Artificial intelligence writing is still in the auxiliary stage

Author:China Social Sciences Network Time:2022.08.11

In recent years, large language models developed by artificial intelligence have been able to write news, creative poetry, and editing scripts. At the same time, whether artificial intelligence can replace topics such as reporters and writers, it has also attracted widespread attention from scholars and formed two different views. Some researchers believe that in the future, artificial intelligence automatically generates texts to distinguish with the works that humans write. Other researchers believe that although the content of artificial intelligence automatically exists, humans have always played an irreplaceable role in shaping reading content. In order to deeply understand whether artificial intelligence and deep learning models can replace human writing, and what role the role of artificial intelligence in writing, this reporter interviewed relevant scholars.

Artificial intelligence automatically generates text, there are still defects

In September 2020, the British "Guardian" published an article written by an artificial intelligence language model of GPT-3, "The whole article was written by robots. Humans, are you scared? " In this regard, Atanu Biswas, a professor of statistics at the Institute of Statistics of India, believes that although artificial intelligence and deep learning language models have developed rapidly, human beings do not need to worry too much about the threat of artificial intelligence models to human beings. Essence As the article written by GPT-3, in the eyes of professional writers and reporters, artificial intelligence writing is "all related texts that can be found on the Internet, and the combination becomes a kind of content from millions of text clips". " Essence Although GPT-3 can create works of some specific writers, for example, it can write short stories similar to Jerome K. Jerome, but most of them read readers of this novel It is believed that the lack of depth of the novel is more like a stacking content of cutting and paste.

In March 2021, the official website of "Nature" magazine published an article to explore the rise and risk of artificial intelligence in language generation. The article mentioned that an excellent artificial intelligence model can write like humans, but it still lacks common sense in understanding how the world is in physical space and social space.

Terry Flew, a professor at the University of Sydney, Australia, told this reporter that the field of artificial intelligence and natural language processing is developing rapidly. As early as 2008, novels written by artificial intelligence models have been published in Russia. The first script written in South Korea by artificial intelligence model has also been released. The script is 560 pages and consists of 5 stories. In fact, it is completed by human later editors. Artificial intelligence writing articles still need a human editor to connect the content written with it with reality. Therefore, artificial intelligence writing can also be regarded as the latest practice of assisting human writing, and human authors can enhance their writing skills through this technology. At the same time, there are opaque artificial intelligence language models, which causes the maximum restrictions on writing skills.

The advantages of human beings in the field of writing are irreplaceable

Scholars at Oxford University and Yale University have cooperated to investigate whether artificial intelligence will surpass human beings. The 352 artificial intelligence fields surveyed in the field of artificial intelligence agreed that artificial intelligence and deep learning models can easily create quality dissertations. But it does not replace the subject character of human writing practice. As scholars say, it is not a new phenomenon to automatically generate content and publish on the Internet. During the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, the Washington Post rely on a simple report on the performance of the medal winners of the artificial intelligence model compilation. This process is to rely on simple specific algorithms to create texts that are easy to be understood by humans. But in the opinion of researchers, many reporters are worried that they will be unemployed. Because there are a lot of errors in articles based on artificial intelligence models, and artificial intelligence models cannot independently complete a high -quality work without human supervision. Even if the artificial intelligence model writes a simple articles similar to the company's income financial report, humans need to provide data sets first, and effectively complete the task under the guidance of human beings.

So how to achieve practical cooperation with human work with human work? Katja Grace, a researcher at the Human Future Research Institute of Oxford University, believes that the development trajectory of artificial intelligence models that can write artificial intelligence models is very clear. possible. This stems from human creativity and professionalism that artificial intelligence cannot be fully imitated. The more creative articles, the more difficult artificial intelligence is. Therefore, in the future, the two can be integrated to achieve reasonable division of labor. Artificial intelligence is responsible for the collection of daily data. Human beings are responsible for fine processing text based on this, and ultimately forming works that attract readers.

Feru also expressed a similar point of view. He believes that artificial intelligence is better than humans in data collection and generation, but cannot truly create texts with innovative, empathy, and humor. We can use the artificial intelligence model as the assistant of human writing, design and write the first draft of articles, and then modify and process it by humans. Of course, there is a huge gap between artificial intelligence and human writers in terms of creative art works and experience. The key skills of some human writers and artificial intelligence models cannot be realized at all, including creativity and flexibility. Although artificial intelligence can find the most matched theme in the network, it is impossible to replicate human creativity and flexibility. In particular, human writers can constantly adjust their writing style to adapt to different types of target readers. Human writers have profound ability to analyze. Good writers not only have text talents, but they also know how to effectively use text to convey their ideas and insights. Human writers can decompose complex topics into easy -to -understand languages ​​and provide readers with valuable information. Human writers also have strong investigation skills. In order to write good works, they will use various methods to collect information sources, conduct criticism, and finally present them in accurate and attractive ways. Do it. Therefore, even though artificial intelligence models will become more and more common, they will never completely replace the subjective function of human writers. Human beings should cooperate with artificial intelligence in a more suitable way

Although readers prefer to write art works by humans, what attitude of writers to artificial intelligence writing art works? In this regard, the research team of British Columbia University in Canada has conducted in -depth investigations to try to understand the expectations of artificial intelligence and the division of labor in human writers. Researchers interviewed 7 amateur writers and 13 professional writers. The interviewees expressed their hope that the development of artificial intelligence would not affect the personal value they gave in the writing process. These personal values ​​are emotional values ​​and productivity. However, after in -depth research, the researchers clearly found that the views of amateur writers and professional writers have different views on the development of artificial intelligence. Amateur writers believe that they are looking for fun in writing and treating writing as their "loving labor." In their opinion, if artificial intelligence models are more involved in the creative process of human beings, they will affect their writing significance. At the same time, they were also worried that after artificial intelligence participated in the creation, their ownership of the work changed. In contrast, for professional writers, writing has become a means of making a living. These writers hope that they can produce more works. They are open to the creation of artificial intelligence and are willing to allocate some of their work to artificial intelligence to complete. They believe that artificial intelligence can complete some simple writing tasks, and they can have more time to improve their style, modify their wording and proofreading. However, they have no confidence in artificial intelligence to complete creative writing tasks, such as planning narrative processes and setting the key character background in the story. Therefore, the cooperation between professional writers and artificial intelligence is limited to some scope, and it does not really rely on artificial intelligence to complete the entire work.

In Feru's view, artificial intelligence is currently only staying at the stage of helping humans to achieve subjective creation. In a short time, it will not become the new subject of creation. Even if there are some advantages in artificial intelligence, humans will play a leading role in terms of creation and reading. Humans should not be afraid of the development of science and technology, nor should it hinder the development of science and technology, but to effectively use the development of science and technology to create more convenient conditions for themselves. Writers can contact artificial intelligence more. The two can create more works that are deeply loved by readers in a more appropriate way.

Source: China Social Science Network-Journal of Social Sciences of China

Author: Zhao Qi

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