Huawei and 30,000 partners jointly launched the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival to help small and medium -sized enterprises digital transformation

Author:IT home Time:2022.08.28

SMEs are both the main body of the market and the main force of employment. As of the end of 2021, the number of SMEs has exceeded 99%of the number of companies across the country, and has contributed 80%of employment opportunities.

In order to help small and medium -sized enterprises' innovation and development, on August 28, Huawei and 30,000 ecological partners jointly launched the country's first digital -based 828 B2B Enterprise Festival. Theme, the purpose is to build a platform for small and medium -sized enterprises.

Lu Yong, senior vice president of Huawei and president of China Regional Ministry, said at the launching ceremony that to allow small and medium -sized enterprises to keep up with the pace of digital transformation and truly solve their problems, there are two most critical points: First, to let them want them There are better business opportunities. The second is to help them reduce costs and increase efficiency. This is the original intention of Huawei and ecological partners to build the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival.

"828 B2B Enterprise Festival is not only the communication and empowerment platform of the digital innovation and development of enterprises, but also the first festival belonging to the company's own. It also allows the majority of small and medium -sized enterprises to get more and better products and services. "Lu Yong said.

Tens of thousands of preferential products and 300 preferential policies to reduce the digital cost of enterprises

As an important support for expanding employment, improving people's livelihood, and stabilizing the economy, digital transformation has become a "compulsory course" in the process of moving towards high -quality development. However, most small and medium -sized enterprises are facing the dilemma of "dare not turn or turn", and are trapped in a series of problems such as capital, technology, and talents.

In response to the above problems, the festival will be based on the six values ​​of companies such as business opportunities, excellent products, technological innovation, brand enhancement, experience sharing, and talent development. Four major scenes such as going to the sea have launched actions.

During the festival, Huawei Cloud and Ecological Partners will provide more than 10,000 products and release more than 100 new products, covering multiple digital scenarios such as corporate office, financial management, security services, intelligent manufacturing, and data processing.

There are both excellent products and discounts. Taking Huawei Cloud as an example, more than 2,000 products and service number resources of Huawei terminal cloud services will be provided to enterprises with special discounts, subsidies, and discounts to reduce its digital disposable investment at one time investment at one time. cost.

In addition to providing product preferential subsidies, Huawei and partners also have ecological development funds and more than 300 preferential policies. Among them, special support packages are provided for specialized new, SMEs, corporate start -ups, and key scenarios of Chinese enterprises. Shangyun subsidy and so on.

80 cities, thousands

When it comes to the specific support for SMEs, Zhang Xiuzheng, vice president of Huawei China and president of Huawei Cloud China, said that the consumer Internet and the industrial Internet are essentially different. , But to the industrial Internet of TO B, it is very difficult to realize the commercial closed loop online. It must sink into the factory, plant, office, and operating scenarios. We must combine online and offline methods to serve the majority of enterprises.

Therefore, Huawei linkages 30,000 partners covering more than 300 cities and more than 2,000 districts and counties across the country. During the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival, more than 1,000 online and offline activities will be held in more than 80 cities across the country, focusing on focusing on The three series of activities of "Deeping Industry", "Specialty New" and "Entering Huawei".

At the same time, Huawei will also support local enterprises to achieve digital transformation based on the power of more than 150 empowerment cloud innovation centers across the country.

It is understood that the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival, which lasted from August 28th to September 28th, will set up four college questions: new product release week, business opportunity promotion week, technological innovation week, and experience sharing week.

Taking the technological innovation week as an example, Huawei Cloud will provide ecological development funds, a support plan for technical partners, and continuous investment in the field of solutions, developers, and continuous investment in the field of talent ecology to help developers and SMEs accelerate innovation Essence At the same time, the Enterprise Festival also advocates large -scale technology companies to open its own technological ecology, better form a technology innovation industry ecology, and meet the needs of customers in the field of innovation and digitalization.

The experience sharing week combined with experienced and resourceful enterprises, to teach experience through online+offline combination, and organize mutual visits between small and medium -sized enterprises to help companies better cope with digitalization. Complex practical questions.

30,000 partners gather sand into towers to promote high -quality development of enterprises

828 B2B Corporate Festival joint initiative is Zhongsoft International, Soft and Power, Weishi Jiajie, Shenzhou Digital, Tuowei Information, Saiye Information, Kingdee, UFIDA, and the co -organizers are Mingyuan Yun, Ou Dianyun, Black Lake Technology, Easy Fang Information, Huasheng Tiancheng, Beiming Software, Anchang Network, etc.

At the launching ceremony, the above -mentioned companies have stated that more preferential products and policies will be launched during the festival, and a series of specific measures will be launched to empower small and medium -sized small and medium -sized aspects from business opportunities, technology, funds, brands, management, and talents. Enterprises promote its digital development.

According to Chen Yuhong, chairman and CEO of the Board of Board of China Soft International, the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival is a festival that emerges. "We have the same consensus as Huawei and believe that vibrant small and medium -sized enterprises are an important guarantee for my country's economic toughness. Huawei is as responsible and obliged to use its advantages in IT services to help China's tens of millions of small and medium -sized enterprises on informatized express vehicles and empower enterprises to grow rapidly with digitalization. " The combination of the industry, empowering the industry upgrade and corporate capacity improvement. In terms of product construction, it will create products that truly solve problems with Huawei and ecological partners. I hope that all SMEs in China will become the beneficiary of the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival in the future. . "Li Xinyu, chairman of Tuowei Information.

Zhang Chengkang, chairman and CEO of Saiyi Information, also said, "The 828 B2B Enterprise Festival is just a starting point. In the future, Saiyi will continue to make more than 20 years of experience in the manufacturing industry for more than ten years. Software products and platforms, support the development of enterprises, especially SMEs, and help China's manufacturing industry better, stronger, and stronger development. "

"We call on more companies to participate and turn it into festivals and platforms for digital transformation of small and medium -sized enterprises. Gathering sand becomes tower and everyone picks firewood. We hope to gather everyone's strength and help more SMEs in the digital world. It has achieved good business in the 828 B2B Enterprise Festival and become a good company. "Lu Yong said.

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