Haopin Shandong | Zibo, an ancient city of "rich" robots, and coffee for coffee.

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.08.27

In the intelligent robot factory area in Zuobo (Shandong), Lingzi Town, Zibo, Shandong, a smart robot device was born in this millennium ancient city like traveling through time and space.

Enter the computer program, and the complex multi -axis robotic arm begins to operate. Extracting, grinding, making milk, pulling flowers ... In just 75 seconds, a cup of fragrant coffee appeared in front of the visitors. This is the smart double -arm coffee robot to show the visitors its perfect coffee brewing level.

Intelligent both arms pulling coffee robot

"Smart arms pulling flower robots bring fire in Linzi intelligent manufacturing. In addition, there are massage robots and nucleic acid detection robots here." Han Yongguang, head of Smart Robot Company of Fun Bo (Shandong), said that for the development of the robot industry, the most important thing is the most important. It is a card neck parts such as magnetic coders and harmonic reducers that solve foreign monopoly.

It is understood that the smart factory of the core component of the collaborative robot has met the capacity of 50,000/year harmonic reducer, and will soon meet the capacity of 70,000 to 80,000 servo motors. Zuobo will further establish a smart factory in the collaborative robot industry chain.

Edit: Weekend

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