Welcome to the Global Various event Henan is creating the "business card" of the intelligent sensor industry

Author:Mengye News Time:2022.08.09

Elephant reporter Feng Jingwen/Wen Tu

Perceive the world, Zhichuang's future. From August 21st to 23rd, the 2022 World Sensor Conference will be held in Zhengzhou, Henan. The Nobel Prize winners, well -known academicians and experts at home and abroad gathered to promote innovation elements globally to China, grassroots, and enterprises. Helps Henan to build the sensor into an industry "business card".

Since 2018, the World Sensor Conference has successfully held 3 sessions in Zhengzhou, Henan. How can Henan "one after another"? How does the intelligent sensor industry become bigger and stronger?

New opportunities will exceed 380 billion yuan next year's market scale

As the cutting -edge technology of modern technology, sensors are important parts of perception, cognition, connection, and execution in intelligent systems. They are also the most promising and promising high -tech industries at home and abroad. The sensors are widely used in military and civilian fields. It has become an important support for promoting the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, and the real economy. It is a basic industry that supports the interconnection of all things and intelligence.

"Compared with more than 20,000 products produced in the world, only about 1/3 of them can produce only about 1/3 of them in China. The overall technical content is also low. It is a state that is currently in urgent need." Minister Lin Runhua believes that the development of China's own high -tech components and sensor industries has very important strategic significance.

"The industrial development of the intelligent sensor city has ushered in huge historical opportunities." Yang Xudong, deputy director of the Electronic Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that by 2023, the scale of China's sensor market will exceed 380 billion yuan.

In this context, the hosting of the World Sensor Conference is of great significance and coincidence.

At the press conference of the "2022 World Sensor Conference" held at the Henan Provincial Government News Office on August 9, Lin Runhua introduced that the World Sensor Conference will break through the key core technologies, make up for the shortcomings of the industrial chain, and better promote the new generation of information Technological innovation and the development of the digital economy have produced positive effects.

What will scientists and entrepreneurs in the global sensor field bring to Henan?

"High -end dialogue on the frontier, industrial trends and hot issues around the field of sensor fields, and exchange the latest achievements of global sensor technology, industry and applications, and will further promote the construction of China (Zhengzhou) Intelligent Sensor Valley, help my country's sensor industry break through the bottleneck of development bottlenecks in development bottlenecks. , Improve the industrial innovation ecosystem, and better promote the high -quality development of scientific and technological independence and industry in the field of sensing. "Lin Runhua said.

Gathering and Talent Henan's industry scale is nearly 33 billion yuan

As early as 2018, under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, and the Henan Provincial Government, five units including Henan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Henan Provincial Association of Science and Technology, and the China Instrument Instrument Association jointly founded the first World Sensor Conference. Since then, in 2019 and 2021, the World Sensor Conference has become a "window" that the world knows Zhengzhou and follow Zhengzhou.

Since the founding of the first World Sensor Conference, the sensor industry in Henan has continued to grow.

At present, the scale of the sensor and related industries in our province is nearly 33 billion yuan, which has initially formed a development pattern of "One Valley and Six Park".

"A total of 35 projects were signed, with a total amount of the agreement exceeded 27.5 billion yuan, involving China Electronics, Kasco signals, Ziguang Co., Ltd., Harbin Institute of Technology robots, Shenzhen Haobo, Rockwell, Shanghai Songbai sensing technology and other leading companies. Chen Hongmin, deputy mayor of Zhengzhou City Government, told reporters that in recent years, Zhengzhou has cultivated 1791 special specialized new enterprises. More than 600 of the existing specialized specialty new enterprises are related to the sensor industry, accounting for 35%of the city.

At present, Zhengzhou is building the launching area of ​​the Sensor Valley, with a total investment of 6 billion yuan, covering an area of ​​about 337 acres. It is planned to be completed in 2023. It is planned to enter about 1,000 enterprises related to the sensor, with an employment of 30,000 and an annual income of 20 billion yuan.

How does the intelligent sensor industry become bigger and stronger?

Zhengzhou City has introduced a series of documents in terms of industrial policy, funds, talents, and mechanisms. It is fully promoted to build a systematic policy system. In the past three years, the funds of enterprises are nearly 800 million yuan. The brand's influence is constantly overflowing. The conference's condensation and suggestions are being transformed into new measures for industrial innovation and development. The brand effect of "Zhengzhou seeing sensors and seeing Zhengzhou" has gradually emerged.

"In 2021, the core and related industries of the sensor in Zhengzhou were about 30 billion yuan, and more than 6,000 enterprises related to the industrial chain." Chen Hongmin said that the intelligent sensor industry in Zhengzhou showed the accelerated gathering situation and cultivated a leading domestic enterprise represented by Hanwei Technology. , Gathering a large number of backbone companies with strong competitiveness.

The reporter learned that Zhengzhou High -tech Zone has gathered 3011 sensors related companies, and has 4 smart sensor listed enterprises. The industrial scale has grown from 5 billion yuan to 15 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 45%. In the top ten parks in the 2020 sensor, Zhengzhou High -tech is ranked fifth and the first in the central region.

The Nobel Prize winner, the academician of the two houses, and the industry's big coffee will participate in the signing intention of exceeding 20 billion yuan

Zhengzhou has become an important part of the world's sensor industry, and intelligent sensors are becoming Zhengzhou's new city business card.

From August 21-23, the 2022 World Sensor Conference hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Science and Technology Association, and the Henan Provincial People's Government will start in Zhengzhou.

The heavy guests of this conference gathered. As of now, You Zheng, Jiang Zhuangde, Chen Xuedong, Fang Yu, Ye Shenghua, Wu Cheng, Zhang Xueji, Chen Xiaodong, Futian Minnan, Li Changming and other academicians; Chairman Raman, Vice Chairman of the German German Friendship Association Felix Kurz, and Professor Joseph King of the University of California, San Diego. At the same time, more than 100 sensor industry chain backbone enterprises will be invited to attend the meeting. At present, exhibitors are actively actively registering a total of 206 participating companies through the Digital Exhibition of the World Sensor Conference. Among them, the world's top 500 companies include Jiangsen, Amazon, Baidu Cloud, Siemens, Huawei, Ming Electric House, Mitsubishi, and other units. , National Sensor Innovation Center, etc.

In terms of production and sales docking, 12 online+offline production and sales pre -docking activities have been launched in advance. More than 200 manufacturers and application units in 18 prefectures and cities in Henan Province have participated, and organized the competent authorities of all provinces and cities and key industries to sort out market applications. need. At present, more than 60 production and sales docking projects have been reached, and the demand for market demand exceeds 2 billion yuan.

In order to promote the integration of the production meeting, the conference has arranged the establishment of an investment promotion group. At present, about 45 projects such as Heidelberg Flexible Sensor, Liangfeng Terrace AR Smart terminal Base, Aeglaide Automobile Sensing and Controller R & D and Production Base, and Unicom Group IoT Research Institute reached a signing intention, with a total amount exceeded 20 billion yuan.

The conference is about to kick off. Henan is setting up an innovative cooperation platform, international exchange platform and results display platform for the sensor industry to gather new momentum into the development of the sensor industry. Far -meaning global event.

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