How to generate heavy elements and try to overthrow the gravity?

Author:Astronomy online Time:2022.08.20

How to fill the earth with gold and other precious metals in the collision of neutron stars

How to make life is possible, how can life be possible, can you overturn the general theory of relativity?

It also stifled some other ideas about gravity!

A group of heavy metals described by an artist, which surrounds the merged neutron stars. (Image source: NASA Goda Space flight center/CI laboratory)

Paul M. Sutter is a celestial physics scientist at the Flatiron Institute of the State Stone University of New York and The Flatronic Institute (The Flatronicon Institute), "Ask Astronaut The host of "ASK A Spaceman) and" Space Radio "and the author of" How to Die in Space ".

The universe is very good at hitting things together. All kinds of things will collide -stars, black holes, and ultra -high -density objects called neutron stars.

When the neutron star does this, the collision will release a large number of elements needed for life.

Let's explore how astronomers use the subtle ripples in the space -time structure to confirm the collision of the neutron stars to make life -as we know -it is possible.

In the history of the universe, almost everything has collided at a certain time, so astronomers have long believed that the neutron star -the ultra -high -density objects generated in the explosive death of the big star -will also collide together. But from about ten years ago, astronomers realized that the collision of neutron stars would be particularly interesting.

First, the collision of neutron stars ends with a flash. It will not be as bright as a typical supernova that occurs during the explosion of large stars. However, astronomers predict that the explosion caused by the collision of neutron stars will be about 1,000 times brighter than typical new stars, so they name them "Thousand New Stars" -This name has been in use so far.

As the name suggests, neutron stars are composed of many neutron. When you place a bouquet in a high -energy environment, they will start, transform, and divide, and perform various other crazy nuclear reactions.

Birth of elements

Because all neutrons are flying around and combining each other, and all the energy required for nuclear reactions, Qianxin Star has become the reason for a large number of heavy elements. These heavy elements include gold, silver, and 氙. Thousands of new stars and their close relatives together constitute the element cycle table, and produce all elements that make rock planets prepare to accommodate organisms.

In 2017, astronomers witnessed their first thousand new stars. This incident occurred at about 140 million light years from the earth. The original forestein was: a gravitational wave (or time and space ripple) of a specific model was out of the earth.

These gravitational waves were detected by laser interference gravitational wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo Observatory. The two observatory immediately informed the astronomical circles and said they saw obvious space -time ripples. A neutron star collided. Without two seconds, the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope detected a gamma ray-a short and bright gamma shining.

As astronomers from all over the world debug their telescopes, antennas and orbital observatorys in the Thousand Star Incidents, scan it at each wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum, and a while of scientific interests came. In total, about one -third of the astronomical circles worldwide participated in the work. This may be the most widely described astronomical incident in human history. In the first two months, more than 100 papers on the theme were published.

Thousands of new stars have long been predicted, but at the probability of each galaxy every 100,000 years, astronomers do not really expect to see one when they are so soon. (In contrast, the supernova will appear every decades in each galaxy.)

In addition, the addition of gravitational wave signals has given people unprecedented understanding of the incident itself. Between gravitational waves and traditional electromagnetic observations, at the moment of the merger of neutron stars, astronomers got a complete image.

This thousand new stars have produced pure solid precious metals worth more than 100 Earth, confirming that these explosions are excellent in manufacturing heavy elements.

In short, the gold in your jewelry was forged by the collision of two neutron stars. This collision occurred long ago.

Correct the death of gravity

But this is not the only reason for the observation of Thousand Stars. Albert Einstein's general relativity predicts that gravitational waves spread at the speed of light. However, astronomers have been working hard for the development and amendment of the general theory of relativity for a long time, and most of the expansion and amendments to the vast majority of them predict the different speeds of gravitational waves.

In that Thousand Star incident, the universe provided us with a perfect test place. Gravity wave signals and gamma ray signals from Qianchi Star arrived in each other within 1.7 seconds. But that traveled more than 140 million light years in gravitational wave signals and gamma ray storm signals. The earth is very close to each other. In order to reach the earth in such a long journey, gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves must be transmitted to one -million -dollar areas at the same speed.

At that time, the measurement was one billion times more accurate than any previous observation, so most of the amended gravity theory was eliminated.No wonder one -third of the world's astronomers think this is very interesting.

By: Paul Sutter


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