Industrial digital development Speed up a new round of digital talent "battle" and start

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.08.09

The scale of my country's digital industry is continuously increasing, and the development of industrial digitalization is also accelerating. With the wave of digital transformation in various industries, enterprises' requirements and needs for digital talents are increasing.

As the core elements and digital transformation of innovation -driven, many people in the industry believe that currently various industries generally face digital talent gaps, and the lack of talents has become a key factor in digital transformation of enterprises. Talent is quite scarce.

The China Information and Communication Research Institute's "China Digital Economic Development Report (2022)" shows that in 2021, the size of China's digital economy reached 45.5 trillion yuan, accounting for 39.8%of GDP, and the status and role of digital economy became more prominent. The talent is the core driving force of the digital economy development, the development of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. It is urgent to adapt to talents with a large number of talents that adapt to the development of digital economy, have digital knowledge structure and digital hands -on capabilities.

Digital talent compete for battle.

"Enterprise digital transformation to a large extent relies on the core talents who master digital key skills." Wang Qian, the founder of the pulse, told the "Securities Daily" reporter that the digital transformation of the enterprise requires the digital ability of all employees, especially the Chinese middle school, especially the middle. Grass -roots employees' understanding and analysis and execution capabilities of data, with the continuous rise of the demand for digital talents in enterprises, a new round of digital talents have been fully launched.

As the digital transformation wind rises, the demand for digital talents has also risen.

This demand is reflected in the quantity on the one hand. Data show that the recruitment volume of digital related positions is increasing. For example, the leading enterprise in the field of artificial intelligence Haikangwei and Dahua Technology in the second quarter of related positions have increased by 103.6%month -on -month. In recent years For example, the recruitment volume of relevant positions in the second quarter of technology, Shangtang Technology, and Cloud also increased by 23%from the second quarter.

The "Research Report on the Employment Economic Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Impact of Digital Economy" by the China Information and Communication Research Institute shows that the current digital talent gap is close to 11 million, and with the rapid advancement of digitalization of the entire industry, the gap in digital talent demand will continue to increase. The scarce digital talents include not only digital technology, digital research and development positions created by digital industrialization, but also a large number of digital skills talents generated during the digital transformation of industrial digitalization.

On the other hand, it is reflected in salary. Among the million -year -old -year -old prize users who are surveyed, more than half of them come from research and development positions such as the Internet, games, new fintech technology and other companies, followed by products and operations. And those companies that shortlisted the TOP10 of the year -end award, the average monthly income TOP10, is generally very high.

In fact, with the comprehensive and deepening of digital transformation, the relevant talent gap is still expanding. In addition to the high -tech industry, the digital transformation of traditional industries has further pushed the needs of the whole society for digital talents. Taking the energy industry as an example, the current major energy central enterprises have proposed the transformation direction such as "digital Huadian", "digital PetroChina" and "smart sea oil", and the emergence of new formats such as distributed smart grids, digital energy management, and comprehensive energy services. Constantly put forward new requirements for practitioners; at the same time, after entering the era of e -commerce, the need for digital talents such as all -media operations and supply chain management has also increased sharply ...

Data from Kori International show that digitalization has currently radiated into many industries such as manufacturing, retail, logistics, finance, and automobiles.

Compound talent is seriously lacking

Enterprises "grabbing people" also reveal the current status of my country's digital talents, and in fact, this is not a new problem.

Wang Qian believes that the demand for data -based digital talents for 20 years of high -speed development of the Internet has promoted the high income of Internet talents to a certain extent. The huge demand has also promoted educational resources to the Internet talents in recent years, and has cultivated a large number of Internet talents. The rise of short videos and live broadcasts in 2016 has caused many digital talents such as anchors and video editing for a long time. Around 2019, the high -speed development of K12 teaching and training also generated a lot of demand for digital talents such as lecturers, online curriculum teaching and research, and curriculum operations.

Wang Qian said that the specific needs of digital talents in various industries are different in different window periods. But the changes are inseparable from their ancestors. Those who have the ability to continue learning and innovate and can keep up with the pace of transformation are always sought -after.

"From professional technology to business applications, to management decisions, the wave of digitalization is constantly updating and improving the skills requirements of each position." Wang Qian believes that in the current talent market, not only understands industry trends and enterprise business, but also has digitalization Professional technology, compound talents with efficient collaboration and innovation capabilities are seriously lacking.

Public information shows that the talent demand for new generation of information technology industries such as the Industrial Internet is strong. To meet this demand, in addition to relying on external talent recruitment, enterprises must also increase the training of internal digital talents, start from actual business needs, build a talent development system that adapts to the development strategy of the enterprise, and unblock the internal talent development and supply channels of the enterprise.

Zeng Cheng, vice president of Kori International, told reporters that the digital transformation and digital talent construction of enterprises did not achieve overnight. Especially for traditional industries, enterprise development should take digitalization as a long -term strategic task. In this period, it is necessary to continue to introduce external digital experts through the introduction Talent, as well as internal talent training or transfer, constantly inject "live water" for the smooth transformation of the enterprise. "We recommend that based on demand, inventory of existing talents, on the premise of meeting the core quality and basic ability, can allow some personnel to cross the post. In this way, enterprises can further select and train from the existing personnel to stimulate the internal enterprise internally. Power, not blindly recruiting. "Zeng Cheng told the" Securities Daily "reporter that some traditional industries with digital transformation of some forces dug a lot of people from large factories and pure technology companies in the early days of transformation. However, if the new and old employees cannot reach a consensus on the transformation method and the rhythm of the transformation, the transformation progress is likely to stagnate.

In addition, open vocational training and clear promotion channels can also cultivate more digital talents for enterprises. The relevant person in charge of the manufacturing enterprise who is unwilling to be named told reporters that as the production line is turned to automation, the company is recruiting a large number of vocational and technical colleges. From the perspective of the person in charge, the graduates of these vocational and technical colleges not only have vocational skills, but they are also more open to the new format and can quickly adapt to the rhythm of digital transformation. "In the future, we will train them and formulate a career development plan for automated production line management."

"No. 1" determines the effectiveness of digital transformation

In Zeng Cheng's view, management should transform the management method of "top -down" into "bottom -up", establish a benign feedback mechanism, so that those who can hear cannon make decisions, give employees more Autonomy.

Compared with employees, Zeng Cheng emphasized the key role of "No. 1" talents in the digital transformation of enterprises. "Whether the digital transformation is successful or not, the speed is fast, and who is the" No. 1 "of the digital transformation, and whether the company's purpose of digital transformation is closely related to the purpose of digital transformation."

"Therefore, the company's senior management is the key force to promote digital transformation. The success of digital transformation and progress largely depends on the company's high -level understanding and determination of digital transformation. At the same time, digital transformation is also inseparable from the promotion of the company's senior management. Senior officials must first have a clear awareness of the business logic and business scenarios of digital transformation in the future in order to make overall planning and strategic implementation. "Zeng Cheng told reporters," Not only that, it is enough to promote digital transformation of a company. To understand business, you also need to prepare CEO's strategic guidance ability, according to the strategic landing capabilities of CIO or CTO. Therefore, the "No. 1 position" is often not CTO or CIO, but the chairman of the enterprise or CEO. "

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