After 5 years, Youku has increased the price again

Author:Peninsula Time:2022.06.16

Following the price increase of iQiyi and Tencent members, on June 15, Youku also announced that the membership price will be adjusted at 00:00 on June 21. Affected.

Youku's price adjustment is not surprising. The relevant information shows that the last price adjustment was in 2017. Some people in the industry believe that the general price promotion of the video industry is because the original membership pricing of domestic video platforms is relatively low. With the continuous rise in content and operating costs in recent years Large; on the other hand, the cost of purchasing copyright content and self -made investment in the platform of the platform are increasing. The update iteration of audiovisual technology requires a lot of financial support.

Since last year, the price of long video platform members has been raised. In December last year, iQiyi's monthly card rose to 30 yuan, and the season card was 78 yuan. In April this year, Tencent Video's quarterly card rose to 78 yuan, and the annual card rose to 258 yuan. Since the development of long video platforms, basically each platform is in a state of long -term loss. After the price adjustment at the end of last year, iQiyi has achieved profit for the first time in the first quarter of this year. Thinking.

Some people in the industry believe that now watching videos on the Internet has become the mainstream, and the cost of appropriate increase in membership is also normal. However, for audiences and netizens, paying must be worth it. The content provided by the platform must be interested in users. Only by continuously providing high -quality film and television dramas and variety shows to users can users be sticky to the platform to the platform Essence

Netizens rationally treat price adjustment more attention to content quality

The price of membership on the video platform in the past two years is nothing new, although they will attract more or less controversy each time. Interestingly, for this price adjustment, the message under Youku Weibo is more for users to broadcast all kinds of heartwater dramas. Many people say that "the price adjustment is OK, but the drama I want to watch first." Compared to earlier sensitive users of long video platforms rising, now everyone seems to be more rational.

On the day of adjustment of the price, Youku released the 2022 film list, including the episode "Agarwood like dandruff", "Happiness to Wanjia", variety show "This! It's Hip -hop 5 "," Super Senior Star Electric ", the documentary" Shining! "Chinese Civilization", "My Time and Me 3", the cultural program "Round Table 6", "Don't answer", the movie "Jurassic World 3", "Anonymous" and so on.

◆ Source: Red Star Journalist Qiu Jun, intern Mao Yuchuan, NDDAILY

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