Wangyue talks 丨 Three angles talk about why Shandong scientific and technological innovation is the first to "go ahead, open a new bureau"

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.06.24

□ Li Zilu

Increasing innovation, the core and primary is scientific and technological innovation. The Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Conference held on June 22 proposed that Shandong's "walking in front, opening a new bureau", scientific and technological innovation must take the lead in "walking in front, opening a new bureau".

How to grasp the situation facing scientific and technological innovation? How to understand scientific and technological innovation, take the lead in "walking in front and opening a new bureau"? The following three angles are worth thinking and grasp.

From the perspective of the international general trend, opportunities and challenges coexist, and urgently need to seize opportunities and turn crisis.

In the final analysis, the competition of national strength is the competition of scientific and technological strength. The world has experienced a long -term change in a century. The global spread of the new crown pneumonia has brought a lot of uncertainty, and the competition for seizing the heights of science and technology has become increasingly fierce. Whether it can provide more high -level scientific and technological innovation supply, break through key core technology bottleneck restrictions, and truly realize the self -reliance of science and technology, which is related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the other hand, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial changes have made rapid progress. Basic research and cross -edge disciplines have continuously made major breakthroughs. The global industrial system and economic development mode have profoundly changed. There are more opportunities for "transforming the road". Therefore, we must not only see the severe challenges, but also the challenges contain rare opportunities. We must be good at capturing and creating opportunities from the crisis in front of you, the difficulties in front of you, and fighting the initiative of scientific and technological innovation.

From the perspective of the domestic situation, the self -standing angle of science and technology has sounded, and it needs to take the initiative to take the initiative.

my country's scientific and technological undertakings are undergoing major changes in historic, overallness, and pattern. It is manifested as the acceleration of major science and technology strategic resources, accelerating the formation of major innovation forces, and breaking through major technological innovation. 2. Accelerate the realization of the era of self -reliance and self -reliance. Whoever can seize the opportunity and seize the opportunity in the new round of scientific and technological innovation layout, can win the initiative and win the future. At present, all parts of the country are stepping up their actions and follow -up plans, and it is unprecedented with the high degree of importance to scientific and technological innovation, high investment, and deepening of reform.

Shandong occupies an important position in the national science and technology layout, and shoulders the important mission of technology self -reliance. Facing a new round of ups and downs of innovation and promoting innovation, only by moving and taking the trend, accelerating the shortcomings of scientific and technological innovation, and effectively improving the strength of scientific and technological innovation can our province's scientific and technological innovation take the lead in "walking ahead, opening a new bureau, "".

From the perspective of the "Shandong advantage", the foundation is solid and potential, and it is necessary to make strong long boards and key breakthroughs.

To do a good job of scientific and technological innovation, Shandong has good conditions and huge space potential, highlighting as "three more, three good": that is, there are many human resources, many market entities, "three more" and good location conditions, good industrial foundations, and good industrial foundations, and good industrial foundations, and good industrial foundations. Innovation momentum is good "three good". Especially in recent years, Shandong has accelerated the implementation of innovation -driven development strategies, accelerated the construction of high -energy innovation carriers, accelerated the emergence of high -level innovation results, accelerated the cultivation of high -quality innovation enterprises, accelerated the gathering of high -level innovation talents, and continued to improve regional innovation capabilities. The total number of high -tech enterprises exceeds 20,000, and there are more than 28,900 national technology -oriented SMEs, and the output value of high -tech industries above designated size accounts for 48.09%. The total talent resources of the province exceed 15 million. For 114, there are more than 1500 national leaders ... These have laid a solid foundation for us to do a good job of scientific and technological innovation at the new starting point.

The mission urges people to progress and achieve the future. All departments at all levels in the province must strengthen the sense of responsibility and sense of responsibility, and have a more firm and firm attitude, more pragmatic and powerful measures, and more innovative and effective methods. Scientific and technological innovation work has reached a higher level, and continuously injects stronger and lasting innovation driving for the construction of socialist modernization in the new era.

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