Operating actual combat notes: How does the vertical niche industry lay out the "Little Red Book" operation?

Author:Everyone is a product manager Time:2022.08.30

Unlike Taobao and Pinduoduo's e -commerce platforms, the realization of Xiaohongshu's realization has surprised many people. In this article, the author shared with you how to lay up the operation of the small -sized niche industry in conjunction with his own experience. Interested friends come and take a look together, I hope to help you.

1. Previous

"The commercial value of Xiaohongshu is getting higher and higher."

"I didn't expect my small industry to realize so well in Xiaohongshu."

Recently, some friends in some niche industries talked to Mr. Orange a lot of the topic of Xiaohongshu, and they were all surprised by the realization of Xiaohongshu's realization.

Different from Taobao and Pinduoduo's e -commerce platforms, the high -quality traffic of Xiaohongshu seems to be no need for money. The simple distribution of sales and content teams actually attracted a lot of target users' private messages.

For the project of the Gaocke single industry, although it is a platform that has not invested a penny, it has become his third largest sales of single channels.

The market and brands of Xiaohongshu on the road of commercialization are obvious to the market and brand. High -quality massive users, excellent community operations and high -matching information algorithms have achieved the platform of Xiaohongshu.

In fact, Mr. Orange also wondered why some super -niche products can find a place on Xiaohongshu?

Mr. Orange has come into contact with two to B niche industries and has done a good job in Xiaohongshu. One is the SaaS software service industry, and the other is the stone industry (the strategic direction belongs to the Industrial Internet of Things).

Today's little red book seems to have no previous restrictions, what "Baoma's secret garden" and what "female users are the main"? The traffic has gradually changed to the public traffic, and this platform has higher commercial value. Regardless of the company's size, it seems to be able to find a place in Xiaohongshu.

In this article, Mr. Orange wants to talk about how the companies in the vertical niche industry should deploy the operation of Xiaohongshu.

2. Clarify the purpose of [Little Red Book]

Before the theme, we must first immerse in a business scenario: [Sales may enter Xiaohongshu earlier than operations].

Generally speaking, when companies in the above -mentioned field are not large, most of them are dominated by the sales department and assisted in operation.

The operating team is just the second step to build. The first step needs to consider whether the product and sales department can support the company. Sales personnel will pour various channels to dig out useful sales clues, and even when the operation department is established, they will enter the Xiaohong Book Platform first.

However, the sales staff is not a professional operator. They may be unplugged from some screenshots of external materials, and they will arrest some texts on the Xiaohongshu at will. Most of the notes are useless. Occasionally luck, some customers came to talk privately. It is feasible for some industries that have a high unit price and the need to follow up with sales consultants.

Channels can be realized in the verification of sales. However, the scattered scattered territory cannot become a scale, and it cannot become the core channel of a company.

In order to make Xiaohongshu a stable channel, you need to plan and coordinate the overall operating sector of Xiaohongshu in order to achieve better branding publicity and operational effects.

Based on this scene, Mr. Orange roughly sorted out the core purpose of the two types of operations [Little Red Book]:

Publicity purpose: Building brand, corporate image, and display of product capabilities; through traffic operation to achieve corresponding sales conversion; how to quickly build and test effects with limited resources has become the key to the operation layout.

Mr. Orange divides it into four stages: the research stage, integration stage, reserve stage, and formal operation stage. Let's look at the following and talk in detail.

3. Investigation stage: There are countless qi in my heart

"Observe your opponents, find their weaknesses, absorb their advantages, and fully defeat them."

Some vertical industries are not as fierce in the Red Sea industry as fast -moving products, and their competitors are not so many. And as mentioned in the previous chapter, most of them will not spend too much resources on the traffic platform, so the operating ability of competing products is uneven.

Therefore, this is also convenient for market personnel to quickly collect competing operation information. Let's look at the head of a form:

The operation plan is well -founded.

The operating team should clearly understand the [account matrix layout] and [each account operation rhythm] of the competitive brand in Xiaohongshu, and the corresponding advertising (SEO search optimization → landing page).

At this time, I believe that some markets and operations should have a strategy in their minds?

Well, let's implement the strategy to enter the second stage [integration phase].

Fourth, integration phase: firewood into a torch

1. Period focus: planning platform operation matrix

Looking back at the content of the chapter, the sales may first operate the small red book. However, there are many problems with this operation, and even their own personal accounts are used. Like a fireflies, [Order] is died when it is on, but it is difficult to form a torch.

Introduction Avatar is not uniformly published. The disorderly cover pictures are not fixed in the visual release of the visual release. I divide it into two categories:

Adjust and integrate the existing account, gather sand into towers, meet the requirements of the next stage of operation requirements to establish a new brand account, output brand culture and product capabilities, and support the platform's search optimization and landing page to the [Little Red Book Operation Project] On the top, it is a matrix plan for [Little Red Book]. Combined with existing resources, delete or add accounts to achieve the best results. Mr. Orange is used to dividing the small red book account matrix into two types, one is [core account], and the other is [sales account].

2. Core account: brand display

[Core account] is the brand account. The output is the brand conceptual content, the knowledge sharing of customer scenes, and the software and hardware product capabilities corresponding to the customer scene exposure. Weaken marketing attributes and display the brand's brand power and service capabilities to customers in the target industry.

If the company has the ability, the product and service sector can be used to do a number separately, product capacity updates/customer service can be displayed in this number. This account is estimated to not have a lot of traffic, it is mainly prepared to search for optimization.

3. Sales account: Sales tracking

[Sales account] divided into two types: [Scene account] and [Sales Personal Account]

If this type of account is not enough to operate the team, it can be replaced by the sales department. The operating department provides planning and materials, and the sales team is strictly adapted and published in accordance with the requirements.

Next, let's talk about [Scene account].

The customer scenario of the niche industry is limited. For example, some SaaS systems provide "target management+performance management" solutions, and some provide software and hardware solutions for 24H unmanned operations for offline stores. Or the industrial Internet of Things like the stone industry provides corresponding hardware products and product databases for waste suppliers and large -board manufacturers, and realize data scanning and uploading database uploads of stone plates with smart cutting machines.

[Scene account] It should be set for the needs of target customers. What industries of the target customer group of the product, how many scenario accounts do you classify (within the scope you can grasp). The output content is divided into two categories:

(1) Product category

Corresponding to the introduction, assembly, and operating content of customer needs scenarios and product power, the content of the hardware product (2) content operation category

Corresponding to the industry's dry goods content, it can be related to the operation of dry goods, industry introduction, start -up (industry) counseling of existing users' exchanges and interviews.

Such accounts are responsible for sales staff, and the content can be related to the work and product function display of product use scenarios. Try to adjust the copy and pictures as much as possible. Do not involve plagiarism. [Little Red Book] The platform will determine the repetition of the content on the platform. The platform will punish those plagiarism accounts and put them in [Little Black House].

However, how can sales staff make useful good content?

They are not operating.

This involves whether the [Media Content Library] is completed. This aspect is not expanded, please check the previous article. The second half of the buying volume: How does the advertising plan improve the effect?

After completing the construction of [Media Content Library] and reserving a certain amount of materials, the sales staff needs graphic content materials, and they can immediately be adapted from the [Graphic Media Library]; video data can be retrieved from the [Video Media Library].

This also facilitates the overall management of channel account content.

If there is no [media content library], the account content depends on the operation and supporting party "temporarily rubbing", not to mention how much time is. [Media Content Library] The compound improvement of organizational human effects and employee value has been achieved.

Fifth, the preparation phase: "training"+prepare

Key tasks in the preparation stage: [Preparation] and [Training].

Needless to say, the team should be adjusted and newly built [Brand Number] according to the planning of the [Integration Period]. The operating department should do a good job of opening an account in advance to prepare for information flow advertising.

Companies with demand, it is recommended to start testing the effect of advertising in Xiaohongshu after opening an account and closely connecting operations.

In addition, [Content Reserve] is also an extremely important link at this stage. The content is divided into two pieces: [Advertising material] [Notes content]

The preparation of advertising materials is mainly:

The content characteristics of the Creative Title of the Flowing Page of the Land -on Page Material Information Stream Package, different from other platforms, the operating department needs to establish the [Little Red Book Resource Library] alone. Provide content references for other operators, so that it can quickly adapt and improve the overall efficiency of cross -departmental collaboration.

Next, talk [Training].

Before the operation of the operation, there must be at least two personnel in the training department: the operation department and the sales department;

The training details are divided into the following content sections:

(1) Multi -department training

Xiaohongshu Operation Details Training and Operation Department Multiple Content Library Calling Skills Training Little Red Book Content Design Training Little Red Book Effect Data Statistics Training Sales Communication and Sales Docking Process (2) Operation Department Training

Xiaohongshu content operation training → copywriting and cover effect training (uniform visual/rich content) account operation training 6. formal operation stage

[Formal operation stage] I will not expand it, and then I have the opportunity to talk about it again. To be honest, the [content creativity] sector is not my strength.

Summary: The gun is carried, the arrow is on the string

Putting energy on the established transaction planning and implementing it carefully and firmly, there must be a response. Last year, I wrote a post, friends who are interested can take a look. To understand it, earning 100 million in January is the small target i placement strategy note: Xiaohongshu put thinking

Seven, Tail Chapter

Settled by Xiaohongshu, he couldn't hesitate.

Not all enterprises have a large budget to burn, and the expansion of new channels means the tilt of certain resources. If the business owner does not even calculate this, it will cause the operation of the operation/judgment to make a mistake, and I suggest that [keeping your own one acre and three -pointers] is also good, and people consume themselves.

It is believed that friends who have used the Xiaohongshu app know that the notes and covers of Xiaohongshu are different from other platforms and are social documents for high -quality users.

High -quality title, cover design and text content will attract more exposure. If the boss still uses the idea of ​​"content distribution and distribution" to look at Xiaohongshu, and it happens that the operator is also a passable person. cold.

Mr. Orange has more than once exposed to these executives from these traditional industries. They do not have a special concept of operations. They feel that the sales department can directly bring benefits to a good department.

Therefore, sometimes when you want to open a new operation channel, you can get one more person to grind and hesitate, let alone mention resources.

This article is also written for them, hoping to be confused.

Columnist Mr. Orange's work notes, public account: Mr. Orange's work notes, everyone is a product manager columnist. Talk about the fields of brands, operations, and marketing. No routine, never hiding privately.

The original published in this article is that everyone is a product manager.

The title map is from Unsplash, based on the CC0 protocol

The point of view of this article only represents the author himself, and everyone is the product manager platform that only provides information storage space services.

- END -

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