Ministry of Public Security: Strictly provides new types of "Goip" call service gangs for telecommunications network fraud!Regarding the electronic scam artifact Goip, you must know these things

Author:Henan Legal Daily Time:2022.06.16

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security on June 13 that recently, under the unified command of the Ministry of Public Security, 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and municipalities public security organs have launched a centralized network collection operation and severely crack down on illegal crimes to provide new "Goip" call services for telecommunications network fraud in accordance with the law. Gang. As of now, more than 870 suspects of criminals have been captured, and more than 2390 sets of "Goip" equipment, 18,000 cases such as mobile phone card bank cards (Taiwan) have been seized.

In recent years, due to the characteristics of "Goip" equipment has the characteristics of human -computer separation, remote control, dial -up calls in different places, and supporting multiple telephone cards, a large number of telecommunications network fraud gangs hidden abroad use remote control to use "Goip" built in the country. The equipment called the victim to implement fraud, and the harm was very serious.

The Ministry of Public Security attaches great importance to this, deploying many local public security organs to quickly destroy a group of illegal crimes, and at the same time expand and judge more than 400 related clues. It was found that more than 690 related cases were found, and the amount involved in the case was more than 49 million yuan, involving multiple provinces and regions and cities across the country. On the basis of grasping the facts and evidence of related criminals, the Ministry of Public Security decided to organize the national public security organs to carry out cluster campaigns to concentrate on the net.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security stated that in response to the new trends, new methods, and changes in telecommunications network fraud crimes, the public security organs will always maintain a high pressure and strict trend to ensure that they are thoroughly penetrated and resolutely curb the telecommunications network fraud crimes from the source. situation.

Further reading:

Regarding the electro -scammer Goip, you must know these things!

In order to ensure the smooth scams, the scammers will continue to learn and use new technologies for fraud. Among these new equipment and new technologies, Goip is definitely the king. It can be said that Goip must occupy an important position in the fraud equipment seized by the public security organs.

So, what is this Goip? How can you become a criminal scam weapon? Let's understand the story behind Goip.

With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, VOIP and Goip are widely used.

Voip's full name Voice Over Internet Protocol is based on IP -based voice transmission, and Goip's full name GSM Over Internet Protocol can be said to be the upgrade of VOIP.

There are both things and many differences between them.

First talk about the common point of VOIP and Goip:

1. Network phone function: Call with our fixed -line or mobile phone through the Internet;

2. The function of "separation of people card": people can use domestic numbers to call overseas;

3. Cheap telephone tariffs: much lower than international roaming costs;

4. Multi -level data transit: increase the difficulty of investigation and judicial costs.

Then let's take a look at the difference between VOIP and Goip:

1. Communication line: VOIP access to the PSTN service provider network requires a special line, and Goip only needs an ordinary mobile phone card.

2. "People Card Separation": VOIP can display any number on the call side through the "transparent transmission" method, such as pretending to be 110 calls; and Goip cannot be changed at will, but can only call through the terminal's mobile phone card. The number displayed on the terminal mobile phone card is displayed on the call end.

It can also be "separated from people card", but the way to achieve is greatly different. VOIP is implemented by changing numbers, but Goip is a real person card separation. People and cards are often not in the same place. They are usually stuck at home and people are abroad.

3. Telephone callback: VOIP only supports the callback in the call, that is, during the call, the receiver reaches the recovery method according to the voice prompt and according to the prompts.

Goip not only supports the callback in the call, but also supports the callback after hanging up, which means that after the contact call that is hung up by Goip, the call can still be used to make a call back. VOIP does not support this type. The method of callback.

For fraud gangs, VOIP needs to apply for a special line, but as the operator strengthens the control, it is difficult for the average person to apply for related lines, but this small difficulty can prevent the fraud from being developed. The mobile phone card can realize the lower threshold and cheaper Goip of similar functions.

If the scammers are a group of wolves in sheepskin, the existence of Goip is the machine to make sheepskin in batches for this group of wolves.

According to the current telecommunications fraud case, the editor sorted out these major characteristics:

1. Batch dialing: A device can only dial and modify one number, which is too cost -effective for frauds who are "frugal and frugal"! But if a device supports multiple mobile phone numbers, the cost can be greatly reduced!

2. Overseas gangs: In order to avoid being controlled by the domestic government, the dens of the fraud gang gradually transferred to overseas.

3. Domestic numbers: Gangs who are outside need to use VOIP and Goip technology to modify phone numbers and belonging places, which can greatly reduce the victim's precautions.

4. Packal function: The "great" ideal of scammers who do not want to give up any one will often provide a recovery function. So Xiaobian reminds everyone that when you encounter unfamiliar incoming calls, do not dial back!

In order to achieve the above major characteristics and better evade the supervision of operators and improve efficiency, scammers often use digital signals to make calls. However, users are answering mobile phones and cannot receive traditional digital signals (IP -based calls), so the VOIP protocol is necessary. The Goip devices developed on the basis of VOIP are their artifacts, which allows scammers to make more convenient use of computers to call. Just one ordinary mobile phone card can solve all problems.

First of all, the illegal elements overseas will set the den at domestic recruiters through the network and other channels. After receiving the "task" from the launch, domestic personnel will rent a room to set up a Goip device in the location. After setting the device, the machine will work automatically, and they do not need to keep next to the device.

In order to grasp the situation in the room at any time, domestic personnel will also install cameras in the room. If they encounter police, they can give up the equipment at any time and escape overnight.

The previous scammers used VOIP technology to modify their numbers into other telephones for fraud. Although the number was changed, it was still directly linked to the victim, so the police also traced them. But now they use "stealth high -tech" like Goip on the original technology, which greatly increases the difficulty of police investigation!

How exactly does scammers realize remote operations through Goip?

Overseas criminals will recruit domestic staff to set up the den, and once the device of the device is installed, the Goip device will play the role of the fuselage, connect to the local communication base station, and the SIM card will be inserted overseas card cards In the pool. The scam gang transmits the SIM card dial -up data to the Goip device, converts the telephone signal into a network signal, and then allows the device to connect to the local communication base station and dial out the phone.

For example, if you want to show the call of the belonging place in Shenzhen, you only need to deploy a Goip computer room in Shenzhen. People can operate abroad to achieve human -machine separation, one machine and multiple numbers to avoid blows.

At this time, although the phone signal received by the victims came from local, the scammers who actually talked to them often hid in a hidden corner abroad. Even if the police tracked the Goip's den, they could only find the resettlement device, and it was difficult to catch the criminals. (Research on Xinhua News Agency, Tencent Security Strategy) ⑦

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