total scale of "service -oriented virtual human" (virtual anchor, digital employees, etc.) will also exceed 95 billion yuan.

The virtual human market has grown at a high speed, and the corresponding industrial chain upstream and downstream also ushered in development opportunities. For example, the production tool link, but the Inspur Information Metangine and Nivine Omniverse are not only the virtual human market that is developing at high speed.

First of all, for the wave of information, this is a key step in the strategic landing of the universe.

In the March 2022, Inspur Information released the industry's first Yuan universe server Metangine, which specifically made a forward -looking layout for the computing power characteristics required by the Yuan universe. For the wave information, the Yuan universe is not just a concept, but its focus on promoting the landing of "several facts".

The Yuan universe is the process rather than the result. The essence is the integration of the digital economy and the real economy. It can be said that technology companies have been participating in the construction of the Yuan universe over the years. When the digital economy and manufacturing, service, agriculture, retail, entertainment, medical care and other industries are fused more deeply, a large number of digital scenarios need a huge computing power infrastructure at the bottom. Infrastructure infrastructure, Metangine is the exploration of the finals of the Yuan universe for the end of the "real integration" or "smart era".

Three months after release of Metangine, the Inspur Information and Nvidia launched the "Metangine-Nvidia OVX" solution to make Metangine land on a more specific scene such as virtual human-made production. When publishing Metangine, the Inspur information stated that it will create integrated Yuan universe solutions with different Yuan -brain ecological partners to create a integrated Yuan universe solution to make the Yuan universe applications faster. It seems that the wave information is not just talking.

In many people's eyes, the Yuan universe is just "concepts" or even "gimmicks". Indeed, many players just use it as a hot spot, and many companies who have been making blockchain have become the "hanging sheep's head to hang the sheep's head. Selling dog meat ". But we can't deny that there are still some companies that are really promoting the Yuan universe, such as the wave information and Nvidia. The two are holding hands to MetaEngine. Virtual numbers are likely to be just entry points, because Metangine and Omniverse are facing all kinds of the Yuan universe. Subdivided scenarios, the two parties are also worth looking forward to in the future of the Yuan universe infrastructure. From heterogeneous calculation to AI server to the intellectual calculation center and then to the Yuan universe calculation, the wave information is not played, and no gimmicks, but to do the underlying infrastructure, exert computing power specialty to provide infrastructure, low -key and pragmatic, pragmatic and pragmatic It is also the common characteristic of a successful B -end enterprise.

Secondly, for Nvidia, the acceleration software and service transformation of the beach -grabbing universe.

Nvidia impressed the chip company specializing in GPU computing, but in recent years, it has been vigorously penetrating into software and services. The AI, Yuan universe and autonomous driving have become the core directions. Huang Renxun bluntly stated at the 2021 financial report: "With the business model of new software such as NVIDIA AI, NVIDIA OMNIVIVERSE and NVIDIA Drive, Nvidia will enter the new year with a strong momentum."

Nvidia is known as the "first share of the Yuan universe". It releases the GPU calculation potential by combining software and hardware+service, and has the right to speak at the underlying discourse in the Yuan Universe era. Omniverse, which was highly hoped by Huang Renxun, was named "All Universe". It is the key layout of Nvidia in the Yuan universe. , Construction, engineering, construction and operation, media and entertainment, and manufacturing industries.

From 2021 to 2022, Nvidia repeatedly exported "fake and true" virtual videos that caused the industry to make a sensation in the industry. Today, Nvidia and Inspur Information is based on the latter's MetaEngine to provide exclusive basic tools for the virtual human industry. It will accelerate Omnivers software and GPU calculation. The choice of Nvidia also indicates that the concept of Yuan universe computing of Inspur information and Metangine are being recognized by the market.

Finally, for the Yuan universe, "infrastructure first" will release industry potential.

There is a certain cycle of any technology industry from the concept of the concept to the small test cattle knife to the scale application. In this process, the improvement of infrastructure is essential. If there are no 3G networks, there will be no iPhone's popularity nor the mobile Internet today; if there are no 4G and smartphones with relatively powerful image functions, there will be no short video industry today; For cloud computing these AI computing infrastructure, it is difficult for AI to achieve industrialized large -scale production so quickly; while the 4G network delayed the difference in dizziness and other poor experiences is the "culprit" that the VR/AR industry has always applauded.

Infrastructure first, "first renovation and reconstruction" basically reflects the development law of the science and technology industry. Today, virtual people are waiting for large -scale applications, and the Yuan universe is about to move towards industrialization scenes, but the premise must have sufficient infrastructure, such as computing power infrastructure, content/application software and hardware development kit, VR/AR and other interface devices. And 5G network and so on.这正是浪潮信息、英伟达、运营商们在努力的事情,相较于直面C端用户的企业而言,它们低调很多,甚至距离用户有些远,但实际上它们一直在做的,却是在Although the bottom level of the industry is consolidated, although it is unknown, it is very important. It is with the infrastructure provided by them that developers from all walks of life can continue to innovate, and the application of the Yuan universe to more industries can benefit more people. Now the two major infrastructure providers of Nvidia and Inspur Information also means that virtual human industrial production will become reality, and the large -scale application of the Yuan universe will no longer be far away.

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