US layfling expert business is booming, US company CEO: We have never seen this phenomenon

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.12

American VICE World News Network on August 9th, original topic: The business of layoffs is booming, "I have never seen this phenomenon" at the beginning of this year, the business of US layman experts is still very deserted, as mostly in the past ten years Essence The number of layoffs in the United States has reached a new low in 52 years, and "resignation" has led to employment shortage. However, recently, the technology industry has begun to collapse, and companies have come to ask for help from layoffs. The US dollar rate hike closed the low -interest funds that have long supported startups for a long time, and technology companies that blindly pursued growth found that they needed to stop burning money and ensure that they could spend a downturn. For many companies, this means layoffs, and layoff experts have received a lot of consultation.

Data map source Visual China

"We have never seen this phenomenon," said Darren Kim Bol, CEO of Getfive, Employment Counseling and Talent Migraphic Service Provider, said: "Our business is indeed progressive." The company received Chuangchuang in July this year The number of consultations in the record also said that the early signs showed that "the business in August will be better than July", which is a nightmare for employees. Dan Davin Potter, co -founder of another similar company Ren Shida, said that the company also saw the "sharp" increase in help from the technology industry, especially the first -exposed "unicorn" technology startup.

Sometimes, startups rush to take layoffs. Onwards HR's chief executive officer Sarah Lomohauster received a call from a company during vacation, saying that it was only one and a half a week to prepare for layoffs.

After more than ten years of valuation rising and good time, the technology industry suddenly faced extremely severe reality. Norlan Chiqi, CEO of Consinuum, said: "Many founders still have not returned from shock." The company is "renting" experts with laid -off experience for the company.

Data from the layoff tracking website show that so far, nearly 90,000 technology employees in the world have been dismissed this year. According to the number of layoffs received, Qiuqi is expected to have doubled the number in the third quarter of this year.

Nowadays, the technology industry has a great demand for layoffs, so that some startups have begun to provide additional layoffs. When Church established Continuum in 2020, layoffs were not the primary business he considered. Like many founders in his generation, he also grew up in the "bull market" after the 2008 financial crisis. He said: "Because we have spent 15 years in the 'bull market', few people have practical layoffs." With so many companies seeking for layoffs from Continuum, the company decided to list the layoff business as the core business. Today, there is even a "layoff" label on its official website.

Davin Potter does not know where the US economy will go, nor does it know whether other industries will also seek layoffs. But he added: "There must be a large number of signs of the troubles that are coming."

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