[Press release] The "Group Intelligent Autonomous Operations Smart Farm" project is launched to help the development of the new generation of artificial intelligence innovation development pilot zone in Harbin City

Author:Harbin Daily Time:2022.06.15

The reporter learned from the digital economy of the city's "Promoting the Four Economic Development" series of press conferences held by the Municipal Government News Office on the 15th. The official launch of the intelligent self -operating and smart farm project will help the development of the new generation of artificial intelligence innovation development pilot zone in Harbin.

Liu Xiukuan, deputy director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, introduced that the city's digital economy is rich in innovative resources. 38 -bit, there are a group of domestic leading outstanding teams and scientific research results in digital technology fields such as computer science, automatic control, language information processing, and artificial intelligence. There were 1751 high -tech enterprises in the city, of which 840 were high in digital economy, accounting for 48%.

Under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau planned the layout in advance and the science and technology empower the digital economy. At present, there are two innovative carriers at the country level in our city. One is November last year. The new generation of artificial intelligence innovation development pilot zone, one is the Harbin Daqi independent innovation demonstration zone approved by the State Council in May this year. Since the approval of the Artificial Intelligence Pilot Zone, multiple key projects have been launched one after another. Among them, National Science and Technology Innovation 2030, the National Science and Technology Innovation of Harbin Institute of Technology. 150 million yuan.

In the next step, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau will take the artificial intelligence pilot zone and its own creation area as the carrier, deploy an innovation chain around the industrial chain deployment, and lay out the industry chain around the innovation chain to break through the "development and application of unmanned agricultural machinery environment perception and operation system" Wait for a batch of core key technologies to promote the construction of "National Smart Farm New Generation Artificial Intelligence Open Innovation Platform", promote the construction and application of hardware infrastructure such as "Harbin Artificial Intelligence Advanced Computing Center", and promote smart agriculture, intelligent manufacturing, and cold applications. The application of artificial intelligence scenarios, innovating and leading the high -quality development of the digital economy, contributing the "wisdom" for the construction of "six Longjiang" and "seven metropolis".

Source: Bingcheng+Client

Reporter Zhang Lixin/Wen Han Wei/Photo

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