The opening of the 10th Internet Security Conference, Hehexuan: The new round of digital security has been urged to be imminent

Author:China Youth Network Time:2022.07.30

China Youth Network, Beijing, July 30 (Reporter Yang Yue) On July 30, the 2022 Global Digital Economic Conference -Digital Security Summit and ISC 2022 Internet Security Conference opened. The theme of the conference is "escorting digital civilization, creating a new era of digital security", focusing on digital security construction, and committed to helping to promote the high -quality development of the global digital economy. Among them, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Honorary Chairman of ISC, Wu Hexuan said in his speech that the digital economy has become an important engine of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes in the world. It will start a new era of human digital civilization, and the basic role of digital security will become increasingly prominent.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Honorary Chairman of ISC. Organizer Conference

Wu Heyi mentioned that in recent years, my country has successively introduced the "Data Security Law", "Personal Information Protection Law", "National Network Space Security Strategy" and "Regulations on the Security Protection of Key Information Infrastructure". The "Measures for the Safety Evaluation of Cloud Computing Service", "Several Provisions of Automobile Data Security Management (Trial)", and "Regulations on the Management of Blockchain Information Service", etc., point out the direction of the development of digital security. Under the guidance of policy, the security industry has entered a period of rapid growth and effectively helps the development of the digital economy.

But at the perspective of the overall planning of digital construction, digital security also faces new challenges, and a new era of security is coming. In this regard, Xi Hexuan believes that digital security is no longer a simple technical problem, which involves systematic engineering involving business, management, processes, and teams. Digital security requires international cooperation, but the foundation is to establish a complete system of independent and controllable digital security technology, products and services in my country.

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