Industry and academic deep integration service technology innovation Jianghan District carried out "science and technology services to help enterprise innovation and development" corporate activities

Author:Wuhan Science and Technology N Time:2022.08.18

On the afternoon of August 17th, hosted by Wuhan Science and Technology Association, organized by Jianghan District Science and Technology Association, Yuanbao Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., and co -organized by the Huazhong Blockchain Research Institute in Jianghan District Successfully held. Huang Limin, deputy chairman of the Jianghan District Science and Technology Association, Ai Liang, deputy director of the Jianghan Economic Development Zone Management Committee, and Wang Qing, a chief worker in the Central Institute of Huazhong Blockchain, attended the event.

This activity is one of the series of activities that promote the integration of industry and academia and serve enterprises in Wuhan University of Science and Technology. The purpose is to stimulate the innovation momentum and creative vitality of enterprises through this activity, focus on improving the level of development of the enterprise industry, and help the development of enterprises with scientific and technological innovation.

Dr. Wang Jiakui, an invited guest of invited guests, taught the topic of "Innovation of Business Model Innovation in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence". He proposed that with the development of artificial intelligence technology, many applications in our lives have brought them on to bring them on. The color of "AI" has a very wide application prospect for image recognition and processing. At this stage, both technical research and industrial applications have achieved fruitful results. If artificial intelligence technology wants to succeed, it needs to be integrated with industry applications. Only by solving the problems of traditional industries through artificial intelligence technology, we can get unexpected breakthroughs. The development of the Internet has changed people's lifestyle, and the integration of cloud computing and big data has become an inevitable development trend.

Professor Zhang Qianfan of the School of Management of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, invited guests, brought a lecture on the theme of "Digital Economy Empowerment Traditional Industry Transformation and Upgrade". "The new generation of information technology companies have accelerated to the development model of information production and information services to promote the industry's direction. Digital transformation, digital transformation is based on digital conversion, digital upgrades, further touched the company's core business, and a high -level transformation with a new business model. Only by systematically and thoroughly redefining its business, digital transformation will succeed. Industrial digitalization is the forefront of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change.

Two experts have a novel teaching content and are closely related to corporate reality needs.

After the meeting, the company's representatives interacted with experts, and questioned on -site questions to communicate with each other.

This "Jianghan Enterprise Bank" activity provides enterprises with a platform for industry exchanges, give full play to the role of expert team innovation and "strongest brain", create a good ecology of integration and results transformation of production, and through new results shared by experts shared by experts, new results shared by experts shared Help enterprises develop new ideas, discuss cracking new problems, and accelerate the high -quality development of enterprises.

Source: Wuhan Science and Technology News

Reporter: Ding Ying

Correspondent: Yu Wenting

Edit: Cai Jingwen

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