Embrace the new technology to create a big pattern -Hunan New Media Career Development Summary III

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.08.28

The changes and development of the media have always been with the tide of the times and advanced with technological innovation.

Each major progress in information technology has brought major changes in communication methods and media forms.

The mainstream media of Hunan conspired by the situation, acting in response to the situation, and taking advantage of the situation. Actively embrace new technologies on the road of media integration, continuously innovate methods, methods, and services, and has taken a road of new media development with Huxiang characteristics.

Use new technologies to create independent and controllable media platforms

In the splendid sun, it was born and moved. On August 15th, the 7th anniversary of the new Hunan client was launched.

From the date of launch 7 years ago, the Hunan Daily chose to follow the control path of independent and controllable technical support, and formed a technical research and development team of more than 100 people to solve the Huasheng online news website, New Hunan client, "New Hunan Nan Technical issues of cloud "platform.

The average monthly data request of the underlying system of the platform reaches 2.4 billion times, and the various network attacks exceed 20 million times each year ... In terms of security, the "7 × 24" hourly monitoring and defense of the Hunan Daily professional operation and maintenance technology team, even in In the international Internet disconnection, or third -party manufacturers stop providing technical support, the newspaper technology team can still ensure the platform's independent and normal operation, and the platform has not occurred in a network security accident so far.

On the afternoon of May 18th, Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV held a new ecological reward meeting with the theme of "anti -wind doubles" in Changsha. The two major engines of Hunan Radio and Television completely opened resources and clenched them.

Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV "Two -Wing Driven" have built a new type of communication platform with independent controllable and communication power. Mango Super Media with Mango TV as the core platform. In 2021, operating income was 15.356 billion yuan, and net profit was 2.114 billion yuan.

Given the key to platform competition lies in the characteristics of autonomous and controllable times, Red Net attaches great importance to technical capacity building. In 2017, based on the internal platform linkage management and collaborative needs, the Red Net advanced independently developed the "Red Net Cloud" platform to realize the technical driver under the reconstruction of editing process and content driven. In 2018, it promoted the county -level integration media center The mission of building and responsibility for provincial technology platforms has laid a solid foundation.

Establish a laboratory and explore the front -edge path of deep integration

The rapid development of the Internet era has brought profound changes to the media industry. Establishing a media laboratory has become an important platform for the industry to explore the media in the industry.

The "Media Integration Content Perception and Security Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory" jointly co -constructed by the Hunan Daily and the University of Defense Science and Technology University of Defense Science and Technology, which focuses on data, produce and holographic communications based on data of data emotional perception and content security, 5G technology -based cloud -based production, holographic communication, county level The provincial technology platform of Rong Media Center has three directions to carry out technical research, application demonstration and application practice.

The laboratory also cooperated with Academician Fang Binxing Hunan Workstation to create a content security perception and intelligent detection platform. Through the semantic analysis of different languages ​​and words, artificial intelligence technologies such as face recognition, image recognition, text recognition, and voice recognition are used. Content for intelligent identification and efficient screening.

In the "Singer · Dang of Dang" during the new crown pneumonia's epidemic in 2020, 500 mass auditors realized "cloud recording" with singers through remote collaboration, which was impressive. And this is one of the R & D results of 5G high -tech videos. In July of the same year, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University joined the laboratory to use digital medical technologies such as 5G and AR (Augmented Reality), MR (Hybrid Reality), to remotely guide Loudi First People's Hospital to successfully carry out the "tibial fracture intravascular fixation fixation fixation "Wait for two operations.

Facing the new stage of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan", the laboratory aims at the development of new businesses and new models and new models such as smart radio, television+political use, commercial, and civilian use, and explores the application of 5G vertical industry applications such as cultural, education, and entertainment, medical health, and industrial manufacturing. Reproduction and promotion of new content, new services, and new products of 5G high -tech video.

"Porsed into the news of the Yuan Dynasty and opened the new world." On August 4th, the Red Net's "Yuan Universe 54MA New Media Lab" was held in the Maguishan Mountains. The laboratory will use 5G, 4K, MR, AR and other technologies to further innovate and spread. It will collect high -quality content producers to create a high -quality content production center, user -generating content planning center, and artificial+smart video audit and other cloud platforms, cloud bases and cloud bases , Better serving the core narrative of media integration.

Strengthen competitiveness and do deep -service cross -border integration

The media of each era have special historical windows and different times. In the era of mobile Internet, new media and new features are becoming more and more.

In January this year, Hunan Daily signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Provincial Department of Education. Hunan Daily will give full play to the technical advantages and provide technical and talent support for the construction and operation of the "Hunan Education Release" client. The two sides will also carry out in -depth cooperation in scientific research, social services, cultural heritage and innovation.

The service users "penetrate into the blood and print into the bones", and accelerate the transition from one -way content producer to a new mainstream media group that provides a package of comprehensive services.

Relying on the "New Hunan Cloud" platform, Hunan Daily has provided technical and content support for 69 county -level meling media centers and more than 130 agencies, enterprises, parks, and colleges and universities in the province. Focusing on "News+Government Affairs+Business+Services", the Hunan Provincial Government Portal website, which is operating and maintenance of the newspaper, is ranked third in the provincial government website for two consecutive years in the national government website's new media evaluation organized by the General Office of the State Council. During the support of Hunan Radio and Television 5G Smart Radio, I learned about the demand of ethnic language and dialect content, dialect AI (artificial intelligence) in the ethnic region of the ethnic minority region, and established related project teams, developed dialect AI to broadcast dialect content, opened up the opening of the content of dialect, opened up A new path of protecting dialects and inheritance culture.

5G Smart Radio will continue to promote the transformation from functional business to innovative service -oriented, from digital, networked to intelligent development, maintain harmony and stability in the frontiers, meet the cultural life and comprehensive information needs of the people and border officers and soldiers in the border areas. Help culture.

The first "county -level online mass work department" jointly created by the Red Net and Changsha County has now become a demonstration sites for the "Education and Elementary School" determined by the Central Cyberspace Office and the Central Political and Legal Committee. Things, worries, and troubles are solved at the door of the door.

During the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, the Red Net will timely create a "Xiangnong Farmers" agricultural product marketing platform that helps the masses "sell difficult", and has opened a new journey of live broadcast and cargo. At present More than 57.34 million yuan, the association driving sales of over 2.03 billion yuan. (Wang Mingjun, all media reporter from Hunan Daily)

[Edit: Wang Yaobing]

[Source: Hunan Daily · New Hunan Client]

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